Candace Owens interview with The Breakfast Club 3/21/2024


Jul 25, 2018
Jews have a very rigid set of beliefs, practices, and shared history/lineage. It also helps that their numbers are low so it's easier for them to stay-on-code when it matters.

Black people just have "Black" - there is no codified system, no set of beliefs, and today, no shared history/lineage amongst the collective known as Black.

Please. You one of the main contrarian "wE nOt a mOnOliTh" pro-Trump nikkas up in here who so badly wanna see black folks become more agreeable to white supremacist conservatives who spit in our faces.

And then when Jews--a group of people who don't feel comfortable being agreeable with their enemies, and ain't afraid to be a strong, united, politically threatening and respected monolith of a community when they are being attacked--come together, stand for themselves, and get results you getting mad, cooking up conspiracies, and wondering how can this be.

And the simplistic view you have of jews is so pathetic it just proves how woefully ignorant of the world and politics you both sides "FBA" Trump supporting niccas really are. The Jewish diaspora is one of the largest and most varied in the world. Open a damn history book homey. There are Sephardic jews, Ashkenazic jews, Mizrahi jews, Ethiopian jews. There are Hasidic jews, orthodox jews, conservative jews, non-orthodox jews, liberal jews. Haredi jews, Dati jews, hiloni jews, masorti. There are European jews, Arab jews, African jews. Jews speak a multitude of different languages (Yiddish, Hebrew...English), come from a multitude of different ethnic backgrounds and nations, and they have gone through numeroud periods of enslavement and displacement for thousands of years that has separated them all ethnically and culturally.

Yet you don't see Jews doing the stupid bigoted shyt against each other we foolishly think will accomplish our goals. You don't see Yiddish speaking European Ashkenazi jews wanting to "distinguish themselves" and throw a divisive wedge between themselves and their non-white Jewish counterparts. You don't Ashkenazi jews claiming that Middle Eastern jews or Ethiopian jews are all broke and poor and jealous of them. You don't see European or American Jewish citizens telling Middle Eastern Jewish immigrants to honor them for "allowing them to come here." You don't see Middle Eastern jews claiming that white jews are not true jews, while throwing them under the bus for some perceived political capital among themselves. You don't see Amerian descendants of the holocaust...sorry...ADOH...claiming to be of some superior stock to other jews for all they endured and accomplished legally "for them to flee their countries and come here." If someone makes an anti-semitic comment towards an Arab jew, the European jews dont sit back, accept it, and ask "how does this effect European jews tho?" Not my peoples problem like a bunch of damn cowards afraid of their enemies. You dont see jews fighting with each other over who did what and who gets what when it's time to advance the political, economical, and global status of the Jewish people. Because it's fukking stupid and childish, and some people get the bigger picture of how law and government works, unlike you hashtag psuedo intellects who just want an articulate way to express you support for Trump, your support for white supremacy, your hatred of other black people, and your all around c00nery.

The difference is Jews are not insecure about themselves or their ancestry. For a Jewish American being Jewish compliments that he is also American. For you c00n niccas being "American" compliments your inner shame and pain of being African, which you deny. Jews dont see their individual family lineage in some particular country as being more powerful than their greater lineage and mission as the people of Judah. They would never trade one for the other like youre willing to do. And they sure as hell dont prefer defining themselves according to colonialism and enslavement. But you are ashamed to be black and of African descent. You like being defined by your oppressors rather than united with your people. An English speaking jew from America can link up with a Hebrew speaking Middle east jew and still feel unity and kinship. But you "FBA" niccas encounter an African and you feel disgusted. Which is why you and your ilk put more energy into disparaging other black people rather than fighting white supremacy. Meanwhile Jews put every bit of energy and numbers they have into destroying anti-semitism and advancing themselves as a whole. They wouldn't even think to attack one another over country and "lineage." Certainly not countries that don't even belong to them.

Don't project your ignorance on other people. Once we got you pro-Trump c00nservative hashtag niccas out the way maybe we can finally start making real political gains again. Yall are nothing but an obstruction and a distraction.


