Yeah, if they started to build the infrastructure for HSR today, that shít would MAYBEEEEE be finished in 2060

Fúcked up thing is that, that's including a new technology being developed to make it easier

Yup. China is 1.5 billion people, if that’s 1:1 we’re talking x5 the manpower because it’s 1.5 billion vs 300 million.
It does not seem too bad when you think of small projects: 1 year vs 5 to finish something or 3 years vs 15. People can live with that.
However, when you get to bigger numbers it starts to unveil itself more:
If it takes China 15 years to do something, then it’d probably take us approximately 75 years to do the same. That’s 75 years where a lot can happen.
If China can build something in 20 years, it’d take us approximately 100 to do the same.
Europe is significantly smaller than America:
Additionally, Europe is over twice the population of America.
There is a lot of strength in numbers. It’s a very underrated factor. However, at the end of the day it’s still a scalar factor that is a multiplier.
Plus that’s with China already so much more advanced when it comes to manufacturing.