China threatens American government over proposed Taiwan visit in August (Nancy Feet is now on Land) China upset:Firing Ballistic Missiles

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
He's not Haitian..... Most likely someone's alias.

Look at the corny profile picture

Toussaint would come back from the dead and probably shoot this nikka lmfaooooo

It’s a big insult to have that alias while vocally supporting America! Ya gotta know your role

I am an anti imperialist pan African socialist, hence the name. Can’t deviate from that!


Oct 14, 2015
Rise up!
When nukes start flying, it doesn’t matter who has more. China has more than enough to destroy the US. All it needs is 12-15 attacks on major metropolitan areas to cancel the US
Bc the US can’t and won’t nuke Chinese metro areas either, right? :mjlol:

Why are you cheerleading for China when they’ve been terrorizing and taking over resources from Africans for decades? They treat their partners like second class citizens in their own country not to mention they won’t let them touch the mainland :patrice:


Aug 6, 2012
It’s a big insult to have that alias while vocally supporting America! Ya gotta know your role

I am an anti imperialist pan African socialist, hence the name. Can’t deviate from that!
You should be careful with what you say online before the FBI come knocking on your door :mjpls:
Black Alliance for Peace Condemns FBI Attack on the African People’s Socialist Party — The Black Alliance for Peace
The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) unequivocally condemns and opposes the latest domestic U.S. state repression and intimidation tactics currently being leveled against the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP).

On Friday, July 29, 2022, the FBI executed multiple raids against APSP’s Uhuru House in St. Petersburg, Florida and their Uhuru Solidarity Center in St. Louis, Missouri and the private residence of APSP Chairman Omali Yeshytela also in St. Louis. The FBI employed flashbang grenades and handcuffed Yeshytela and his wife while their house was raided. The FBI claims that the raids are connected to the federal indictment of a Russian national, Aleksandr Ionov, alleging that he has been working to spread "Russian propaganda" in the United States.

BAP believes that these raids continue the history of state repression directed against Black people in the U.S. This repression now occurs under the guise of opposing “adversary” nations but regardless of how these actions are characterized, Black people still bear the brunt of surveillance and police violence. The APSP has the right to freely associate with people around the world, to hold any political beliefs it may choose, and to express them without fear of intimidation, persecution, or prosecution.

We believe this repression to be a hysterical response to the United States’ loss of legitimacy in the context of the deepening crisis of capitalism and U.S. global hegemony. The unleashing of policing and counterintelligence forces domestically and increased militarism and warmongering abroad in the name of national security are the only avenues left to the U.S. ruling class that is engulfed in an irreversible economic crisis. They represent the hallmarks of a naked fascism that the U.S. ruling class appears to be increasingly committed to in order to maintain the rule of capital.

BAP reminds the public that the war against working class people generally, and Black, Brown, and Indigenous workers particularly, is ongoing. The masses must acknowledge and resist this reality. While it is APSP today, it will ultimately be the rest of us tomorrow. Resistance is our only option.

Given our steadfast commitment to rebuilding the broader anti-war, anti-imperialist peace movement, BAP is not intimidated and will not retreat. We are guided by the position articulated by the Black is Back Coalition, of which BAP is a proud member, that "Now is the time to throw off all hesitation, open up new forms of struggle and to launch every protest, demonstration, and anti-imperialist action - from the ballot box to the barricades - as an act to deepen the crisis of imperialism."

The treatment of the APSP is reminiscent of McCarthyist witch hunts that targeted and criminalized workers, immigrants, and colonized people who organized domestically and internationally against capitalist imperialism. Likewise, the FBI’s actions represent COINTELPRO-like tactics employed to crush organizations and individuals fighting to protect and expand the rights of oppressed people in general, and Africans in particular.

These tactics came back forcefully in response to the 2014 uprisings in Ferguson, Missouri. FBI agents tracked the movements and monitored the individuals tied to the protests. In 2016, when the murder of Freddie Gray ignited protests in Baltimore, the FBI admitted to providing an aircraft for surveillance in the weeks following the unrest. In 2017, the FBI created the designation “Black Identity Extremist” to monitor Black movement organizers. The term was updated to “Racially Motivated Violent Extremism” in 2018. FBI surveillance was rampant going into the summer 2020 rebellions, with FBI agents attempting to infiltrate protests in Portland.

