You been let down by the older men around you.
Or hell, the guys your age who're better at this than you.
No homo, your line up looks decent, face not fat so you're probably easily handsome.
If you're muscled and a decent dresser, you probably have WAY more female eyeballs on you than you're consciously aware of.
Utilise that.
Befriend other women, not on some I'ma hound dog ish, but just cuz women are people too and some of them are fun and hilarious to be around, just like guys.
If she sees you out there living it up, in true enjoyment of your college experience, she'll sort her ish out real quick if she's smart.
And if she's dumb n doesn't, you won't even really care anymore cuz you'll be too busy doing you and living life.
Plus, women will put you on with their friends, especially if you're fun to be around.
Being this tunneled in on one woman when y'all not really anything to each other yet is unhealthy, and you already said she's entertaining other guys, so why you letting her suck up all your headspace?