CBS Big Brother 26 (July 17th ) thread


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
I’m watching feeds rn. I want to give Leah some credit. For her to have Quinn simp this hard for her is shockingly impressive. The way she manipulates some of the guys in the house would make Nicole Franzel jealous. I think she said in her video package she’s a cocktail waitress, and that guys are easy to manipulate. She also was a hooters girl. Her strategy has been done before but for her.

She’s basically just using her real life work experience to her advantage. Like I said in a previous post. Very underrated player. Not the best player but very observant, and can be dangerous enough to get the best player out type chick. She’s like a female Littlefinger (GoT) lowkey.

I do predict she’ll eventually be found out, confronted, and exposed (probably by one of the women). I think confrontation will be her weakness (she’s already showed signs of this). Someone like Chelsie will embarrass her if ever it comes to that. And I’m sure they both have dirt on each other.


May 2, 2012
I’m watching feeds rn. I want to give Leah some credit. For her to have Quinn simp this hard for her is shockingly impressive. The way she manipulates some of the guys in the house would make Nicole Franzel jealous. I think she said in her video package she’s a cocktail waitress, and that guys are easy to manipulate. She also was a hooters girl. Her strategy has been done before but for her.

She’s basically just using her real life work experience to her advantage. Like I said in a previous post. Very underrated player. Not the best player but very observant, and can be dangerous enough to get the best player out type chick. She’s like a female Littlefinger (GoT) lowkey.

I do predict she’ll eventually be found out, confronted, and exposed (probably by one of the women). I think confrontation will be her weakness (she’s already showed signs of this). Someone like Chelsie will embarrass her if ever it comes to that. And I’m sure they both have dirt on each other.
Who is the best player to you?


All Star
May 1, 2012
I see brehs mentioning RHAP and though I admit as a whole that network is the most connected and informed on the on-goings of BB they (mainly Taran) can be very biased with the reporting towards their fav archetypes (nerdy gamebots). Hence why we got Cory's annoying ass from last year doing recaps every Wednesday or Taran doing a couple hour deep dive on his gameplay with him when he didn't even make final four last year. Just had to get that out because this is the first year since I discovered them where I've given some other YouTube channels some burn instead and it's refreshing.

As far as game, TKor is so annoying. I hope Chelsie gets power and puts her up. She's definitely after Cam and was after Tucker lowkey but she doesn't admit her motives in her DRs. Very strange player.


May 2, 2012
I see brehs mentioning RHAP and though I admit as a whole that network is the most connected and informed on the on-goings of BB they (mainly Taran) can be very biased with the reporting towards their fav archetypes (nerdy gamebots). Hence why we got Cory's annoying ass from last year doing recaps every Wednesday or Taran doing a couple hour deep dive on his gameplay with him when he didn't even make final four last year. Just had to get that out because this is the first year since I discovered them where I've given some other YouTube channels some burn instead and it's refreshing.

As far as game, TKor is so annoying. I hope Chelsie gets power and puts her up. She's definitely after Cam and was after Tucker lowkey but she doesn't admit her motives in her DRs. Very strange player.
Not a big fan of RHAP. People forget but Taran was racist. He used to defend the actions of the BB15 cast all the time. The constant complaining of the competitions is annoying. Nearly every black man on the show is gay.

What other channels you watch?
May 3, 2012
Eagle, Colorado
I see brehs mentioning RHAP and though I admit as a whole that network is the most connected and informed on the on-goings of BB they (mainly Taran) can be very biased with the reporting towards their fav archetypes (nerdy gamebots). Hence why we got Cory's annoying ass from last year doing recaps every Wednesday or Taran doing a couple hour deep dive on his gameplay with him when he didn't even make final four last year. Just had to get that out because this is the first year since I discovered them where I've given some other YouTube channels some burn instead and it's refreshing.

As far as game, TKor is so annoying. I hope Chelsie gets power and puts her up. She's definitely after Cam and was after Tucker lowkey but she doesn't admit her motives in her DRs. Very strange player.
I agree 100%. All Taran and his guests do is cry about comps not being fair. I found them through their Survivor coverage, but the BB coverage is the most biased by far. They actually had me rooting for Tucker, someone whom I'd root against under any other circumstances, but I wanted them to cry.


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey

This might get interesting because Leah could potentially use it on Angel, and Chelsie might push for a Joseph renom. I highly doubt T’Kor goes up but honestly she should.


This quote is basically going viral rn. This the new Bowie Jane “How did your game change, i’m wanna day for the better”.

