China Stocks Plunge Into Bear Market | Latest (8/24): "Black Monday"

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
:whoa: I dont know all that jargon

All I know is the Chinese govt was trying to prop up its market on some Weekend At Bernie's shyt and their fundamentals have been basura for years. Everywhere u look they are trying to have their cake and eat it too. Long term they have problems too. I would always be short on them and anyone who heavily depends on them. These last two weeks were a fukking easter egg though. I'm not sure about this Robinhood shyt though. I want something I can do ETFs on for cheap too.


Delete account when possible.
Aug 1, 2015
Sqqq/tqqq/qid/qld for monthies during OPEX is your best bet. You can short or buy VXX weeklies, or SVXY/UVXY is you got more bread. You will have to be right on the move though as they move far quick daily. VXX is more subtle and always trends downwards.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Sqqq/tqqq/qid/qld for monthies during OPEX is your best bet. You can short or buy VXX weeklies, or SVXY/UVXY is you got more bread. You will have to be right on the move though as they move far quick daily. VXX is more subtle and always trends downwards.
Bruh u gotta break those shyts down for me. Matter fact prob not. I just looked up SQQQ.... I dont understand it so Im not gonna fukk with it. I just want some ETFs

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
Sqqq/tqqq/qid/qld for monthies during OPEX is your best bet. You can short or buy VXX weeklies, or SVXY/UVXY is you got more bread. You will have to be right on the move though as they move far quick daily. VXX is more subtle and always trends downwards.

I said this in the other thread i wouldn't be short VXX unless the board is back in contango.


Delete account when possible.
Aug 1, 2015
Some idiots thought it would be good to short VXX in backwardation. I would drop some puts on it, especially on Thursday and Friday. Gina_That didn't seem like he played options though. It was still slightly irresponsible to have out there without explanation, but he asked for ETF'S, so I'd assumed he'd look them up.

But yeah, just NEVER short volatility. I play primarily with options so I don't get the danger exposure. Just time.


Delete account when possible.
Aug 1, 2015
Is this why gas is $2.11 right now? :lupe:
Yes. Strong dollar means less prices for imports. We try to water down the currency to help our exports, but everyone does it at the same time now, because it floats their markets with extra money and helps THEIR imports. However, low oil prices hurt the oil speculators and those on the street that insure their losses.

If the Fed would stop trying to play currency wars with China, ignore the oil speculator cartel and embrace our strong dollar, the American workers would see an economy boom. Has room to go lower (into mid 30's/barrel).


Delete account when possible.
Aug 1, 2015
When that rate hike comes, we got 2008 over again. China's arresting short and mass sellers lmao! Fed knows they will have to bail out banks so they're not going to try to float the market as usual. China raided it's pensions to buy up shares not near their bottoms.

Wow...this is becoming a clusterfock.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
according to this essay and analysis there's low key economic war going on, on multiple fronts.

Washington's financial/currency war on China and the Yuan's eclipse of the US dollar
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Strategic Culture Foundation
Sun, 30 Aug 2015 00:00 UTC

Dueling currencies, the eagle versus the dragon.
The Chinese are in the process of displacing the monopoly of the US dollar. They are dropping their US Treasury bonds, stockpiling gold reserves, and opening regional distribution banks for their own national currency. This will give them easier access to capital markets and insulate them from financial manipulation by Washington and Wall Street.

Fearing the eclipsing of the US dollar and the Bretton Woods system by a rival financial architecture the US response has been an attempt to damage the Chinese markets and increase the value of China's currency. China has responded through regulations in the market and then quantitative easing of its currency to maintain the low prices of Chinese manufactured goods and exports.

Beijing's quantitative easing is a reaction or response to the financial manipulation of Washington and Wall Street. Additionally, Washington never thought that the Chinese would respond by dumping US Treasury bonds. Instead of the hysteria about the Chinese economy, "the impending collapse of the US dollar should be getting all of the attention of investors," one US economist (Peter Schiff) has warned. Schiff's voice is one of many analysts saying that the talk about the Chinese economy faltering is exaggerated and bad spirited.

Financial War against China, Russia: America's War against the "Community of Destiny"

As the financial architecture of the world is being altered by China and Russia, the US dollar is gradually being neutralized as one of Washington's weapon of choice. Even the monopoly of Washington's Bretton Woods system formed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank is being directly challenged. Although they do not constitute alternatives to neoliberal economics, the BRICS News Development Bank (NDB) and Beijing's Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) are challenging the Bretton Woods system through a rival financial structure.

The US Empire has been cognizant of the moves to establish a rival financial order. Policymakers in the Washington Beltway, the Pentagon, and Wall Street all watched the dual summits of the BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the Russian city of Ufa with concern. Up to that point, they had been waging an information/propaganda, energy, financial market, currency war, and general economic war against the Russian Federation. Post-Ufa, they extended the financial market and economic war to China.

Banks and governments in the European Union had been considering and examining the use of China's national currency, renminbi/yuan, as a reserve currency. This was because of attractiveness of the stability of renminbi as a currency. This had Washington and Wall Street worried and was one of the factors that resulted in the expansion of the currency and financial war on Russia to China.

Using speculation as a psychological weapon and market manipulation, the US launched a financial strike against the Chinese. This was done through an attempt to sink or crash the Chinese stock market and hurt investor confidence in the Chinese economy and its stocks. Beijing, however, reacted quickly by imposing controls on investment withdrawals. This prevented the snowballing of stock selloffs and defused the US financial bomb.

As the price of renminbi began to rise Beijing began quantitative easing to devalue its national currency as a means of continuing export trade. The US Congress and White House began to loudly object. They accused the Chinese of financial manipulation and demanded that Beijing do nothing to readjust the value of the renminbi. What the folks in the Washington Beltway wanted was for the Chinese to let the value of the renminbi to rise as a means of disrupting China's economy and market.

The Chinese Dragon Strikes Back: Beijing Liquidates its US Bonds

Push China and it will push back. The buck (or, more properly, renminbi/yuan) did not stop with the introduction of regulations by Beijing. China took steps that shocked Wall Street and put Washington on notice.

As US financial institutions began trying to hurt investor confidence in China through psychological tactics claiming that the Chinese economy was slowing down and that the Chinese market was in freefall, Beijing announced that it had bought 600 tons of gold in the span of a month and the People's Bank of China had got rid of over 17 billion US dollars from its foreign exchange reserves. China's foreign exchange reserves — excluding the foreign reserves of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macau Special Administrative Region — were 3.71 trillion (37,111,430 million) US dollars in May 2015. They had dropped to 3.69 trillion (36,938,380 million) US dollars by June 2015.

The financial market webpage Zero Hedge, which had been following this development, explained what it had discovered was taking place: "We then put China's change in FX reserves alongside the total Treasury holdings of China and its 'anonymous' offshore Treasury dealer Euroclear (aka 'Belgium') as released by TIC, and found that the dramatic relationship which we first discovered back in May, has persisted — namely virtually the entire delta in Chinese FX reserves come via China's US Treasury holdings."

The main point here was that China's US Treasury bonds "are being aggressively sold, to the tune of $107 billion in Treasury sales so far in 2015."By following China's financial transactions in Belgium, Zero Hedge had actually calculated thatBeijing had dropped 143 billion US dollars in three months. A few months later, in August, the Chinese dropped 100 billion US dollars worth of US Treasury bonds in the span of two weeks.

A day later, on August 27, Bloomberg corroborated what Zero Hedge had identified. A Bloomberg report explained the following: "The People's Bank of China has been offloading dollars and buying yuan to support the exchange rate, a policy that's contributed to a $315 billion drop in its foreign-exchange reserves over the last 12 months. The $3.65 trillion stockpile will fall by some $40 billion a month in the remainder of 2015 because of the intervention, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey."

While the Bloomberg emphasized that the Chinese were using US dollars to buy their own national currency, it casually mentioned, "Strategically, it probably has been China's intention to find the right time to lighten up its excessive accumulation of U.S. Treasuries," citing an economist at Reorient Financial Markets Limited in Hong Kong.

The Eclipsing of the US Dollar by the Chinese Renminbi

Wall Street should be worried about the economic problems at home in the US instead of trying to undermine China. The talk about the slowing down of the Chinese economy in part is distraction. It diverts attention from the decline of the US and is meant to enforce the efforts of Washington and Wall Street to rein in Beijing. The Chinese, however, continue to move forward undeterred.

Beijing selected Qatar as its first renminbi clearing house in the Middle East and North Africa for regional exchange markets there in April 2015. The name of this clearing house is the Qatar Renminbi Centre. It will circumvent US financial structures and give greater access to oil and natural gas from the Middle East and North Africa to the People's Republic of China.

Despite the wishes of Wall Street and Washington, the Silk World Order is moving forward.
Comment: Is the dollar in immediate jeopardy of losing its world prominence to the yuan? Most central banks in other countries hold a lot of dollars Federal Reserve Notes for the capital market. The yuan is not among the next top four reserve currencies (euro, yen, pound sterling, Swiss franc). However, in its favor is the future for a number of reasons: Americans are getting poorer while Chinese are getting richer; Chinese middle class will be four times larger than the American counterpart; the Yuan is already being traded with Australia and Japan snubbing the dollar; China's total trade in goods has surpassed the US in face value; the US home market is 310 million persons while China is a burgeoning 1.3 billion consumers.

Short story: The USA prints all the money it needs to remain dominant. It is backed by nothing. "Nothing" can't remain in charge.

Washington's financial/currency war on China and the Yuan's eclipse of the US dollar --