Underrated post IMO. It demonstrates just how convoluted the problem is. If the police increase their presence, or initiate aggresive tactics, it will increase the liklihood of some controversy. Its a given there will be accusations of brutality, or profiling, unjustified police shootings, etc.. That said, police are damned if they do, and equally damned if they dont. This is a classic case of how a system built on institutionalized racism can harm the people it wasnt meant to, including those who's job it is to enforce the law. On a macro level you see this with colonialism as it takes troops on the ground to ensure "our interests" are protected. Those troops die for our freedom though.
You know, by the same token one would have to be a fool to "serve and protect" in those communities.
On the other hand while I believe the issue is complex, what isnt complex is the worthless parents (I say parents loosely) that give birth and fail to raise these b*stards. All they do is make babies, and babies, and more babies, and more babies. They're not raising any of them either. Its hard not to be cynical when looking at small children without thinking they'll be breaking into your mother's house 10 years from now. You cant blame that entirely on white supremacy either. 99% of these b*stards are not the result of rape. Nobody is forcing anyone to procreate, yet thats exactly what these worthless people continue to do. They're 10 times worse for Black communities than any c00n you could ever dream of. Coming across a room of xenomorph eggs is less frightening than seeing a pregnant single woman at the grocery with her other children that she shouldnt have had either. Where's the father? Jail, or dead, or whatever other convenient excuse there is for her to have even more children.
Its like a plague. Seriously, like a plague. HIV, cancer, Ebola, Zika virus, single mothers, MIA fathers, etc..