That interview was NOT on some "next level shyt." That was some imagined level ish, not existing in the real world. Damn near everything he said had no validity to it, and people are still taking it as gospel. Anyone can own a company by simply paying the few hundred to register a name. There you go - you're a boss. You can't shyt on your workforce, period. You can't shyt on your target demographic, period. Hell, look what happened to Donald Sterling.
There are business models that already exist, that work. When being a nerd and going to school becomes celebrated in the hood, then there will be an increase of knowledge of profitable ownership.When you allow people with money and reach to invest in your product/business, that builds clientele and extends your reach, while you assume less risk. When people that work for the corporations starting investing in their 401K/403B/IRAs, then that gets them on the path into leaving something for their children to start with. When people utilize savings/money market accounts, they get on the path to securing their financial future. He spoke like a hustler with a hustle with nothing of substance behind it.
In regards to the bold, Dame is talking about leaving a financial legacy for multiple generations. That's A LOT of money. I work in the financial planning/retirement industry and 10/10 times, you won't be able to leave a financial legacy (for multiple generations) putting money away in a 401k/403b/IRA because there are limitations as to how much you can put away in those accounts each year. And investing that money into savings/mm accounts will pretty much guarantee that you will never reach the stability that Dame is talking about.
I'm not telling anyone to stop investing in their 401k's (because you should).