Help this breh out.
@Tommy Knocks
glad you tagged me because this is paag 101 which took me about 6 months to figure out. his post reminds me of my first month in china.
We met at college orientation a few weeks ago. She follows me everywhere and always wants to be where I'm at. She's always face timing me and sends me nudes. I don't mind the nudes but I hate how she teases me like this but won't let me hit. I'm tired of looking at her pics and simply hanging out with her brehs. Whenever I bring up the topic of sex she always changes the question. I asked her if she's a virgin and she said "No" really fast then changed the subject abruptly

. She was at my place the other day and this is how it went:
We were watching My Hero Academia
She talks about how cool it would be to get married

at this point I'm

so I casually brush it off because I've only known her for 3 weeks and don't want to ruin my chances of hitting

. I bring my blanket over and we cuddle but she's more into the movie. I even try to make the move by moving my hand to her lower back and she doesn't respond, she just keeps watching the movie

. At this point I really don't know what to do

. I don't want to talk myself out of pu$$y again. I'm brolic but I act like a nerd (because I am a nerd) so I tend to be passive/inexperienced with women. I've only been with two girls so far

. Coli brehs help.
Please do not derail this thread with "ducktales" gifs I really want advice so here's proof for you doubters
I havent read the thread yet, but as I am the colis paagologist aka grandfather paager. follow these rules and report back.
1. a paag will never ever and I mean never ever go to your house alone unless shes ready to smash. even if its for school shyt, she will save face and prefer to meet at a library or public.
2. youre in bed???? you fukked up you fukked up real bad. she was ready.
3. they are not the same as us. you are supposed to make the move, she will not give you a single sign because to her, her coming over IS the sign. I have had a paag in my bed, im rubbing on her ass, and shes staring at the tv, im kissing her cheek and shes not kissing me just looking straight forward, now in the western world you do that and the girl turns over real quick like FINALLY nikka LETS GET IT. BUT this isnt a westerner, culturally shes not allowed to do that, to do that is to be a slut. but remember, a paag wouldnt even be in that position in the first place. they are real fickle like fukking gazelles, they hear an ounce of noise in the bushes and they flee. the fact that she allowed herself to put your paws around her, is a BIG fukkING DEAL. its like a gazelle laying in front of a lion and placing its neck in its mouth. does it really need to ask you to bite down? from her perspective, you should know this.
Grab her face and do it, I know its going to sound weird, we dont do things like this in the west, we wait for signs, we read, but its just not how it works in the east. You just need to do it. If she says no, but is still in the bed, do it again, I know I know this sounds terrible, but again, you wont understand, theyre just different. Shes still there, she wants it, and you just have to do it. shes saving face, just keep kissing her, and she will eventually roll over.
hope that helps. let me know how it goes.
edit: this sounds so bad when explaining it to the other side of the world, christ
double edit: wait she also brought up marriage around you. man if you dont.....
if you do smash, you're in for a ride bruh bruh