Candace Owens interview with The Breakfast Club 3/21/2024


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
:picard: I’m actually shocked by the amount of black people agreeing with her in the comments. Is there some type of shift going on that I’ve been unaware about?
Lots of stupid people out there.

And when they have no pushback it creates a false sense that they are "making sense".

So if you have some dumb black people out there that want to feel as though they are "different" then you see what you see here.

The Plug

plug couldnt trust you now u cant trust the plug
Feb 11, 2017
:picard: I’m actually shocked by the amount of black people agreeing with her in the comments. Is there some type of shift going on that I’ve been unaware about?
Anytime breakfast club interviews some republican, you get an influx of republican trolls in the comment section.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
You wonder why? Unlike you, I like finding the source to why things are generally happening from a sociological standpoint. And for the most part, the evidence leads to a staggering degree.

Im having doubts you are black.

Wrong, they understood for example..overturning roe v wade was generally unpopular, and would hurt the election chances in midterms pre-trump. However, with Trumps radicalization of the republican party by merely his example, and his appointment of a far right judge. We have very bold rights taken away like roe v wade and affirmative action that wouldnt have been taken away previously due to it being a bad strategy for support.

And if we didnt promote apathy in 2016 like *you* are doing, then we'd have a judge in that seat that wouldnt have overturned those things. Not voting didnt bring us anything good. Thanks.

Mind you he gets 2 more picks if he wins.

Its funny how you are lowkey trying to absolve Trump from having a major impact on these things coming into fruition.

Thats why the question about " if you think the past 4 years were equal to Trumps term" was important, because I can see if you think Trumps handeling of the pandemic and rhetoric didnt affect the people, or his ending of regulations to corporations didnt affect the people, or if hia Tax cuts to the rich, his only promise he kept..affected the people.

I can see why you didnt want to answer that question

Yes, Negro. It will never be outdated. But im having doubts you are actually black right now...
Oh no you don't think I'm Black? I really don't care. lol
The goal of overturning Roe V Wade has been in motion for decades. The Republican SC judges appointed prior to Trump by literal decades didn't have to prove they were pro-life? Still being disingenuous or willfully ignorant.
I said I voted for Hillary, I never advocated for not voting but yeah I sniffed out your claim to being #BothSides out. You were lying again. Listen to you, you might as well be cold calling for the DNC. lol


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
Oh no you don't think I'm Black? I really don't care. lol
The goal of overturning Roe V Wade has been in motion for decades. The Republican SC judges appointed prior to Trump by literal decades didn't have to prove they were pro-life? Still being disingenuous or willfully ignorant.
I said I voted for Hillary, I never advocated for not voting but yeah I sniffed out your claim to being #BothSides out. You were lying again. Listen to you, you might as well be cold calling for the DNC. lol
And like I said, they wouldnt have done it, would've been too radical a move pre-Trump.

And doesn't matter if you voted Hillary, you are promoting apathy TODAY. The same Apathy that was promoted in 2016 that led to this.

You say i'm the DNC, but you never disclosed amy real principles of your own or why Trump and Biden are equal in your eyes. I stated why he isn't, on top of the obvious shyt like insurrection, not conceding elections, lying about covid on tape, and mishandeling of covid which made things worse than they needed to be.

I can understand that both sides are both simply factions of capitalism which is another whole issue. While understanding this specific guy is capable of expediting fascism, and affecting the behavior and discourse of the general population in a negative way.

So what is your argument? That Trump and say...McCain would have the same results if McCain were the republican president? I dont fukking think so lol

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The difference between how the Jews handle their enemies and how Blacks handle their enemies is night and day.

The contrast is so stark it makes me sick thinking about it
Jews have a very rigid set of beliefs, practices, and shared history/lineage. It also helps that their numbers are low so it's easier for them to stay-on-code when it matters.

Black people just have "Black" - there is no codified system, no set of beliefs, and today, no shared history/lineage amongst the collective known as Black.

This isn't remotely true. There is no shared set of beliefs among people of Jewish ancestry at all.

A huge percentage are atheists, others are fundamentalist or orthodox, others are religious liberals. Some are supporters of Israel, most American Jews don't even support the current Israeli government. Some are right-wing (Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Stephen and Christine Schwarzman, Ben Shapiro, Dennis Praeger, Steve Mnuchin, Jared Kushner), centrists (Joe Lieberman, Michael Bloomberg), left-wing (George Soros, Tom Steyer, Jon Ossoff, Josh Shapiro, Michael Bennet, Richard Blumenthal, Jacky Rosen, Benjamin Cardin), or independent (Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein).

