China's Navy Has Seized An Unmanned U.S. Navy Vehicle From International Waters

May 15, 2012
Not really, specialization of trade benefits the US, it allows us to have a higher standard of living for lower price.
On top of that, due to the rapid modernization of chinese work force and their own internal rise of standard of living because of their increased income, ability to import as well as self produce, manufacturing is slowing down in china and moving to other nations like Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, and places looking towards nations in Africa. So to call the US a dope fiend is a poor analogy iMHO.

America's standard of living as been declining and will continue to do so

the middle class is not coming back

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Call me a fool because you can't form an answer

typical dumb ass american, oh I can't tell you why you're wrong so I will just call you a fool

post another c00n ass jordan picture for you reply because you lack intelligence, ambition, and foresight

I'm not American. If you were knowledgeable, you'd know that Ontario is not an American state. :russ:


Dec 2, 2015
America's standard of living as been declining and will continue to do so

the middle class is not coming back
Hard to say standard of living is declining when health metrics and living standards are still rising.
Middle Class is being aattacked on both ends, that said, only reason things aren't as bad as they could be with the decrease in real wages, measured against gold dollar, is because the rapid decrease in goods thanks to trade falling further than the value of the dollar.

That said middle class can easily come back with economic changes from US government in stoping the government regulation that kills US business, hurt US consumers, workers, and actively seeks to roll back our quality of life.


Jun 28, 2012
China can support N. Korea and Russia all it wants. It has nothing to do with the US.
China has a right to try to act in its own interest and work out deals with its neighbors to use said resources, just like the US does.

That said the US has no defensive claim to being in the area period. The very nature of the US military being in South China sea is an aggressive action against China, chinese allies in the area. Trump can support Taiwan all he wants, US still has no claim of lbeing in the area on non-aggressive grounds.

Russia is responding to the US's repeated attempts to increase the scope of NATO in eastern europe, something it pledged to Russia it would not do when the Soviet union failed, but that it has actively been engaging in since the fall. We recently saw the US back a government coup of an elected president friendly to Russia, yet you try to claim that Russia is the aggressor when you have the US with a fleet in the Baltic running manueavers.

Nah, war isn't an inevitability, but if we have folks like yourself and like Obama and Bush 2nd in office a war will come and there will be no greater blame than the US politicians and US populace that actively supports US global imperialism abroad.

And the U.S. IS defending the interests of it's allies. Free trade through the South China Sea affects the U.S. So what's the problem? It's equal on both sides. Your anger at the U.S. is showing...

If you just don't like the U.S., well if you live here, move....Find another country to settle in. Many people do it.

I and many other black people I know have no intention of moving.
May 15, 2012
Hard to say standard of living is declining when health metrics and living standards are still rising.
Middle Class is being aattacked on both ends, that said, only reason things aren't as bad as they could be with the decrease in real wages, measured against gold dollar, is because the rapid decrease in goods thanks to trade falling further than the value of the dollar.

That said middle class can easily come back with economic changes from US government in stoping the government regulation that kills US business, hurt US consumers, workers, and actively seeks to roll back our quality of life.

lmao, wait until people who are in their 30's now are in their 60's still working

past generations saved for retirement it's not happening now because they can't


Dec 2, 2015
And the U.S. IS defending the interests of it's allies. Free trade through the South China Sea affects the U.S. So what's the problem? It's equal on both sides. Your anger at the U.S. is showing...

If you just don't like the U.S., well if you live here, move....Find another country to settle in. Many people do it.

I and many other black people I know have no intention of moving.

No the US isn't defending anyone when it goes out of its way to create conflict in the region. Its actually causing danger for its allies, wasting money that is supposed to be used specifically for the defense of this nation and inhabitants.

Free trade has nothing to do with why the US has military vessels in South China Sea, what you want to ignore is that evven when Bush 2 was in office, Colin Powell himself said US warhawks were trying to create a conflict with China by getting Taiwanese to to to declare independence and push China into a military action so the US could respond with cover.

That said there is no equivalence. South China Sea doesn't need US warships for any security reasons and thus there shouldn't be any US military presence there at all. Yes my anger at the US is showing, because I'm disgusted by the war mongering actions of this nation and its military.

Look at you with the love it or leave it line, LOL. How do you respond to that when white folks tell you to stop complaining about the US treatements of blacks and go to Africa? So mentally enslaved that you can't even think properly and use a logical reply to the clear aggressive actions of the US imperial state.

As for moving, never told you to go anywhere, so your last sentence makes no sense and really shows there is no substance to your argument or rebuttal, just poor attemps at deflection.


Dec 2, 2015
lmao, wait until people who are in their 30's now are in their 60's still working
past generations saved for retirement it's not happening now because they can't
What does that have to do with anything i said? Nothing, of course the gains of lower cost of living will evaporate and people in the US will face the full impact of a devalued dollar, lost earnings due to overregulation, and debt based consumption. That doesn't change anything about what I've said before about the benefit of trade and how trade has allowed the US to be able to have higher standards of living while real earnings have descresed for the average household.

Past generations did save pre SS for retirement or relied on familes who the seniors would live with for support later on. That will happen for those who know how to save and invest outside SS (which is going to fail) those foolish enough to believe that the US will back those pledges wll be hurt, but again, thats something completely different that what we were talking about, which was the benefit of trade and how it reduced the cost of living while pushing prices low that the standard of living actually increased while real wages decreased


Jun 28, 2012
No the US isn't defending anyone when it goes out of its way to create conflict in the region. Its actually causing danger for its allies, wasting money that is supposed to be used specifically for the defense of this nation and inhabitants.

Free trade has nothing to do with why the US has military vessels in South China Sea, what you want to ignore is that evven when Bush 2 was in office, Colin Powell himself said US warhawks were trying to create a conflict with China by getting Taiwanese to to to declare independence and push China into a military action so the US could respond with cover.

That said there is no equivalence. South China Sea doesn't need US warships for any security reasons and thus there shouldn't be any US military presence there at all. Yes my anger at the US is showing, because I'm disgusted by the war mongering actions of this nation and its military.

Look at you with the love it or leave it line, LOL. How do you respond to that when white folks tell you to stop complaining about the US treatements of blacks and go to Africa? So mentally enslaved that you can't even think properly and use a logical reply to the clear aggressive actions of the US imperial state.

As for moving, never told you to go anywhere, so your last sentence makes no sense and really shows there is no substance to your argument or rebuttal, just poor attemps at deflection.

Ok breh......I don't argue online with people I don't know. So the time for this conversation has come to an end. Obviously we'll agree to disagree.