China's Navy Has Seized An Unmanned U.S. Navy Vehicle From International Waters


May 19, 2012
Most Americans have supported wars - initially. Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War I (supported throughout), Afghanistan (still supported) and Iraq (until 2006/7 or so).
Seventy-Two Percent of Americans Support War Against Iraq
Americans aren't peaceniks.

I hate how fools on the Coli speak without providing evidence or thinking.

LOL Americans were lied to about Iraq breh you know nothing about history. Supposedly it was proof Saddam had NUCLEAR WEAPONS. When the public found out it was a hoax all hell broke loose. Bush is the reason Democrats won 2 straight times, that idiot buried the US in war and debt


Dec 22, 2014
3 of the worlds 5 largest companies are Chinese
:stopitslime:Miss the point completely breh. Those are state owned energy companies that nobody gives a shyt about. Where is their Apple, Microsoft, Toyota, Samsung etc.. that other nations are famous for?

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
LOL Americans were lied to about Iraq breh you know nothing about history. Supposedly it was proof Saddam had NUCLEAR WEAPONS. When the public found out it was a hoax all hell broke loose. Bush is the reason Democrats won 2 straight times, that idiot buried the US in war and debt

I refuted your claim that Americans don't support war with direct evidence. It doesn't matter if the public was deceived. They still supported it even though a multitude of people, organizations and nations told them it was a lie. Americans overwhelmingly supported the Invasion of Iraq, along with other wars.

You can deflect all you want. You bore me.

African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
Exactly a lot of people tend to look at the world only from the eyes of the USA....But no we aren't the only people on the planet....we aren't even the best at anything In particular...We do spend more on our military than a good percentage of the world :russ:

Why do chinese do everything to send their kids to US universities ?

Chinese are now the first group of immigrants arriving in the US each year.

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
The Taiwan phone call and now this

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Obama is such a bytch. China knows that fakkit won't do shyt. He's been bullied by everyone and just smiles

You act like Obama didn't shut down Iran's nuclear reactors, destroy Ghaddafi, go straight into Pakistan to take out bin Laden, assassinate people with drones in any sovereign country he wanted, and put the severe hurt on Russia's economy while embarrassing them multiple times internationally.

I'm not even saying that any of those things are good things, but pretending like Obama hasn't been tough on the international stage is ridiculous. And he's respected far more than Bush everywhere except Russia.

They are testing the President before he leaves office. One last time...

What's the point of testing someone with a month left?

If the office plays any part in it at all, it's more likely that they think they can get away with this because the USA doesn't want to start a huge conflict that overlaps the transition.

It would've been more strategic to do this as soon as Trump is inaugurated. Washington is tearing itself apart over Russia. This move during the Obama admin could unite both Trumpkins and Obamabots.

I think they could be hoping that Obama stays his hand because it's too tough to maintain consistent policy over the transition. But it's also possible they're just being opportunistic and the transition is irrelevant.

Which part of we are deeply in debt to China so they hold all of the cards is flying over your head?

I was going to son you on this, but like 5 people already did it for me.

A few facts:

1 - Most of America's debt is owned by the American people
2 - Japan overtook China as the top foreign holder of American debt
3 - China can't relinquish that debt without destroying its own economy (and the world's too). Doing that would cause massive civil unrest in China.


Example of an appropriate sonning..

:yeshrug:Sometimes you have to go to war, because others make it impossible not to do so. Russia and China have been stepping past the line for years.(I know, I've worked for the military) Putin is a dude that wouldn't mind trying to take over the world, and he has China as something of an ally. Eventually (and I mean probably soon) it's going down. The fight over control of natural resources is a big part...

But what's the war? USA isn't going to fight on Russian/Chinese soil. Neither of them are going to fight anywhere else.

I think we're just in for a new Cold War, and it will mostly be dealt over cyberwar, trade interference, and terrorist funding. There aren't even meaningful client states like Korea/Vietnam/Afghanistan/etc. for them to be fighting in, unless you count Syria and that's really minor in terms of the actual impact on Russians and Americans.

I'm going to be surprised if actual battlefield involvement goes past the kind of thing we're seeing in Syria. It just doesn't fit any interests on either side.

Nah, it just shows that the Chinese navy is more sophisticated that most analysts think it's. Japanese and Korean navy ruled Asia for a long time - the Chinese are coming.