The Black population in the United States has historically stood at the forefront of resistance and condemnations of war and state repression. In this spirit, the Black Alliance for Peace reiterates the critical, moral stance against such government aggression and stands in resolute solidarity with the APSP.

By comprehensively linking the issue of state violence and militarism, BAP will continue to concentrate its efforts on not only opposing the U.S. war agenda globally but the war and repression being waged on Black and Brown communities within U.S. borders.

In this charge, The Black Alliance for Peace says there will be "No Compromise and No Retreat!”

BAP Coordinating Committee

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
Bc the US can’t and won’t nuke Chinese metro areas either, right? :mjlol:

Why are you cheerleading for China when they’ve been terrorizing and taking over resources from Africans for decades? They treat their partners like second class citizens in their own country not to mention they won’t let them touch the mainland :patrice:

Not Nigeria’s

Also you watch too much Western propaganda. France controls most of West Africa. America props up dictators in Egypt, Rwanda, and Uganda. America denies the people of Western Sahara their freedom. America is bombing civilians in Somalia as we speak.

America/Eurocacs are the devil and our greatest foe. Not China

Also, tell me how America/Eurocacs treat black people in their country. An Italian man just beat a Nigerian to death on the streets in broad daylight!

Stop tap dancing for whites. It’s disgusting

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
It’s a big insult to have that alias while vocally supporting America!

Facts.... I dont even get too deeply involved in these discussions... I might crack my joke and just keep it moving

Inside our homes and within our personal circles - the true feelings come out.

Dude is an agent..... We didn't forget 1915.


Aug 6, 2012
Not Nigeria’s

Also you watch too much Western propaganda. France controls most of West Africa. America props up dictators in Egypt, Rwanda, and Uganda. America denies the people of Western Sahara their freedom. America is bombing civilians in Somalia as we speak.

America/Eurocacs are the devil and our greatest foe. Not China

Also, tell me how America/Eurocacs treat black people in their country

Stop tap dancing for whites. It’s disgusting
To add to that

France's African empire ended in the 1960s...but not really. Ismael Loutfi explains.
Citations For “Why France Still Controls Africa”

Citation One: On the cooperation agreements, see Fanny Pigeaud and Ndongo Samba Sylla, Africa’s Last Colonial Currency: The CFA Franc Story (2021), esp. Chapter 3.

Citation Two: Quoted in Ibid., p. 43.

Citation Three: “More than 50 times” from Nathaniel K. Powell, “The flawed logic behind French military interventions in Africa,” The Conversation (2020).

Citation Four: On Gabon, see Michael C. Reed, “Gabon: a Neo-Colonial Enclave of Enduring French Interest,” The Journal of Modern African Studies (2008).

Citation Five: All data is from the World Bank’s Open Data set; note that these GDP figures are adjusted for inflation.

Citation Six: You can find a map of Bolloré’s ports here.

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
To add to that

France's African empire ended in the 1960s...but not really. Ismael Loutfi explains.
Citations For “Why France Still Controls Africa”

Citation One: On the cooperation agreements, see Fanny Pigeaud and Ndongo Samba Sylla, Africa’s Last Colonial Currency: The CFA Franc Story (2021), esp. Chapter 3.

Citation Two: Quoted in Ibid., p. 43.

Citation Three: “More than 50 times” from Nathaniel K. Powell, “The flawed logic behind French military interventions in Africa,” The Conversation (2020).

Citation Four: On Gabon, see Michael C. Reed, “Gabon: a Neo-Colonial Enclave of Enduring French Interest,” The Journal of Modern African Studies (2008).

Citation Five: All data is from the World Bank’s Open Data set; note that these GDP figures are adjusted for inflation.

Citation Six: You can find a map of Bolloré’s ports here.

Tell them!


Oct 14, 2015
Rise up!
Also you watch too much Western propaganda. France controls most of West Africa. America props up dictators in Egypt, Rwanda, and Uganda. America denies the people of Western Sahara their freedom. America is bombing civilians in Somalia as we speak.

America/Eurocacs are the devil and our greatest foe. Not China

Also, tell me how America/Eurocacs treat black people in their country. An Italian man just beat a Nigerian to death on the streets in broad daylight!