Jul 25, 2018
Sounds like you are an expert on white males and what they desire. I wonder why?! lol
Everything you listed Republicans have been trying to do prior to Trump ever thinking of running for president besides the DEI stuff since that has only come about recently. It's not unique to Trump. It seems you just started paying attention to what's going on.
Negro huh? 1950 called it wants its word back. lol

So the guy is fully aware that the Republican party has been pushing a radical white supremacist agenda all his life. But he's still open to voting for them when it's "right?"

And he actually thinks "Republicans been trying to pass racist laws prior to Trump" is somehow a defense of Trump becoming the poster child and cult leader of their movement.

This guy is a perfect example of the black Trump supporter. Just damn confused and dimb.

You clearly don't give a shyt about law, politics, or government at all. You were being 100% truthful when you said you don't care about making white folks mad. You're correct. You care about making black folks mad. That's what motivates your c00ntrarian politics.


Jul 25, 2018
Reasons #312,556 for FBA/ados as socio-cultural movement

Reason #999,997 you're an inept idiot. The Jewish diaspora is literally one of the most diverse on the planet. In nationalities, languages, cultures, customs, ethnicity, and even race. They unite against anti-semitism no matter what ethnic background the victims. They fight for the rights and economic privileges of one another, everywhere they go. And they support one another in every capacity regardless of differences in "lineage." Regardless of whether one was "born here" or is an immigrant family who comes from their own political experiences. They operate the entire opposite of you strange dumbasses.

Yall are not intellects taking on some brave, new, proven front of black politics. Yall are just weak deranged c00ns ashamed to be African, praying every night Republicans win because you enjoy being agreeable with white people, and looking for some articulate way to express dehumanizing views of Africans you've held in your entire life.


Jul 25, 2018
Excellent interview, agree with almost everything she said.
You dont have to be a black fukking liberal, and they are not your goddamn friends - No party is - Stop being stupid as shyt :mjlol:

We need people like Candace AND Umar to widen the spectrum of THOUGHT. Its not good to just hear one POV all the time. Well done Sista

I wonder if you idiots even know what "liberal" means when you say this stupid shyt. It's like yall think government is spectator sport you can just play with.

Why the fukk would a minority group even consider being conservative in a majority white country? Unless you're willing to admit you're a coward c00n who enjoys shoe shining white folks please explain how that makes sense.


Jul 25, 2018
Wow. I'm guessing it was her opinions on Israel.
I can see a certain section of daily wire viewers having a problem with this.

She'll probably link up with TP USA

She started her career with that nazi Kirk and TPUSA. She already been fired from there for the first time she spoke some empathetic poetry about Hitler or some Jewish conspiracy shyt.

Then she got scooped up by another white supremacist front and did it again.

She can't help herself. She is a legit black neo-nazi.

A lot of people think she can make a big come back of her own. But nah. She already been demonetized by the whole internet for being a detestable whack job. She may even be black listed from Fox News. At best she can get some trash cable show on Newsmax or OANN or whatever, but that negro wakeup call is coming. She's burnt damn near every bridge thinking she can always ride on being a sell out. She cooked now.

Daily Wire--the new kingmakers of the right wing media apparatus--and the entire conservative community is porbably already looking for a new black conservative female firebrand to take her spot. She never getting the reach she once had again. Especially now that she has shown she is prone to anti-semitic rants.


Jul 25, 2018
Republicans would have to legit give ADOS Blacks reparations in order to make nikkaz fukk with them as a whole.

Too bad "ADOS reparations" would completely violate the very core beliefs of the party.

This is a party that don't even want to fund social security any further, wants you to work until you're 80, will fight tooth and nail against healthcare reform, and abolished affirmative action. But some of yall hashtag political strategists still fantasizing about them "giving ADOS reparations."


Jun 6, 2012
New York
So the guy is fully aware that the Republican party has been pushing a radical white supremacist agenda all his life. But he's still open to voting for them when it's "right?"

And he actually thinks "Republicans been trying to pass racist laws prior to Trump" is somehow a defense of Trump becoming the poster child and cult leader of their movement.

This guy is a perfect example of the black Trump supporter. Just damn confused and dimb.

You clearly don't give a shyt about law, politics, or government at all. You were being 100% truthful when you said you don't care about making white folks mad. You're correct. You care about making black folks mad. That's what motivates your c00ntrarian politics.
I have never and will never vote Republican. Where you got that idea I don't know. I'm a self professed Bernie Bro. Read the thread.


May 1, 2012
Too bad "ADOS reparations" would completely violate the very core beliefs of the party.

This is a party that don't even want to fund social security any further, wants you to work until you're 80, will fight tooth and nail against healthcare reform, and abolished affirmative action. But some of yall hashtag political strategists still fantasizing about them "giving ADOS reparations."
Oh I know


Nov 29, 2019
Please. You one of the main contrarian "wE nOt a mOnOliTh" pro-Trump nikkas up in here who so badly wanna see black folks become more agreeable to white supremacist conservatives who spit in our faces.

And then when Jews--a group of people who don't feel comfortable being agreeable with their enemies, and ain't afraid to be a strong, united, politically threatening and respected monolith of a community when they are being attacked--come together, stand for themselves, and get results you getting mad, cooking up conspiracies, and wondering how can this be.

And the simplistic view you have of jews is so pathetic it just proves how woefully ignorant of the world and politics you both sides "FBA" Trump supporting niccas really are. The Jewish diaspora is one of the largest and most varied in the world. Open a damn history book homey. There are Sephardic jews, Ashkenazic jews, Mizrahi jews, Ethiopian jews. There are Hasidic jews, orthodox jews, conservative jews, non-orthodox jews, liberal jews. Haredi jews, Dati jews, hiloni jews, masorti. There are European jews, Arab jews, African jews. Jews speak a multitude of different languages (Yiddish, Hebrew...English), come from a multitude of different ethnic backgrounds and nations, and they have gone through numeroud periods of enslavement and displacement for thousands of years that has separated them all ethnically and culturally.

Yet you don't see Jews doing the stupid bigoted shyt against each other we foolishly think will accomplish our goals. You don't see Yiddish speaking European Ashkenazi jews wanting to "distinguish themselves" and throw a divisive wedge between themselves and their non-white Jewish counterparts. You don't Ashkenazi jews claiming that Middle Eastern jews or Ethiopian jews are all broke and poor and jealous of them. You don't see European or American Jewish citizens telling Middle Eastern Jewish immigrants to honor them for "allowing them to come here." You don't see Middle Eastern jews claiming that white jews are not true jews, while throwing them under the bus for some perceived political capital among themselves. You don't see Amerian descendants of the holocaust...sorry...ADOH...claiming to be of some superior stock to other jews for all they endured and accomplished legally "for them to flee their countries and come here." If someone makes an anti-semitic comment towards an Arab jew, the European jews dont sit back, accept it, and ask "how does this effect European jews tho?" Not my peoples problem like a bunch of damn cowards afraid of their enemies. You dont see jews fighting with each other over who did what and who gets what when it's time to advance the political, economical, and global status of the Jewish people. Because it's fukking stupid and childish, and some people get the bigger picture of how law and government works, unlike you hashtag psuedo intellects who just want an articulate way to express you support for Trump, your support for white supremacy, your hatred of other black people, and your all around c00nery.

The difference is Jews are not insecure about themselves or their ancestry. For a Jewish American being Jewish compliments that he is also American. For you c00n niccas being "American" compliments your inner shame and pain of being African, which you deny. Jews dont see their individual family lineage in some particular country as being more powerful than their greater lineage and mission as the people of Judah. They would never trade one for the other like youre willing to do. And they sure as hell dont prefer defining themselves according to colonialism and enslavement. But you are ashamed to be black and of African descent. You like being defined by your oppressors rather than united with your people. An English speaking jew from America can link up with a Hebrew speaking Middle east jew and still feel unity and kinship. But you "FBA" niccas encounter an African and you feel disgusted. Which is why you and your ilk put more energy into disparaging other black people rather than fighting white supremacy. Meanwhile Jews put every bit of energy and numbers they have into destroying anti-semitism and advancing themselves as a whole. They wouldn't even think to attack one another over country and "lineage." Certainly not countries that don't even belong to them.

Don't project your ignorance on other people. Once we got you pro-Trump c00nservative hashtag niccas out the way maybe we can finally start making real political gains again. Yall are nothing but an obstruction and a distraction.

That post was mainly concerning Jews in America, not abroad. But, nevertheless, I stand by that post.

Jewish people define themselves by their lineage like I said in that post. And they have customs and beliefs they practice that define and affirm their heritage. So, we agree on that point that you took the scenic route to make.

