My perspective is... who cares if a particular behavior/desire is statistically abnormal? It's completely irrelevant. Some people choose to eat only fruits and vegetables. Sure, that's not the norm, as humans evolved as omnivores, but who gives a shyt? Does that make them deficient, or less of a person, or immoral people? No. They just have a different lifestyle. Different preference.
You and the rest of today's brain-dead lovers of 'pop logic' are going to learn a harsh lesson in life.
You will learn to let go of that "we are the world everyone may do as they please who cares, and if you do care they you're judging" sorry excuse for 'philosophy'.
It's merely the 'popular' way to think these days, in the 90s it was 'think outside the box' and everyone proceeded to utter that phrase for the next 5 years as their green light to indulge in any and all disgust. This form of thinking is baseless, empty, and illogical.
It takes a certain level of empty headedness and lack of ability to think for one's self to subscribe to such sorry excuse for 'logic' as what is popularly subscribed to today.
I mean no offense when I tell you that you sound like a complete mindless idiot trying to use a person's choice in diet as the analogical equivalent to homosexuality.
You were born with a brain. Use it.
I often too find that is the younger amongst us, the under 25 lollipop happy go lucky generation, who cling to 'todays pop-philosophies'. Grow up. Life and reality will teach you differently, better to get a head start by removing your head from the proverbial ass of Eurocentric ideals.