China threatens American government over proposed Taiwan visit in August (Nancy Feet is now on Land) China upset:Firing Ballistic Missiles

69 others

May 2, 2012
Like it or not at some point Taiwan will reunite with China. They are family and as china gets wealthier they'll only draw closer. You already have wealthy Taiwanese who run businesses in china calling for this.
The west will play all types of games but they know this is the outcome


May 1, 2012
Like it or not at some point Taiwan will reunite with China. They are family and as china gets wealthier they'll only draw closer. You already have wealthy Taiwanese who run businesses in china calling for this.
The west will play all types of games but they know this is the outcome

Taiwanese themselves don't want it which is why this is even an issue. There are obviously those who want a reunification with China but the majority of Taiwanese like their democracy and don't want to forcibly join together with China. It's why the Taiwanese have been building their military and buying American hardware. If you people actually researched this topic instead of giving half assed opinions you would know this.

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
Like it or not at some point Taiwan will reunite with China. They are family and as china gets wealthier they'll only draw closer. You already have wealthy Taiwanese who run businesses in china calling for this.
The west will play all types of games but they know this is the outcome
Taiwan already has one of the highest standards of living in the world.

China has a GDP per capita of $18,200 as of 2018, while in Taiwan, the GDP per capita is $50,500 as of 2017.

Especially not China’s fake worth

What y’all who never been to Asia don’t understand is don’t nobody but North Korea fukk with China lmao.

“they are family”:skip:


All Star
Nov 9, 2017
Chinese speaking with their chest, they literally said America would be playing with fire. Wow. :wow: They aint shy no more.


Solo Dolo
Jan 17, 2013
I'm 37 in human years
  • Got Crohn's disease
  • A koala
  • Too short to wear military arms
  • Got four thumbs to hold a gun
  • Hold your own leaves :banderas:

Sounds like to me you have two feet and two arms and you can carry heavy shyt.. Radio operator it is… they will provide some ibuprofen for that disease you have. :ohlawd:


Screwed up... till tha casket drops!!
Aug 5, 2012
The Bronx ➡️ New England
Nancy Pelosi to Visit Taiwan Despite Warnings From China
U.S. House speaker plans meetings with Taipei officials, raising prospect of increased tensions with Beijing
By Joyu Wang in Taipei and Wenxin Fan in Hong Kong
Updated Aug. 1, 2022 11:20 am ET

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is planning to visit Taiwan, with meetings scheduled with government officials on the self-ruled island that China claims as its own, according to a person familiar with the matter, raising the prospect of increased tensions between the U.S. and China.

People whom Mrs. Pelosi is planning to meet with in Taiwan have been informed of her imminent arrival, this person said, though some details remain in flux. Some of Mrs. Pelosi’s meetings have been scheduled for Tuesday evening, but most are set for Wednesday, the person said, adding that they include, but aren’t limited to, Taiwanese government officials.

“She’s definitely coming,” the person said. “The only variable is whether she spends the night in Taipei.”

The trip is almost certain to anger Beijing, which has warned against a Taiwan visit by Mrs. Pelosi and threatened unspecified countermeasures should the visit take place, while the White House has urged calm.

Mrs. Pelosi arrived in Singapore on Monday to begin her closely watched Asia tour as China, marking the anniversary of the founding of its military, staged exercises near the island.

On Monday, Mrs. Pelosi and four other Democratic members of Congress met with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who hailed the importance of stable U.S.-China relations for regional peace and security, according to a statement by Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mrs. Pelosi then appeared at a closed-door reception with the American business community. Mrs. Pelosi didn’t respond to questions outside the venue.

The delegation’s trip includes high-level meetings in Malaysia, Japan and South Korea, according to a statement issued by Mrs. Pelosi’s office on Sunday. The announcement didn’t mention Taiwan.

Even so, China’s Foreign Ministry on Monday repeated earlier threats warning Mrs. Pelosi against stopping over in Taiwan.

Spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular daily briefing that China’s military, the People’s Liberation Army, “will not sit idly by” if Mrs. Pelosi were to make the visit. He didn’t elaborate on what actions China might take.

In a phone call last week between the Chinese and American leaders, Xi Jinping told President Biden that China would safeguard national sovereignty, describing it as “the unbending will of 1.4 billion Chinese people.” “Those who play with fire will perish by it,” Mr. Zhao said last week in his readout of the phone call.

Mr. Biden, for his part, told the Chinese leader that U.S. policy on Taiwan hasn’t changed and that Washington opposes unilateral changes to the status quo.

“A Speaker of the House has visited Taiwan before without incident, as have many members of Congress over the years, including this year. There is no reason for Beijing to turn a potential visit consistent with longstanding U.S. policy into some sort of crisis or conflict,” Saloni Sharma, a spokeswoman with the White House’s National Security Council, said Monday.

A potential stop in Taiwan by Mrs. Pelosi’s delegation has discomfited the Biden administration. Should Mrs. Pelosi’s delegation forgo a stop there, Republican lawmakers are poised to criticize the Democrats for backing down, but if she does go ahead with the visit, the already sharp tensions between China and the U.S. are expected to escalate further.

Ms. Sharma said the administration’s national security team briefed Mrs. Pelosi ahead of her trip. “She will make her own decisions because Congress is an independent branch of government,” Ms. Sharma said.

Beijing claims Taiwan as Chinese territory and has vowed to use force to take the democratically governed island, a longstanding U.S. partner.

Mrs. Pelosi’s arrival in Asia coincides with the anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. While ceremonial speeches by Mr. Xi and Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe offered general words of endorsement for military modernization, China also spoke through other military events tied to the anniversary.

On Saturday, China’s state broadcaster showed footage of a Chinese navy fleet firing weapons in the South China Sea, one of the several live-fire drills conducted in the region in the past week, as the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier headed toward the waters. One of the Chinese military drills was conducted in the waters near Pingtan, an area off the coast of Fujian province opposite Taiwan.

The training will continue until at least Wednesday, according to official announcements posted on the website of China’s maritime-safety authorities.

On Sunday, Chinese Air Force spokesperson Shen Jinke explicitly highlighted the capability of Chinese warplanes and said they had made flights around the island of Taiwan, a demonstration of the PLA’s enhanced capabilities.

In 1997, then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich traveled to Taiwan after a high-profile visit to the mainland. The plan initially irritated Chinese authorities, who threatened military action.

But the visit to Taipei eventually went through after Mr. Gingrich agreed to China’s condition that he fly first to Tokyo from Beijing before going to Taipei.

While the priority for Chinese leaders at that time was a smooth handover of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty, the stakes this time are much higher for Beijing and for Mr. Xi in particular. Having cemented his authority over the past decade, he is poised to break with recent precedent and secure a third term in power at a Communist Party congress set for later this year.

Meanwhile, in Taipei on Monday, Taiwanese Premier Su Tseng-chang didn’t offer a direct reply when asked if the self-ruled island was preparing for a visit by Mrs. Pelosi.

“We always extend a warm welcome to distinguished foreign guests who visit our country,” he said. “We of course respect the visitors’ own planning.”

In Seoul, the office of Kim Jin-pyo, the speaker of South Korea’s legislature, said that he would meet with Mrs. Pelosi on Thursday to discuss regional security, economic cooperation and other issues.

Liza Lin in Singapore contributed to this article.


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
Like it or not at some point Taiwan will reunite with China. They are family and as china gets wealthier they'll only draw closer. You already have wealthy Taiwanese who run businesses in china calling for this.
The west will play all types of games but they know this is the outcome

Watch out for these Chinese shills