All she asked was for his thoughts on her veto win:heh:
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All Star
May 1, 2012
Not a big fan of RHAP. People forget but Taran was racist. He used to defend the actions of the BB15 cast all the time. The constant complaining of the competitions is annoying. Nearly every black man on the show is gay.

What other channels you watch?
My bad I thought I answered this earlier but I rock with Receny Bias Radio (he's funny af, black channel), Joleen Lunzer (she's also funny af, roasts the cast in a fun way), What About (black channel but he's like the anthesis of Receny Bias cuz he's a black conservative. I like getting alternative forms of media where I watch both sides so he's interesting to me.), Big Brother Boy (he's a cac but dude knows his shyt and is entertaining usually), Late Night Crew (another black channel. Bruh is kinda wild, he be smoking trees and just going off about BB production but he's good for some laughs and some real nikka takes.), and lastly Kay La Fro ( She's really good with giving short concise recaps of the ongoings of the house. black channel)


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Basically Leah wants to use the veto to save Angela. She’s trying to convince Quinn to accept that’s she’s going to use it and for him to put up his own shield, Joseph (who is actually a number for her). One of her pitch’s is that she wants Angela to make jury because she’s like the only one she knows would vote for her to win in the end. Breh, she almost had son crying at one point. He was trying to explain to her that what she’s considering doing is “stupid, respectfully”. Then she almost whipped up some tears herself.

Now, people are saying Quinn is dumb, stupid in this convo (I think they’re not being honest though, they just hate him). But imo even though he was simping hard. He didn’t just immediately fold and say use the veto if you want to. He knows Joseph would be voted out if he’s on the block Thursday. So Quinn’s making her have to pull out the big guns. Which is getting in his HoH bed, lol (not like that lol). Watching Leah play lately has been fun to watch.

Currently she hasn’t gotten an ok from him yet but she probably will. Honestly she should just push for Kimo to go. The vote is probably going to flip to him going anyway. Angela stays, someone actively going after would be gone, and Joseph & Quinn would still be trying to protect her because they’re simping her. It’s a win win.

Quinn told Leah he’s definitely not winning this game. He then said the best player in the house is Chelsie, followed by Leah, the T’Kor. I agree with the first two, T’Kor is an awful player (the other two are good, not great/they have flaws but are better than the others). Reddit said the house treats T’Kor like a make a wish child, and i’m ngl that’s kind of accurate. It’s like people pitty her because she’s such an introvert in such a social game she signed up to be a part of. Everyone does like her and wants to keep her around though so she is in a good position, regardless of her terrible gameplay.
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Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey

Leah is a menace, she got her way. This was her HoH week, not Quinn’s.

And there’s Tucker dikkeaters saying “feeds are boring now, it’s dead in that house without the star, Tucker”. Those people were never going to enjoy this season no matter what after he left. Funny thing is Tucker’s side of the house are the main culprits of being boring to watch (Rubina has been socializing, and handled being on the block well though). They always have been boring, it’s crazy how people online wanted that side in power every week. There are boring moments now just like there were boring moments when Tucker was in the house complaining or gloating, and in bed with Rubina all day those last few weeks he was there.

The difference is the game is blown open now, there’s more unpredictability, and player’s are beginning to step up. Tucker left, and no lie the gameplay has gotten a little better (Leah, Cam, MJ).

I hope this lights a fire under Joseph, he wins ai arena (hope it ends this week), and Kimo goes home.

People being humbled left and right this season.
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Jul 20, 2012
Dallas by way of Houston by way of San Antonio
Haven't read all the way down yet because I finally watched last week's eviction episode (still need to watch the new HOH episode from Sunday). Man I so happy Tucker's out the paint. I usually get a sense of why some characters are fan favorites and all that, but dude was just weird/annoying the whole season. Angela tried her hardest to get voted out with that horrible plea for safety right before the vote, but luckily a majority of the house smartened up. Of course, for Tucker even an L is a win when he got that $20K. Feel like the game starts for real now. More comments once I get caught up on Sundays/tonight's episode.


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
This is kind of a random post. But don’t count Quinn out. Many people say there’s no way he makes it to the end. One thing I’ve been noticing about people inside the house hating him. Is that they never stay mad at him for long.

He may annoy some people, but they love how genuine, and playful his personality is. T’Kor is another one I think will get far just off people loving keeping her around (I hope not, but if she really is plotting for a girls alliance then cool).