Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Throws Selective Enrollment Schools in the Bushes


Jun 13, 2019
Schools are a reflection of the community and you can pour money into schools, but it will not matter if students aren’t getting what they need at home as far as academic enrichment, discipline, and guidance are concerned.

I do believe those private and charter schools take away affluent White kids whose parents have the resources to send them there and academically high performing Black, Asian, and Hispanic students.

What you are left with on the public school side is an underfunded school with lower academically performing students usually mostly Black or Hispanic.

Some of those students do not get what they need at home and it manifests itself in the school setting. Those private and charter schools that are more selective with their enrollment don’t deal with that, usually can pick their students based on a criteria, and they are better funded and can pay more to their employees. You are always going to get a better institution under those circumstances.

It’s a complex issue and making those private and charter schools basically open enrollment is going to do little fix that issue. It will do nothing, but drive those students, teachers, and admin elsewhere that can do better and change the culture of the said school that is changing their enrollment standards. Vicious cycle.

Shytty schools are more about the culture of environment, lack of guidance at home, and parents and stakeholders not pouring back into the community and school.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Colleges and Universities rank school districts and individual schools. A 4.0 avg from a low ranking school will never be competitive with a 3.3 avg from a top ranking school or school district. Magnet schools can rank very high despite being part of a bad school district. If my kid were attending a magnet school, I'd be in serious panick mode. All those kids from the magnet school can now get the same grades if not better at a local high school but have worse chances of being accepted into a top tier University. Nothing good will come from this.


Mar 11, 2022
Colleges and Universities rank school districts and individual schools. A 4.0 avg from a low ranking school will never be competitive with a 3.3 avg from a top ranking school or school district. Magnet schools can rank very high despite being part of a bad school district. If my kid were attending a magnet school, I'd be in serious panick mode. All those kids from the magnet school can now get the same grades if not better at a local high school but have worse chances of being accepted into a top tier University. Nothing good will come from this.

Helluva point. This is the lack of political foresight that is killing us. Ever since George Floyd/trump being elected we’ve been high on emotion and youthful zeal but we are not thinking politically, analytically, or long term.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Cacs won't force their bright and talented with degenerate cacs. Asians definitely won't do this in their own schools. Why are black folks always expected to play along with this bullshyt?
This is the wrong way to look at it because everyone going to those schools aren’t the degenerates, and those schools schools housing them are the degenerates

You can’t want better for Black people if you don’t want the lowest to succeed

I’m for magnet schools but we don’t need to shyt on everyone else too

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Colleges and Universities rank school districts and individual schools. A 4.0 avg from a low ranking school will never be competitive with a 3.3 avg from a top ranking school or school district. Magnet schools can rank very high despite being part of a bad school district. If my kid were attending a magnet school, I'd be in serious panick mode. All those kids from the magnet school can now get the same grades if not better at a local high school but have worse chances of being accepted into a top tier University. Nothing good will come from this.
Bruh will be framed as anti-Black at this point

Dude is an idiot


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Bruh will be framed as anti-Black at this point

Dude is an idiot
Rightfully so. This will keep a lot of Black Chicago public school students out of the best Universities. This is far worse the the ban of racial affirmative action. Colleges and Universities will be able to justifiably say those kids from those local Chicago high schools didn't qualify.


May 24, 2022
paying teachers more,

They just got a 17% raise last year. Teacher's salaries are typically 80-90% of a school budget.

Paying teachers more, because teaching is hard work is a good idea.
Paying teachers more because folks think that a bigger paycheck will somehow inspire a teacher to explain fractions better and that will get Demuntavious's math score up is idiocy.

It would be suicide for progressives to alienate some of their biggest supporters, but there's no relationship between teacher's salaries and student academic achievement or behavior.

Public Education needs a massive rethink.

Until the progressives drop Thomas Sobol style thinking (and low key Frederick the Great and the Prussian model of schooling) - it's just gonna be the same argument for more funding, higher salaries. And then never following up on the fact that more money is not making a difference.
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Staff member
May 1, 2012
I’m talking tinley/orland/south west. Nobody sending their kid to hillcrest or rich township :mjlol:
Southland Prep opening up in walking distance to South's campus is a great example of how charter/selection schools can trash your neighborhood school.

But on the flip side, mismanagement and bad decisions on a board level has dragged Rich Township down dramatically over the last 10 to 15 years.


Staff member
May 1, 2012

They just got a 17% raise last year. Teacher's salaries are typically 80-90% of a school budget.

Paying teachers more, because teaching is hard work is a good idea.
Paying teachers more because folks think that a bigger paycheck will somehow inspire a teacher to explain fractions better and that will get Demuntavious's math score up is idiocy.

It would be suicide for progressives to alienate some of their biggest supporters, but there's no relationship between teacher's salaries and student academic achievement or behavior.

Public Education needs a massive rethink.

Until the progressives drop Thomas Sobol style thinking (and low key Frederick the Great and the Prussian model of schooling) - it's just gonna be the same argument for more funding, higher salaries. And then never following up on the fact that more money is not making a difference.
CPS teachers make more than anywhere else in the State. A lot of teachers/admins from the suburbs take CPS jobs because they pay more.

With that said, I do think you would have better teachers and competent administrators if the pay was higher. A college kid going to school to be a teacher and paying back student loans is not it. The public school system is flawed and broken. Wages don't make sense for how important the job is. The saying, "the most important resource for a community are the children", teachers play a big part in society and for them to be underpaid sucks.

If wages can't increased, then more states need to seriously start considering longer school days and 4 day school weeks with the 5th day being for after school activities, tutoring sessions and other supportive measures.


May 24, 2022
CPS teachers make more than anywhere else in the State. A lot of teachers/admins from the suburbs take CPS jobs because they pay more.

With that said, I do think you would have better teachers and competent administrators if the pay was higher.

I very much doubt this.

Around the globe, other countries spend less (per pupil) and get more (on test scores*). (PISA scores is a decent proxy, but not the best)

Even in this country, rich white people, sending their rich white kids, to rich white schools, public and private - still have to depend on legacies or unofficial gifts to get lil Brayden and Caitlin in.

This type of thinking about schooling is WRONG as the day is long.

A college kid going to school to be a teacher and paying back student loans is not it. The public school system is flawed and broken. Wages don't make sense for how important the job is. The saying, "the most important resource for a community are the children", teachers play a big part in society and for them to be underpaid sucks.

If wages can't increased, then more states need to seriously start considering longer school days and 4 day school weeks with the 5th day being for after school activities, tutoring sessions and other supportive measures.

IMO, we/they need to go back to first principles.

What is k-12 truly trying to accomplish?

Folks are not engaging with the ultimate purpose of school, which is why they just tweak things like teacher's pay, new math, whole language vs phonics, AP African American history, etc.

They don't want to deal with reality.

Why can't Keisha read at grade level?
Why can't Jamal do basic 8th grade algebra in the 12th grade?

But back to ending selective schooling - taking the good and smart kids out of terrible schools, and letting them learn next to one another

Why are the schools they're leaving so bad? We should start there.

*We should ask ourselves a bigger question. All these Asian and European countries do so well with academics, how come they aren't rich, as rich as the US (per capita) ?

Most public education systems have very much lost the plot. A lot of folks don't realize what education is truly valuable until after they start looking for a job while trying to pay college loans... That level of conversation needs to be had in order to realign pre-k/k-12.

Folks are not ready to think past the basic K-12 framework.