African Peasant
Chicago sounds like a big ass experiment...
chicago first settler was a black man, Jean Baptiste du Sable discovered Chicago
More than 1 for each day
Is Illinois just bad? My bro lives in Rockford which I assumed was decent, got robbed at gunpoint.
What's happening in Chicago is what happens in a lot of African countries. It's a box of chaos orchestrated by you know who.![]()
carribean black countries aren't any better
This is very true especially when the towers were upI'm starting to think it's the high concentration of lead in the water.
Chicago permitted lead pipes until the mid 1980s and many building haven't modernized their plumbing.
Shortly after a family friend visited Chi for vacation went clubbing downtown, ended up missing, before they even found his body people were commenting RIP
Found his body on top of a train or some tracks or something few days later
I'm starting to think it's the high concentration of lead in the water.
Chicago permitted lead pipes until the mid 1980s and many building haven't modernized their plumbing.
the majority of federally assisted housing is clustered in low-income, segregated areas at high risk of lead poisoning. Decades of government-sanctioned discriminatory practices have burdened communities of color with increased poverty, segregation, substandard housing, and environmental hazards. Today, the black population has the highest rate of poverty at 24.1 percent compared to the white population at 9.1 percent. One-third of black children live below the poverty line and in high-poverty areas, nine times the rate of white children in poverty. The risk of lead poisoning falls disproportionately on minority children, as well, with black children nearly three times more likely than white children to have elevated blood-lead levels.
Something about the origin of this is not passing the smell test...I know cats be wilding...but after seeing the bait truck and all, I feel like the Pigs may be the actual source of most of the chaos.