Even just look at the current response to the actions in Palestine. There's no "on code" at all. In reality, MANY Jews have criticized what is going on, some of them quite publicly. I'd actually argue that Black folk in general are more uniformly united against anti-Black racism than Jewish folk are against antisemitism. Jews can't agree amongst themselves what antisemitism even is, while 90% of Black folk know what racism is.

The only reason that Jewish people are more successful in policing antisemitism is because there are more Jews in positions of power in media, business, and political donations. There are definitely ways of using collective power that can achieve the same results (as we saw during the Civil Rights Movement), but the Jewish community hasn't been employing those collective actions any more than the Black community has. It's a few people in positions of power that are making the difference.


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
This isn't remotely true. There is no shared set of beliefs among people of Jewish ancestry at all.

A huge percentage are atheists, others are fundamentalist or orthodox, others are religious liberals. Some are supporters of Israel, most American Jews don't even support the current Israeli government. Some are right-wing (Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Stephen and Christine Schwarzman, Ben Shapiro, Dennis Praeger, Steve Mnuchin, Jared Kushner), centrists (Joe Lieberman, Michael Bloomberg), left-wing (George Soros, Tom Steyer, Jon Ossoff, Josh Shapiro, Michael Bennet, Richard Blumenthal, Jacky Rosen, Benjamin Cardin), or independent (Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein).

Even just look at the current response to the actions in Palestine. There's no "on code" at all. In reality, MANY Jews have criticized what is going on, some of them quite publicly. I'd actually argue that Black folk in general are more uniformly united against anti-Black racism than Jewish folk are against antisemitism. Jews can't agree amongst themselves what antisemitism even is, while 90% of Black folk know what racism is.

The only reason that Jewish people are more successful in policing antisemitism is because there are more Jews in positions of power in media, business, and political donations. There are definitely ways of using collective power that can achieve the same results (as we saw during the Civil Rights Movement), but the Jewish community hasn't been employing those collective actions any more than the Black community has. It's a few people in positions of power that are making the difference.
I agree, in fact the percieved idea of the "power" jews have in America in my opinion is merely an illusion that just reflects that they pass as white and therefore benefit from the same privilege

Ski Mask

Friendzone: Collection 1
Jan 10, 2013
They would need somebody who knows how to debate for that. After larry elder interview these motherfukkers need to stick to softball questions.
They shoulda asked her George Floyd. Thats one of her most egregious views to me. This was pretty safe. I thought they was going to challenge her on her treh, lgbtq views but they didn't. That surprised me the most.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
And like I said, they wouldnt have done it, would've been too radical a move pre-Trump.

And doesn't matter if you voted Hillary, you are promoting apathy TODAY. The same Apathy that was promoted in 2016 that led to this.

You say i'm the DNC, but you never disclosed amy real principles of your own or why Trump and Biden are equal in your eyes. I stated why he isn't, on top of the obvious shyt like insurrection, not conceding elections, lying about covid on tape, and mishandeling of covid which made things worse than they needed to be.

I can understand that both sides are both simply factions of capitalism which is another whole issue. While understanding this specific guy is capable of expediting fascism, and affecting the behavior and discourse of the general population in a negative way.
So they appointed all those judges decades before knowing Trump was coming to finally lay the groundwork? He was the one that was prophesized! Niqqaz be giving Trump superpowers. 😂
Make sense dude. lol
No, this is what they slowly built up to and always had planned.
What can I say I'm apathetic, neither is catering to the issues I care about:
Israel/Palestine: Both Biden/Trump have the same policy Trump is just nakedly honest about it.
Universal Healthcare: Neither have any interest.
Income inequality: Trump has no interest and the Dems are ineffective.
Taxes: They both raise my taxes.
Immigration: I wish some of the defense budget went to assisting legal immigration to anyone who wants to come here that isn't a criminal but both sides like to play other type of games with the issue without any resolution.
Foreign intervention Generally: Both have no interest in reigning in the military industrial complex.