Some of you want to run away from your own people to America and then try to dictate to people like me who have been here far longer than you have and whose lineage extends further back than you can trace your own lineage, how to identify ourselves. You do this to absolve yourselves of responsibility you have to your people back in your homeland and try to make it the issue of Freedmen. The issues your people face are your own issues to sort out and overcome. Those issues aren't Freedmen's issues.

All my people, Freedmen, have to do is understand and respect the history of our ancestors that built this nation. My ancestors were dealing with outright brutality and still stayed here, continued to fight and build up the land to what it is now. They didn't tuck tail and run.

Once Freedmen start respecting the lineage and holding it up as the pinnacle of what defines a great people, the better. We are not African and I stand on that 100%. As soon as we were sold off we stopped being whatever we were over there.

We created a new identity, a new lineage, and a new history for ourselves. We had to. So, you - arriving to the great USA yesterday - can't dictate to Freedmen how we are supposed to define ourselves. We know who we are.

Oct 22, 2017
Love how a platform supposedly made for and by the culture gave no pushback or decided not to make her take account for her previous stances caping for Chauvin, the pigs that murdered sister Taylor, her claiming that Juneteenth is a "Ghetto" and made up holiday, her stance that the Central Park Five were actually guilty as if they were just exonerated for no reason, her disinterest in addressing the impact of Reaganomics and how that exacerbated the racial wealth gap and disproportionately affected black communities, working with PragerU to minimize the actual severity and barbarity of slavery for elementary school children and the MILES LONG list of Anti-Black sentiments she's has since she first blew up.

Toe Jay Simpson

May 12, 2012
Carmel City
Love how a platform supposedly made for and by the culture gave no pushback or decided not to make her take account for her previous stances caping for Chauvin, the pigs that murdered sister Taylor, her claiming that Juneteenth is a "Ghetto" and made up holiday, her stance that the Central Park Five were actually guilty as if they were just exonerated for no reason, her disinterest in addressing the impact of Reaganomics and how that exacerbated the racial wealth gap and disproportionately affected black communities, working with PragerU to minimize the actual severity and barbarity of slavery for elementary school children and the MILES LONG list of Anti-Black sentiments she's has since she first blew up.
Yet they will get someone immersed in the culture on there and ask them if they eat ass


Jan 3, 2017
I've never seen such a disgusting grifter as Candace Owen. For the right price, she'll hop on to any trend, switch ideologies at the drop of a hat, even to the extent of embracing white supremacism.

Wait, she does have a lot in common with Tariq Nasheed. Birds of the same feather.


Sep 25, 2012
Reason #999,997 you're an inept idiot. The Jewish diaspora is literally one of the most diverse on the planet. In nationalities, languages, cultures, customs, ethnicity, and even race. They unite against anti-semitism no matter what ethnic background the victims. They fight for the rights and economic privileges of one another, everywhere they go. And they support one another in every capacity regardless of differences in "lineage." Regardless of whether one was "born here" or is an immigrant family who comes from their own political experiences. They operate the entire opposite of you strange dumbasses.

Yall are not intellects taking on some brave, new, proven front of black politics. Yall are just weak deranged c00ns ashamed to be African, praying every night Republicans win because you enjoy being agreeable with white people, and looking for some articulate way to express dehumanizing views of Africans you've held in your entire life.
you really going to compare the "jewish" largely religion based "diaspora to the African

Black americans have always "united" with the diaspora. Boldly looked at the west in defiance and big upped the idea of Africa and the "black race" even when they tried to undermine that. And a fba/ados mindset is not against that. So you dont have an actual point. You cant just manufature things in your head and make things what you want it to be. It doesnt work like that.

You are mad that you spent this whole time basically adopting a blanket blackness, one big negro mindset. And that is rightly getting the fukk outta here with the lineage movements. You were comfortable and complacent in that space. Those days are dwindling.

The problem is these "hashtag movements" dont create the type of agreeable negro you shills need. Negros being specific is a potential problem for you, specific lands to close to "tangible". You need BA's to be bull mules- open ended lets -hold hands across america mfers

You as a person would make sense if you kept it in the realm of politics. Im not actually against that. But you DONT

Any instance of black americans standing on culture involving ANYTHING. Seems to be offensive to you. Your a dodo bird c00n fukk outta here