Intelligence and ambitious is subjective. Attractive is abotu vanity. Well traveled?

this is America, even if you got the money, you probably can't get off work long enough to be "well" travel. What is "own career" as a opposed to what? Someone else's career.
These all sounds like blankets people put over theirs heads to distract from the fact they may not be very kind people.
Those are all labels that don't speak to character, but, you're ability to acclimate to this crazy, selfish society.
And again, you can be all those things, that does not mean you "deserve" anything.
In your example; I'd tell my boy, a woman without a degree, who isn't "bad" and doesn't want much more than to help her fellow man and make enough to reasonable support herself isn't a bad person nor "below him."
That was a bit of hyperbole--this is thecoli--to illustrate the fact women turn men down at a regular rate.