I recently moved to Chicago (Logan Square) and haven't seen any of this chaos, at least in person. I've been doing a fair amount of walking the last couple weeks to get a feel for the area and tbh I haven't felt unsafe, even at night. So many random dope restaurants and things to do

One thing I noticed is how segregated the city is on a neighborhood by neighborhood basis. Demographics where I'm currently at seems to be mostly mexicans and hipsters but less black people, at least compared to other parts of the city.
But I was on the southside for a week-long orientation and there's a decidedly different feel there, I can't quite describe it. The whole place (at least the area I was in) seemed bombed out and neglected on a governmental level. Even tho it was in the middle of the day and relatively quite, you can't shake the feeling that something might pop off at any minute. There's something ominous about ordering your popeyes thru bulletproof glass and turnstiles.
My experience so far has been legit tho