CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER - Kevin Feige (Movie Discussion Thread)

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
This movie delivered brehs. From a perspective of a someone who grew up reading comics as a kid and then watching this shyt as an adult was :whoo:.

  • I haven't read comics in a long time but the Cap I remembered, from the fighting, acrobatics, and righteous attitude was all on point in the movie from how he was portrayed in the comic books. But that was only one aspect of why this movie was :ohlawd:. The shyt that really made this epic was how the director(s) were able to make this movie's plot interesting enough, sprinkled in enough character development, and properly explain why shyt was happening and still keep with the pacing all in a grand scale:obama:.
  • Nothing was overdone IMO. The main characters, the minor characters, and the villains all played their role like in a classic championship game:whew:.
  • Winter Soldier was a beast. His fight scenes with Cap was :gladbron:. Someone else mentioned how Batman's fight scenes with Bane was better:mjlol:. Dude must be on crack:russ:. I think the guy who choreographed that fight scene was the same guy who choreographed the Michael Jackson Beat it video:mjlol:.
  • The one minor complaint (and this isn't really a complaint) was that I was waiting for Redford to pull his face off and reveal that he was Red Skull:smugfavre:.
  • Fox and Warner Bros need to take a cue from Disney/Marvel Studios on how to do this shyt right. I grew up reading a lot of comic books but I would say my favorite books to read where all XMen related and that franchise continues to disappoint with their emo films:snoop:
This guy wrote a pretty good article on several possibilities in the Marvel Movie Universe after this film. It's some good shyt.
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Top 113 Poster
Mar 29, 2013
The one minor complaint (and this isn't really a complaint) was that I was waiting for Redford to pull his face off and reveal that he was Red Skull:smugfavre:

As was I. They missed an opportunity to have Redford reveal himself as Red Skull considering Weaving has no interest in reprising the role. I want to know what happened to Red Skull! :damn: Where was this dude transported too? :mindblown:


St. Louis Survivor
May 1, 2012
Saint Louis
As was I. They missed an opportunity to have Redford reveal himself as Red Skull considering Weaving has no interest in reprising the role. I want to know what happened to Red Skull! :damn: Where was this dude transported too? :mindblown:

whats wierd is if that was the case, it would have created a surmountable amount of loop holes, considering if he really was red skull the whole time, than why would he take so long to try to kill captain america knowing how much of a threat he would be to his plans, if not simply for the revenge factor


Top 113 Poster
Mar 29, 2013
whats wierd is if that was the case, it would have created a surmountable amount of loop holes, considering if he really was red skull the whole time, than why would he take so long to try to kill captain america knowing how much of a threat he would be to his plans, if not simply for the revenge factor

Well, his character was apart of the World Security Council and he did make a subtle reference to shooting that atomic bomb at NYC in The Avengers. Red Skull could've been like "I'll kill the outer world threat, kill The Avengers, AND kill Captain America in one swift blow.:smugfavre: Hail Hydra!"

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
Pierce was a shytty villain though. Actually so was the Winter was like Cap's version of Thor fighting the Destroyer from Thor 1. No personality, no dialogue, no nothing; just a guy with long hair and a metal arm fighting a lot. Not having a legit good villain is the biggest weakness of this movie.
Marvel has yet to come up with a memorable villain other than Loki so far.

Whitty Hutton

these posters are TRASH
May 1, 2012
Don't know if it's been mentioned, but exactly how does a dude with a broken arm save another from drowning in a river? Did he hold Cap in his teeth by the collar like a lion cub and power swim with the metal arm?

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
I also liked how Marvel managed to slip Pietro on screen before Fox did.





The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Don't know if it's been mentioned, but exactly how does a dude with a broken arm save another from drowning in a river? Did he hold Cap in his teeth by the collar like a lion cub and power swim with the metal arm?

Probably just adrenaline, plus the fact that he is the product of experimentation. Not like he's some reg. average joe. To put adrenaline factor in perspective, I nearly choked out a kid with the arm that he broke when I was like 7-8 years old. So I didn't even question that really.


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
Pierce was a shytty villain though. Actually so was the Winter was like Cap's version of Thor fighting the Destroyer from Thor 1. No personality, no dialogue, no nothing; just a guy with long hair and a metal arm fighting a lot. Not having a legit good villain is the biggest weakness of this movie.
Marvel has yet to come up with a memorable villain other than Loki so far.

did you like Brock Rumlow or was he a shytty villian too (no spoilers)


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
12 Questions Left Unanswered from The Winter Soldier Like why Would Anyone Recommend Nirvana to.... anyone, dude had 5 good songs ever #nothyperbole


Why Would Anyone Recommend Nirvana to a 95-Year-Old Man?
This is a light question to start things off, and I realize it’s not quite a question of reason or plausibility. I understand the gag of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) having a notebook filled with recommendations of historical and pop cultural items to check out, though it is kind of a common list to make for anyone, not just a guy who’s been frozen for the past 70 years. Heck, I know a film critic who just saw Star Wars for the first time the other day. And I too added Marvin Gaye’s “Trouble Man” to my own mental notebook of curiosity. We all keep running lists of this sort, and the younger we are, the more we’ve had to — like Rogers — go backward and play catch-up (film critics especially).

The thing with Rogers, though, is that he’s from the past, not just born today and in need of background. He still listens to stuff like Harry James and His Orchestra. He needs to take baby steps through the cultural landmarks to better appreciate how we got from then to now (maybe he’s kind of doing that since the Harry James song he listens to is from after his crash into the ice), and Nirvana especially would be even more difficult for him to get into than it was for your grandma.

Meanwhile, does he really need to write down the Moon Landing and the Berlin Wall? He should be sifting through major events in history anyway, especially if he has nothing else to do on Saturday night. But if there’s any historical stuff people should be recommending to him, particularly to point out to him that today is not that far off from his time, it’s the internment of Asian-Americans, the rest of the racist stereotyping to build fear and hatred, the bombings of Dresden and especially Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and more than a few atrocities that some would consider to be outright war crimes.

One more thing: is Star Wars crossed out because someone told him not to bother and stick with Star Trek or because he saw it and checked it off? I keep seeing people claim the former, but the latter makes so much more sense.

Where Were the Other Avengers?
This is the obligatory question for all solo MCU movies post The Avengers, and it’s also probably the biggest. You’ll find it asked the most on message boards and by all your friends who aren’t as forgiving of movie and comic book logic. We can dismiss Thor, perhaps, since he lives in another world. The Hulk isn’t stable enough to be recruited or to act of his own will, I assume.

But what’s Tony Stark doing during the events of The Winter Soldier? He would certainly have a vested interest in a conspiracy going on with S.H.I.E.L.D., the U.S. defense department in general, and all that military technology involved — some of which he helped out on, as we hear regarding improvements made to the Insight helicarriers. He and War Machine ought to have been there in the end especially, making the Falcon look puny and worthless, but still.

Another guy I didn’t even think about once during the movie, and I bet the people at Marvel Studios are hoping we all did, is Hawkeye. He’s an actual S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, like Black Widow, isn’t he? Maybe he’s just sitting at home being depressed about being turned so uninteresting in the movies.


Marvel Studios

Why Were the Falcon’s Wings Just Sitting Around Not Being Used?
There has been some question about why the Falcon’s wing technology is so minor in a post-Iron Man/War Machine world. But it’s very likely that those wings were developed and maybe even used before Stark and his suit came around. Plus it’d be cheaper. They work well enough, as we see in the movie, though, so why were they just collecting dust in a warehouse somewhere waiting for a guy to remember them and decide to turn them into a superhero’s “power”?

Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) doesn’t seem to have all of a sudden thought of them, at least. You know it was an accident that he and Rogers met where they did. Wilson was likely stalking the Cap in order to pitch this idea of him joining in action with these cool and unused wings he had during his service in Afghanistan. And thank goodness he did, at just the right time to be helpful as a non-S.H.I.E.L.D.-affiliate to trust.

Why Is the Strength of Captain America’s Shield So Inconsistent?
Captain America’s shield, his primary weapon and tool for defense is pretty dang strong, made out of indestructible vibranium. He uses it to knock out bad guys, destroy jets and bounce off walls and people for a nice boomerang effect. But how is it that it bounces off some material and can totally damage other material? Not only that but in the case of the jet he take out in The Winter Soldier, for instance, the shield gets lodged into its body. Maybe Cap is just using different strength in throwing it for different results, but it still looks like a fault of inconsistency to accommodate the plot and action at different times.

Who Would Believe Nick Fury to Actually Be Dead?
For the audience, the revelation that Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) isn’t dead shouldn’t have been a surprise. Not after the lesser character/leader Phil Coulson turned up alive after The Avengers. Plus, nobody dies in comics or comic book movies. That’s even a more the truth in the story of The Winter Soldier because Bucky Barnes was, for decades, known to be one of the only deaths in the Marvel Universe to have stuck — until 10 years ago when the Winter Soldier storyline shocked readers.

So the death and revelation of Fury might have only been for Rogers within the movie (just like how the surprise of the Winter Soldier being Bucky was only for Rogers since much of the movie’s audience is aware of that fact going in), though even he should have assumed there was something that could and would be done. I figure Alexander Pierce and others in S.H.I.E.L.D. and/or Hydra to assume the demise was fake, too. After all, they’re all doing it, S.H.I.E.L.D. with Coulson, Hydra with Zola and probably the Red Skull and others


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
Was Natasha Romanoff a Child Spy for the KGB?
We’ll supposedly get a lot more backstory on Black Widow in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, not to mention her solo movie if that ever comes about, so we can expect to hear the truth about his soon enough. For now, what we know is that Natasha Romanoff was born in Soviet Russia and was originally doing bad things for someone over there before coming to America and joining S.H.I.E.L.D. In the new Captain American movie, when telling Rogers about the Winter Soldier, she mentions having been in the KGB.

If Romanoff is the same age as her portrayer, Scarlett Johansson, then she was only 7 when the Soviet Union dissolved and with it so did that intelligence agency. Apparently the character began her training as a very young age, so it is plausible that she was a mini agent, but not only do we want to know more about that, we want to see some of that, too. Maybe her solo movie can just be a Spy Kids reboot.


Marvel Studios

Why Is Young Howard Stark Shown In the News Clipping Of His Death?
Thanks to observant members of message groups for this bit of nitpickery. When Arnim Zola is telling Cap and Black Widow about Hydra’s shaping of history, he notes that they were responsible for the death of Howard and Maria Stark (Iron Man’s parents), which was thought to be an accident. We see a newspaper clipping about the death and Dominic Cooper‘s face is featured in the article. Why not use the older Howard, played in Iron Man 2 by John Slattery?

I see how it would be more consistent for the Captain America series to use the guy seen as Howard in The First Avenger, and it’s not totally crazy that a news organization would use a picture of him when he was younger, but still feels wrong.

Why Didn’t Hydra Eliminate the Superheroes First?
They killed Howard Stark and made it look like an accident. Shouldn’t they have gone ahead and killed Tony, too? And wouldn’t they have been hesitant to resurrect Captain America? All these superheroes suddenly showing up seem like a good place to start before launching a major initiative of wiping out all other threats. Get rid of the guys most likely to thwart your bigger plan first seems like a good idea to me. Did they really think Captain America would be easily defeated in the middle of all of that?

Hydra seems pretty shortsighted to have ignored these guys who just stopped an entire alien army — and destroyed another helicarrier already before that — as they launch their secret weapons of mass destruction and blow their cover and go for the big takeover all at once. Speaking of which…


Marvel Studios

Are Giant, Incredibly Expensive Helicarriers the Best Way to Eliminate Threats to Hydra?
The ultimate plan of Hydra to save humanity by killing millions of people is where The Winter Soldier becomes kinda silly. They launch these behemoths into the sky to fly around the U.S. shooting these people? Seems a bit much, even if it’s an extreme take on actual American special operations tactics regarding targeted killings abroad (and possibly at home).

I really wish we could have seen at least one of them accomplish part of the evil mission so we could see exactly how it would work and what the aftereffects are. As far as what we do see of these enormous, extremely expensive inter-atmosphere satellites of fear-producing murder, all I could think about when they’re launched and then in rewired battle against each other above D.C., then crashing down upon the nation’s capital, is what does everyone on the ground think of what’s going on above.

And would there not be additional aircraft — both Hydra’s from the carriers and U.S. Air Force jets — make their way into the battle to contribute the situation? The latter to maybe make sure the carriers don’t crash into monuments or the White House or Capitol? Or are we to forget there are things existing in this universe that isn’t part of the action at hand? Too much in this movie was occurring in public and broad daylight without much acknowledgement that there’s a normal world of people out there.

How Did Bucky/The Winter Soldier Not Age Much Over the Years?
Like Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes is around 95 years old, but we know Rogers was frozen for about 70 of those while we hear that The Winter Soldier had at least been on missions for the last couple decades. He’d have aged some, right? As far as I noticed, it’s not explained in the movie, but in the comics the deal was that he would be sent on missions and then returned to cryogenic sleep when he was off duty. We can assume that was the case here.


Marvel Studios

What Happened to the Real Councilwoman Hawley?
It was great to see Jenny Agutter return to the MCU as Councilwoman Hawley, but even better was it to see her kicking ass in a scene near the end. I was really hoping that Hawley was simply that awesome, but unfortunately it was really Black Widow in a Mission: Impossible-sort of implausible mask (and platforms, I assume since Agutter has a number of inches on Johansson). So where’s the real councilwoman?

I know it doesn’t matter, but it’d be nice to see more of Agutter in these or any movies. I’ll just assume she’s been sitting cooperatively in some room with no clothes on (as Agutter is known to be without clothes often in movies) and probably sadly forgotten after everything went down.

Will Iron Man Still Attend Alexander Pierce’s Niece’s Birthday Party?
I think it only fair. I mean, Fury makes the promise and she shouldn’t have to pay for her uncle’s villainy. Plus, that noted, she just lost her uncle, evil or not, and she could use a pick-me-up, even if from a superhero affiliated with those who killed the guy. I’m going to just imagine the whole awkward scene in my head, since nobody else likely cares besides me.

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Probably just adrenaline, plus the fact that he is the product of experimentation. Not like he's some reg. average joe. To put adrenaline factor in perspective, I nearly choked out a kid with the arm that he broke when I was like 7-8 years old. So I didn't even question that really.
Yeah I'd have to assume his pain receptors were at least deadened a little bit after all that torture..


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
Star Wars was checked off because the director of the first one worked on the entire trilogy and the movie was somewhat inspired by star wars