Maybe because several posters have said that Carol was overpowered, and don't say the same thing about Thor, Dr Strange, or Superman. Why all of a sudden is having too much power a problem in a comic book movie?
I don't think it's because she's a woman.It's the jarring way in which Marvel's going about introducing her into the universe.
People, not just men, are concerned about her becoming another "Mary Sue".That potential element's boring, lazy, and comes
off forced.I blame shytty writers & politics.Not women.A dope character is a dope character.Captain Marvel as a staff, movie
company, and a crew gave us some bunk/watered down shyt in this flick.You can see the skeleton for a good movie there.They
just didn't flesh it out right.Movie felt minimum effort/bubble gum IMO.But that's just me.When it comes to solo flicks, Marvel normally
does better with the sequels