Who mans is this?
Flywin, you the homie but you flagrant with this one.
You think so little of your fellow black men that you think that if we really thought that Bill Cosby is a RAPIST, that we would still support him?
That is one of the dumbest takes I've read today and I've read a lot of them.
We got mothers, sisters, daughters, and you think we would support a nicca that was out here raping women?
Nah, fool, we support Dr. Cosby because WE KNOW HE DIDN'T DO IT.
We looked into this case and saw all the lies, all of the contradicting stories these women told, and how none of it added up.
We saw how the media railroaded this man and then he was railroaded by the justice system.
We support him because we know he is INNOCENT.
and if you had any real experience with women, you would know that he's innocent too.