Stop tap dancing for whites. It’s disgusting
Nobody is tap dancing for whites but I’m not going to c00n for some equally racist stinky chunks either. They get the power to influence the globe and they do the same exact thing except they don’t care about humanitarian efforts in their own country. What makes you think they’ll give a damn about doing good in another? They only care about expanding the globe for CCP efforts

Also I don’t live in France fukk them :camby:

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
When nukes start flying, it doesn’t matter who has more. China has more than enough to destroy the US. All it needs is 12-15 attacks on major metropolitan areas to cancel the US
The first myth is that China maintains a vast hidden arsenal of potentially thousands of nuclear warheads in the country’s underground tunnels. As the United States has called for a trilateral arms control agreement with both Russia and China, an op-ed contributor to The Wall Street Journal alleged that any reluctance on Beijing’s part only confirms the existence of this secret nuclear force. Writing in The Hill, two observers claimed that “Estimates of the size of the Chinese nuclear arsenal vary considerably, from fewer than 300 warheads to a significantly larger number” [emphasis added]. Indeed, claims of a wildly expansive Chinese nuclear arsenal are not newsimilar claims were made in major American newspapers nearly a decade ago.

There is, however, little evidence to support these claims. The most credible estimates of China’s nuclear forces from both the U.S. government and independent experts attest to Beijing’s relatively limited — though increasingly sophisticated — nuclear forces. The Pentagon’s most recent annual report on the Chinese military estimates that China has roughly 100 intercontinental ballistic missiles and puts China’s nuclear warhead stockpile “in the low 200s,” even lower than many well-respected independent estimates.

Related to the myth of a vast secret warhead stockpile are ongoing concerns that China may attempt a so-called “sprint to parity” by quickly expanding its nuclear arsenal to the size of the American one. The U.S. government predicts that China will double its nuclear warhead stockpile over the next decade (though similar past predictions about growth in China’s nuclear arsenal have not come to pass). Given the current size of that stockpile, a doubling would amount to fewer than 500 weapons compared to the 1,550 deployed warhead limit established by the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

However, and perhaps most significantly, China lacks the fissile material necessary to build a significantly larger nuclear arsenal. The International Panel on Fissile Materials reports that China stopped production of fissile material for weapons in the 1980s and that Beijing possesses relatively limited stocks of both uranium and plutonium. Additionally, Chinese warhead designs may be comparatively conservative, requiring more nuclear fuel than those of other states.

Some skeptics have fixated on the extensive system of underground tunnels China reportedly uses to shelter and move some of its missiles, arguing that the tunnels themselves are evidence of a vast nuclear stockpile. Why would China create such an elaborate underground network if its arsenal were truly so small? The answer: to shelter this vulnerable nuclear deterrent. Not surprisingly, China sought to protect its relatively modest deterrent force by hiding it. As one expert has argued, Beijing could have enhanced the survivability of its force by expanding its size. Beijing’s reliance on concealment enhanced the force’s survivability at lower cost and with the added benefit of not introducing arms race pressures.

The third myth is that China has developed and deployed an array of nuclear war-fighting capabilities, including tactical nuclear weapons. While there is no strict definition of tactical nuclear weapon, they are usually defined as lower-yield warheads affixed to shorter-range delivery vehicles and intended for use against military targets on the battlefield or other high-value theater targets. Over the last year, several American media outlets have published claims that China is fielding or has already fielded an array of tactical nuclear weapons. But such claims lack merit.

China certainly has the industrial and technical base to produce tactical nuclear weapons if such a decision were made. There are scattered reports that Beijing may have initiated projects to develop such weapons during the Cultural Revolution. But those projects were ultimately canceled before deployment because they conflicted with China’s nuclear strategy. China conducted successful tests of a neutron bomb in the 1980s, though it’s unclear how readily those designsmight translate into a modern nuclear war-fighting capability.

More than three decades ago, U.S. intelligence estimates were predicting that China would soon field these kinds of capabilities. But 35 years later, those predictions have yet to come true as Defense Department and independent assessments of China’s capabilities continue to make no mention of deployed tactical nuclear weapons.

The Dangerous Myths About China’s Nuclear Weapons - War on the Rocks -weapons/pool

Taiwan is independent today, independent tomorrow and will be independent when Xi kicks the bucket :umad:


Oct 14, 2015
Rise up!
All western propaganda unless it supports your narrative. You ain’t even living in Africa bozo @Nkrumah Was Right
A China man will kill you and call you a subhuman regardless of your dikk riding

African nationals ‘mistreated, evicted’ in China over coronavirus

Africans and African Americans in China: A Long History, A Troubled Present, and a Promising Future? •
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