Green Lantern. The Flash.
most people thought that the green lantern movie was whitewashed because the protag was white. and the flash? really? what about green arrow too?
Green Lantern. The Flash.
most people thought that the green lantern movie was whitewashed because the protag was white. and the flash? really? what about green arrow too?
People always knew who the Flash was I feel like
Green Arrow just got clout
Yeah they didno they didnt.
Yeah they did
what do you base that on?
Ant-Man and BP are far from no names. They're actually bigger names than Iron Man was before his movie. The only real "no names" who have gotten solo movies in the MCU thus far are the Guardians
Her having a big ass was actually a running joke in the comics
And she dated brothas
Ironic that she's the most hated female superhero on the coli while essentially being the prototype "pawg" that coli pawg chasers always champion
@wire28 can you make sense outta this?
no they didnt.
well to be fair nobody really cares about them now. they’re all generic and replaceable
Scarlett witch is nerfed in the MCU and honestly they fumbled her character
lol 85% of this thread about her flatbackBrie's gonna buy a ass after this movie comes out lol
The costume. His power. He was on 2 shows.
Flash was on the old justice league cartoon. That shyt did a lot for visibilityiron man was on a bunch of shows too, and a few games, but he was still virtually unknown before his movie. just like the flash
people always knew who The Flash was
Also Aquaman, but most just considered him a joke.