Why does that surprise you? I get negged when I say this all the time. But one of the reasons Afrifca is the way it is is because we have such bad human capital. A lot of the smart Africans got killed off during colonial times or moved abroad. Africa as a whole loses smart people everyday due to brain drain. Just take a look at all the skilled/smart Nigerians living in America or the smart/skilled Congolese living in Belgium.africa got all the materials they need but dont control any of them smh
China, South Korea, and Japan were able to develop quickly (outside of outside help) because they had immense human capital that took advantage of the west's naivety. If people did leave those countries, they either returned, or they were laborer's going to work abroad. The students who did end up moving abroad weren't their best students either. East Asians that move to the west are often those who couldn't crack the entrance exams in their home country.
Engineers and scientists in Africa though often leave for good

Shyt won't change until the African diaspora decides to return and bring their skills/expertise with them. This needs to happen on a massive scale (that's actually what happened to China and South Korea).
The person that started China's space program was an America that was forced to move back to China because America thought he was a spy