There ain't no sophistication in this.


Putin don't take shyt
He still out here doing what he wants with his power & military
You think he gives af about Obama?:dahellgucci:
Obama has made the US look weak in the eyes of world leaders

Putin's the one that has an economy in shambles, had to give Chechnya over to a warlord, is engaged in a shambling war in Ukraine, got embarrassed by his supporters shooting down a passenger plane and then having to lie his ass off about it with no one believing him, got embarrassed by having his whole Olympic delegation sent home because he tried to cheat, and only holds onto power by reflexively killing every person who poses a threat while the entire political system teeters around him.

He isn't doing "what he wants", he's doing the only moves he feel he can to maintain power within the tiny sphere of influence that Russia has.

And look at a map, look at where Russia has power and influence and military bases and look at where America does. Outside their own land, Russia's sphere of power is tiny.

So who in here actually knows what they're talking about? And isn't just acting like they know what they're talking just from random books they've read and YouTube?

To tell you the truth, other than people here who have worked with Top Secret documents in State, "random books they've read" and a careful read of current events from multiple sources are as likely to lead one to the truth on these topics as anything else. And hell, even the top secret stuff is often off-track as hell due to partisan bias and ideological group-think. Some books are better than others, but don't go ripping on books...what do you think is superior? College classes? Study abroad? Having Russian friends? Working for the government?

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
To tell you the truth, other than people here who have worked with Top Secret documents in State, "random books they've read" and a careful read of current events from multiple sources are as likely to lead one to the truth on these topics as anything else. And hell, even the top secret stuff is often off-track as hell due to partisan bias and ideological group-think. Some books are better than others, but don't go ripping on books...what do you think is superior? College classes? Study abroad? Having Russian friends? Working for the government?

Yup. A lot of the people running the US over the coming years are going to do a lot of stupid things vis-a-vis the Arab World because of their ignorance. After the Iraq War, it should be extremely clear that America's elites don't know how the world works. And the ones who do (like Henry Kissinger) are either dead/dying or Machiavellian.



May 17, 2013
3 of the worlds 5 largest companies are Chinese
Americans are so ignorant, he literally said "name a chinese company making noise" :dead:

He should take a look at some of the big chinese companies that have taken over massive U.S corporations. Do you lot not read business journals? Some of your favorite companies are foreign owned and have been since 08. :dead:

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
So who in here actually knows what they're talking about? And isn't just acting like they know what they're talking just from random books they've read and YouTube?

I just wrote a 12 page paper for Economics on The China/U.S.A. situation and why Trump can't make america great again without going through china and possibly starting a world war but a nikka from Canada told me I didn't know what I was talking about so yeah :yeshrug: The in a nutshell. Same place that told me the president should denounce the justice systems credibility :mjlol:

As far as the unmanned navy vehicle,just a fancy way of saying drone. Taking it out of international waters is the issue but is most likely a lie anyway.Trump's reckless behavior has all world powers on edge except for Russia and China's military does it's own thing and all the U.S is going to do is take it and ask for the drone back nicely and hope China decides to give it back and no do the U.S. like Deebo did Red for his chain. Ask yourself why would the country with the worlds biggest military let China son them repeatedly on military situations and treat them like they owe them money? Because we do owe them money. Don't take my word for it though,I don't know what I'm talking about. :francis:

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
I just wrote a 12 page paper for Economics on The China/U.S.A. situation and why Trump can't make america great again without going through china and possibly starting a world war but a nikka from Canada told me I didn't know what I was talking about so yeah :yeshrug: The in a nutshell. Same place that told me the president should denounce the justice systems credibility :mjlol:

As far as the unmanned navy vehicle,just a fancy way of saying drone. Taking it out of international waters is the issue but is most likely a lie anyway.Trump's reckless behavior has all world powers on edge except for Russia and China's military does it's own thing and all the U.S is going to do is take it and ask for the drone back nicely and hope China decides to give it back and no do the U.S. like Deebo did Red for his chain. Ask yourself why would the country with the worlds biggest military let China son them repeatedly on military situations and treat them like they owe them money? Because we do owe them money. Don't take my word for it though,I don't know what I'm talking about. :francis:

A whole 12 pages? Goodness! How ever did you finish such a lengthy project?