It's over dude, the political class blew it. You think Trump is a threat to democracy when your democracy has been bought and paid for awhile now. Dems and Republicans have the same donors, they are doing their bidding. They just playing bad cop good cop on you and you're falling for it. Concentrate on other things to get yours.


Mar 11, 2022
Conservatives are working hard going on platforms they think young minorities are on, not necessarily pushing for Republican candidates because that's too direct, but rather attacking Democrats and liberal ideas in an effort to -- at the least -- dissuade them from voting.

They want to gin up a certain level of apathy among minorities, which is why you see this rise of "both sides" or outrage at certain political wedge issues... social things like trans people, migrants and abortion.

You live long enough and you see it a mile away.

^^^This is why no matter what we think of Biden, Trump honestly cannot be elected.


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
So they appointed all those judges decades before knowing Trump was coming to finally lay the groundwork? He was the one that was prophesized! Niqqaz be giving Trump superpowers. 😂
Make sense dude. lol
No, this is what they slowly built up to and always had planned.
What can I say I'm apathetic, neither is catering to the issues I care about:
Israel/Palestine: Both Biden/Trump have the same policy Trump is just nakedly honest about it.
Universal Healthcare: Neither have any interest.
Income inequality: Trump has no interest and the Dems are ineffective.
Taxes: They both raise my taxes.
Immigration: I wish some of the defense budget went to assisting legal immigration to anyone who wants to come here that isn't a criminal but both sides like to play other type of games with the issue without any resolution.
Foreign intervention Generally: Both have no interest in reigning in the military industrial complex.

It's over dude, the political class blew it. You think Trump is a threat to democracy when your democracy has been bought and paid for awhile now. Dems and Republicans have the same donors, they are doing their bidding. They just playing bad cop good cop on you and you're falling for it. Concentrate on other things to get yours.
So basically its "if I dont get mine, then screw it" how narcisistic...

And you care about Israel/Palestine more than Black Issues? Sus, and you are more likely to get a cease fire from Biden than from Trump regarding that.

And regarding the judges, he got a far right pick because of voter apathy in 2016, the solution to that is to not give him 2 more.

Your premise acts as if roe v wade and affirmative action were ALWAYS going to be overturned. No they werent, especially if Hillary had won. This would not have even been a discussion, and republicans would've had to move/stay into a more central direction. Trump made it OKAY to go farrr right.

Whats hilarious about this is, even if all this were 100% true. It's doesnt even acknowledge that seems in between that Trump has done that hasnt been done in the history of this country. Abd would not have happened if it werent for Trump specifically. Trump has certainly single handedly affected the general behavior of his constituents. Don't you agree?

Does Jan 6th happen under John McCain (random example)? Yes or No. The answer is no.

Does the pandemic have a delayed reaponse, where the pandemic task force was disbanded, and generally not taken seriously by right wingers to the same degree under a John McCain? Likely not.

Does rhetoric that simply causes tension and emboldens racism across the board happen under any normal republican pre-2016? Like "kung flu" "stand by stand down" etc

Those things matter, and are unprecedented. You are largely ignoring the dudes impact on the PEOPLE that has already been proven. Thats not theory.

Aside from policy, Trump affects the way people ACT. He emboldens racism, this is proven. Not a scare tactic. Its a fact, he already did it.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
So they appointed all those judges decades before knowing Trump was coming to finally lay the groundwork? He was the one that was prophesized! Niqqaz be giving Trump superpowers. 😂
Make sense dude. lol
No, this is what they slowly built up to and always had planned.
What can I say I'm apathetic, neither is catering to the issues I care about:
Israel/Palestine: Both Biden/Trump have the same policy Trump is just nakedly honest about it.
Universal Healthcare: Neither have any interest.
Income inequality: Trump has no interest and the Dems are ineffective.
Taxes: They both raise my taxes.
Immigration: I wish some of the defense budget went to assisting legal immigration to anyone who wants to come here that isn't a criminal but both sides like to play other type of games with the issue without any resolution.
Foreign intervention Generally: Both have no interest in reigning in the military industrial complex.

It's over dude, the political class blew it. You think Trump is a threat to democracy when your democracy has been bought and paid for awhile now. Dems and Republicans have the same donors, they are doing their bidding. They just playing bad cop good cop on you and you're falling for it. Concentrate on other things to get yours.

Sound like a scorned Bernie Bro :mjlol: