..... u right.. I'll pull up with my phone recording and keep my car rolling so the kid can jump in like little miss sunshine. I REFUSE to stop for a child. And if that little b*stard starts crying or running then it is what it is. I'll call 911 from the safety of my vehicle.It’s sad reading some of the replies in this thread with some posters damn near boasting about how if they saw a kid on the side of the road they wouldn’t stop and that’s so fukked up. We scream about community this community that but would just let a little kid stay on the side of the road. Again I didn’t see anyone in that vid and the reason this story is so big is because of the supposed “child” angle which doesn’t seem true, even if this is proven false millions of people have it imprinted in their heads that children are being used to lure victims when more than likely if a child is out on the road they desperately need immediate help.