Sauce Dab

Feb 28, 2015
You act like Obama didn't shut down Iran's nuclear reactors, destroy Ghaddafi, go straight into Pakistan to take out bin Laden, assassinate people with drones in any sovereign country he wanted, and put the severe hurt on Russia's economy while embarrassing them multiple times internationally.

I'm not even saying that any of those things are good things, but pretending like Obama hasn't been tough on the international stage is ridiculous. And he's respected far more than Bush everywhere except Russia.

What's the point of testing someone with a month left?

If the office plays any part in it at all, it's more likely that they think they can get away with this because the USA doesn't want to start a huge conflict that overlaps the transition.

I think they could be hoping that Obama stays his hand because it's too tough to maintain consistent policy over the transition. But it's also possible they're just being opportunistic and the transition is irrelevant.

I was going to son you on this, but like 5 people already did it for me.

Example of an appropriate sonning..

But what's the war? USA isn't going to fight on Russian/Chinese soil. Neither of them are going to fight anywhere else.

I think we're just in for a new Cold War, and it will mostly be dealt over cyberwar, trade interference, and terrorist funding. There aren't even meaningful client states like Korea/Vietnam/Afghanistan/etc. for them to be fighting in, unless you count Syria and that's really minor in terms of the actual impact on Russians and Americans.

I'm going to be surprised if actual battlefield involvement goes past the kind of thing we're seeing in Syria. It just doesn't fit any interests on either side.

There ain't no sophistication in this.

Putin's the one that has an economy in shambles, had to give Chechnya over to a warlord, is engaged in a shambling war in Ukraine, got embarrassed by his supporters shooting down a passenger plane and then having to lie his ass off about it with no one believing him, got embarrassed by having his whole Olympic delegation sent home because he tried to cheat, and only holds onto power by reflexively killing every person who poses a threat while the entire political system teeters around him.

He isn't doing "what he wants", he's doing the only moves he feel he can to maintain power within the tiny sphere of influence that Russia has.

And look at a map, look at where Russia has power and influence and military bases and look at where America does. Outside their own land, Russia's sphere of power is tiny.

To tell you the truth, other than people here who have worked with Top Secret documents in State, "random books they've read" and a careful read of current events from multiple sources are as likely to lead one to the truth on these topics as anything else. And hell, even the top secret stuff is often off-track as hell due to partisan bias and ideological group-think. Some books are better than others, but don't go ripping on books...what do you think is superior? College classes? Study abroad? Having Russian friends? Working for the government?
So nobody knows what they're talking about or doing. Even professionals?

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
:yeshrug:Sometimes you have to go to war, because others make it impossible not to do so. Russia and China have been stepping past the line for years.(I know, I've worked for the military) Putin is a dude that wouldn't mind trying to take over the world, and he has China as something of an ally. Eventually (and I mean probably soon) it's going down. The fight over control of natural resources is a big part...

But all of it is a means to an end. The United States has been falling back to the pack. Even though it's still big, power has been shifting back over to Europe for a while now. The European Union, which is pretty much the United States of Europe, has a larger economy combined than the U.S. right now. The U.S. still spends more money on military defense than any other country, but that's because it's pretty much the U.S., Israel, and a few other allies against the world at this point.

World War 3 is going to happen, and it will be worse than both World War 1 & 2 combined because of the invention and development of nuclear weapons. The end of World War 2 was just a glimpse at what's going to happen in the next World War. All it takes is one greedy, self-obsessed, power hungry individual to cross a line and then 1/3 of the United States and the World is destroyed by atomic weaponry. Because once that first rocket gets launched and everybody realizes what it is, then more will follow. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster took place over 30 years ago, and they just completed a 100 year protective shelter over the site because of it being so destroyed by nuclear material, making it uninhabitable. That's the power and destruction of nuclear material. Nuclear weapons kill on contact (explosion,fire) and over time (radiation poisoning, cancer).

In the end, it's all about whether you're ready to go or not, because it can happen at any time at this point.

And people like @Ronnie Lott said that Nuclear weapons ain't gonna be used in a Trump administration. :martin:

Well, when them nukes come in, the planet is doomed. Running away from America isn't gonna do good with protecting from nuclear radiation.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
When i told nikkas on here that WW3 might be coming they called me a fear monger

B b bu but black folks are made for this. We survived slavery, Jim Crow, and Crack, we got it in the bag. No nuclear war gonna slow us down :troll: