China's Navy Has Seized An Unmanned U.S. Navy Vehicle From International Waters

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
So nobody knows what they're talking about or doing. Even professionals?

Did I say no one knows what they are talking about? :stopitslime:

Obama perfectly predicted what could happen with the invasion of Iraq, and he was just a state senator from Illinois. I said something similar and I'm a nobody with a brain and a computer. But the "professionals" were way off.

Yet Obama himself screwed up Libya with other people knowing it was a mistake. And Syria as well.

A fringe economist named Silvio Gesell perfectly predicted Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and the start of WW2 back in 1918. But the people in power weren't listening.

There are people who know what they're talking about. I'm just saying that if you're awoke and intelligent and you read the right books, on many issues you're as likely to be one of them as a lot of these professionals and professors. Not saying not to listen to experts, but not to presume you know where all the most relevant experts are.


Sep 29, 2015
Not really, specialization of trade benefits the US, it allows us to have a higher standard of living for lower price.
On top of that, due to the rapid modernization of chinese work force and their own internal rise of standard of living because of their increased income, ability to import as well as self produce, manufacturing is slowing down in china and moving to other nations like Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, and places looking towards nations in Africa. So to call the US a dope fiend is a poor analogy iMHO.
No it doesn't lol. How do you think trade deficits are financed? By selling assets and going into debt. America's higher standard of living is due to credit and is a mirage that is collapsing. China is import substituting western tech for their own and keeping that manufacturing in house. They don't care about sweatshop clothes manufacturing anymore.


HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
Get military equipment repossessed brehs :mjlol:

They'll give it back tho

Yeah but please realize CHINA snatched that shyt just to show America who really is bossed up :win:

And America cant do shyt about it.....

Cause like Pac said You wanna go to war?

You gotta get your money right....

And america money is far from lookin right with 30 cents of every dollar going in circulation finding its way into the Chinese economy

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
:yeshrug:Sometimes you have to go to war, because others make it impossible not to do so. Russia and China have been stepping past the line for years.(I know, I've worked for the military) Putin is a dude that wouldn't mind trying to take over the world, and he has China as something of an ally. Eventually (and I mean probably soon) it's going down. The fight over control of natural resources is a big part...

But all of it is a means to an end. The United States has been falling back to the pack. Even though it's still big, power has been shifting back over to Europe for a while now. The European Union, which is pretty much the United States of Europe, has a larger economy combined than the U.S. right now. The U.S. still spends more money on military defense than any other country, but that's because it's pretty much the U.S., Israel, and a few other allies against the world at this point.

World War 3 is going to happen, and it will be worse than both World War 1 & 2 combined because of the invention and development of nuclear weapons. The end of World War 2 was just a glimpse at what's going to happen in the next World War. All it takes is one greedy, self-obsessed, power hungry individual to cross a line and then 1/3 of the United States and the World is destroyed by atomic weaponry. Because once that first rocket gets launched and everybody realizes what it is, then more will follow. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster took place over 30 years ago, and they just completed a 100 year protective shelter over the site because of it being so destroyed by nuclear material, making it uninhabitable. That's the power and destruction of nuclear material. Nuclear weapons kill on contact (explosion,fire) and over time (radiation poisoning, cancer).

In the end, it's all about whether you're ready to go or not, because it can happen at any time at this point.

Gonna be a bit more than 1/3rd of the usa being glassed. Try damn near all of it with a 90% die off in the first year :pachaha:


Dec 2, 2015
No it doesn't lol. How do you think trade deficits are financed? By selling assets and going into debt. America's higher standard of living is due to credit and is a mirage that is collapsing. China is import substituting western tech for their own and keeping that manufacturing in house. They don't care about sweatshop clothes manufacturing anymore.
Yeah it does actually.
Trade deficit has nothing to do with finance, just means imports are greater than exports, that said its easy to have when imports are vastly cheaper than than current goods on the market even with tariffs. As for selling assets or using debt, that is on the individual, not a national level, and individuals have the right to take the financial strategy they deem is THEIR best interst.

America's higher standard of living isn't due to credit, credit helps hide the decline of real wages and the depreciating dollar, but the lower cost of goods due to specialization of production and international trade has allowed Americans to get by on less money, which has hidden the decline of real wages and the depreciating dollar. You are conflatign two different actions.

China can import all it wants, eventually they'll need to find people to manufacturer to, they'll need to trade, they need to finance their own debt, just like everyone else and they'll find themselves at a cross road. Long term good for them is they don't control the world currency, like the US does, so they are forced to be economically responsible, unlike the US.

No one in developing worls care about sweatshops negatively, they are beneficial for the populace, its only 1st world liberals that actively campaign to close down these economic improving avenues for those in less developed nations, and as reports show this often leads to kids and women having to smuggle/deal drugs, turn to prostitution, or crime.
Feb 3, 2015
Pretty sure everyone loves the iphone (not sure why it's over priced internationally), the chinese have a phone called Xiaomi, I learned about it on Marquees Brown's youtube, and that bad boy is BETTER and CHEAPER than the iphone. Those specs are crazy, it's getting heaps of orders in India, Nigeria, Norway, Aus. But yeah, americans are delusional and think the world is still unilateral. Unfortunately they dont know that after the Bush era we had to start looking for other viable options and realising the U.S will no longer be what it was. The plans are not only there, they've been in motion, but your media won't tell you that....

Most Americans think the world revolves around America ( and this is coming from someone born in the US )
Jul 13, 2015

why dont trump just admit "i didnt know the policy existed bc i never cared enough to learn. now that i know, i just dont care." I would respect that over pretending you playing chess and shyt fake ass nikkas with a fake asss president elect socialist communist :francis: