I brought it up exactly 4 times in 8K post.... you have me confused.Why are you always bringing up homo shyt?
And in this case You did by acting like one.
You still are^
I brought it up exactly 4 times in 8K post.... you have me confused.Why are you always bringing up homo shyt?
I brought it up exactly 4 times in 8K post.... you have me confused.
And in this case You did by acting like one.
You still are^
Acting like one? For asking for sources?
Stop being a c*nt.
Lucky for you these black and brown Muslims came and civilized your people in Europe... you may not be alive today to used cac words like c*nt.
I didn't invent this idea. Even the BBC talks about it. Most people know the history... I didn't say caves.That's why I was asking you for sources. I know you were coming with your cult shyt. The Dark Ages refers to Western Europe losing a connection to Greek and Roman texts and resources. The people were already civilized and not living in caves. The Byzantine Empire and Scandinavia went on.
fukking clown trying to kick revisionist history.
Good information, which is not new to me. I never made a stated that Arab slavery was the same system as European slavery. I stated that both people, Arabs and Europeans, used their respective religions as a means to an end. A way to justify their ideas on the treatment of Africans while at different points in history.
Also, what the Quran states does not take away from what its followers do/did. The Quran and the Bible do not promote the bad treatment of slaves, however both Muslims and Christians used their religion as a means to hold slaves and treat said slaves as less than equal in terms of humanity. That is my point. I'm not going to delve into devout vs non-devout because that's a rabbit trail that neither one of us should or even could follow.
And not having economic powerhouses tied to money made during slavery does not dwindle the affect of slavery on the Africans who were enslaved nor the collateral damage caused by the Arab slave trade on those societies in general. But even beyond that, I would be very hard pressed to believe that years and years of slavery have not benefitted Arabs and their families in Africa and back home. And how could you even confirm that no current companies/businesses in the Middle East have benefitted from the fruits/ideas of enslaved peoples?
Like I said, I have NO ISSUE with the religion itself or its tenets. However, I do have an issue with someone trying to make Islam out to be this benevolent, genteel influence in Africa as if Muslims came there with nothing but the best intentions but somehow just happened to kill and enslave a thousands by accident. As if the Africans came up by being associated with a religion that was used to enslave African men and make African women sex slaves and house servants.
Yes, Islam did some good in terms of introducing a new concept of religion, but let's not negate the slew of bad that came with it. I find it funny how people are so quick to throw Europeans under the bus but put on the brakes when we're talking about Arabs in relation to Africa. I'm sorry, but I don't have that hangup.
this is really A violation of HL rules, breah.We can agree to disagree on the arabs/islam influence into Africa. But if we consider just Africans and implementing islam into their society, which the thread is about, without any outside influences. What do you have to say about the golden age of Africa with the two greatest African empires being the Mali Empire and Songhai Empire, both muslim empires. There has never been any African empire or country great on a large scale as these two, before or even to this day. Give me an example of an African nation that can compare. Songhai was the biggest muslim empire in history. Mansa musa was donating gold to poor arabs. This is the history black children should be taught in school. These were African people practising home grown Islam for generations. There were never controlled by Arabs or any outside empire. These cat's was not to be mess with. They had scholars and artist. After the decline of these empires that's when you started to see European colonial powers come into the area. So if you want to know the effects of African implementing islam these two empires should be studied, not boko haram.
Mali Empire, Mansa Musa - Muslim
Songhai Empire, Sunni Ali Ber - Muslim
We can agree to disagree on the arabs/islam influence into Africa. But if we consider just Africans and implementing islam into their society, which the thread is about, without any outside influences. What do you have to say about the golden age of Africa with the two greatest African empires being the Mali Empire and Songhai Empire, both muslim empires. There has never been any African empire or country great on a large scale as these two, before or even to this day. Give me an example of an African nation that can compare. Songhai was the biggest muslim empire in history. Mansa musa was donating gold to poor arabs. This is the history black children should be taught in school. These were African people practising home grown Islam for generations. There were never controlled by Arabs or any outside empire. These cat's was not to be mess with. They had scholars and artist. After the decline of these empires that's when you started to see European colonial powers come into the area. So if you want to know the effects of African implementing islam these two empires should be studied, not boko haram.
Mali Empire, Mansa Musa - Muslim
Songhai Empire, Sunni Ali Ber - Muslim
Good examples. But are you saying that these men were kings because they were Muslim or in spite of Muslim? I feel like you're intimating that their religious choice is somehow responsible for their success. As if they had not been Muslim and had just been an observer of a traditional African religion that would not have been capable of such great feats. That somehow Islam is what made these men great. I don't believe that, and I pray you don't...especially if you're of African descent as I am.
I agree that our children should be taught this history. Where I think we differ is that you seem to want to tie greatness in Africa to Islam where I want to it Africans themselves...regardless of their religion. I believe Africans have a great history because of their accomplishments....not because of what religion they happened to have been affiliated with when they made the accomplishments. Mansa Musa was a great man who happened to be a Muslim....not a Muslim who happened to be great.
And yes, Mali and Songhai were great empires. But there were others that rivaled those and even surpassed in scope such as Nile Valley civilization that counted over twenty dynasties between the regions of Kemet and Nubia, where were both well before the Islam was even a thought. Add to that these Valley civilizations, which had their headquarters in what is now known as Egypt, had colonies throughout the Middle East. A good book to start with is "When Egypt Ruled the East."
I'm sure this is an obvious question, but are you Muslim?
I don't believe you about the Ghanian empire... because you make it seem very weak and clueless and defenseless..... AS most of you are doing with Ancient Africa as a whole.
My people are connected with the beginning of African cultures..... so I'm offended that that's the way that you all think about Africans. Honestly, you nikkas are dissing Ancient Africa very heavily.
And I agree that African war and slavery was much different than arab or CAC slavery. But you're wrong, very wrong about the pre-Islamic conquest.
1) you say they have an 'african way' of doing things, lol.... well WTF was that way because from what I understand Ancient Egypt was so much different than certain tribes in central and southern Africa that it's simply not 'one way'.
2) You blame Islam... the last group (before the cac) to come in and take over.. for Some imaginary 'under spoken about' underestimated destruction of African culture- when, in reality Islamic groups came into Africa facing CHRIstian Kingdoms, lol... and other Kingdoms that had it DIRECTLY in their mission statement to destroy pagan cultures and force conversions, allow for ZERO % of slaves to gain freedom.. and Not promote any sense of unity amongst Africans. none of these groups allows slaves to be freed, allowed African science and technology to reach the golden era type potential.. or allow for Africans to enslave caucasions and asians, or allow for certain African kingdoms to spread as far as Europe. None of these groups that already destroyed African culture did any of this. Many of the things that I see these youtube Afrocentrist claim to be so called 'proud' of is --shyt that happened in post islamic kingdoms... that shyt is very weird to me, because they then diss Islam in the next video.
3)Fact of the matter is .... you're blaming Islam for doing what they did do and also what they didn't do. They approached disconnected, unified, already taken over groups.... and were the only ones to let African cultures co-exist with their culture. Go look up the majority of the places that hold on to some of the Original ideas...... and tell me what you find and notice breh,lol.
Of course it's not....
and honestly, that's some sick shyt, smh.
There is an Arab tradition that the Almoravid Muslims came down from the North and invaded Ghana. Another interpretation is that this Almoravid influence was gradual and did not involve any sort of military take-over. <---In either case, Muslims were involved in the gradual decline and took advantage.
Jealousy, fear, and anger of Ghana's power prompted its neighbors to stand up against the kingdom. Their efforts were at first weak and insignificant, but eventually, in the mid-11th century, a Muslim group known as the Almoravids launched a devastating invasion on the capital city of Koumbi Saleh. Though territories were seized, and a tribute tax was enforced, Ghana recovered and forced the invaders to withdraw.
A little less than 200 years later, however, Ghana was not so lucky. Weakened by subsequent attacks, and cut-off from international trade, the kingdom was vulnerable and unable to prevent defeat. In 1240 C.E., Ghana was absorbed into the growing nation of Mali, which would soon become the next great empire.
Basically, somehow this thread turned into Africans are ignorant, hopeless, defenseless, and weak physically and mentally.... by nature.
So Africa would be a giant, massive even Calihpate?
I mean Madiyah period was relatively stable and successful. It could work on a mass scale?
this is really A violation of HL rules, breah.
how the fukk can i hate "god" if it aint even real? gtfoh dumbassgod hater would say that
Religion teaches peace and harmony
the world would have no morality without them
lol, I hope you realize that you really haven't disputed anything I typed in all these post.To be frank, I just think you're having a hard time admitting that the tenacity of Islamic expansion had a part in creating the underdeveloped, chaotic Africa of today. That doesn't make them weak, would you say Africans are weak due to slavery or colonialism too? I wouldn't. The things that happened were reality, old institutions and ways of life had to be eliminated in order for Arab/Muslim expansion to succeed. Does that or does that not make them culpable for some of the destruction done in Africa?
You actually didn't make a point here. You just backed off some of your previous points and then went in a circle..... Then ended with 'everyone is evil'. Ok Thanks.Two, you completely misunderstood when I said "African way". Simply put, all the things were carried out in an African way as in developed and practiced IN the continent of Africa. No that doesn't mean its all one uniform style, but in all instances these customs, codes of conduct, what have you, were African whether from the East, West, Central, North, or South. Say for instance, tribes of the Niger delta united and created Nigeria without Europeans, then on the backs of their tribal gods went all the way to Arabia and had them submit to African customs and religions. Whether or not people prosper under these hypothetical conquerors is one thing, but in all instances those Arabs would of had to give up aspects of their culture the conqueror don't like or be annihilated. This is true for any people, call a spade a spade breh Islam did this just like Europeans did this, hell just like African tribes did to one another...only difference between those Africans and Euros/Arabs is those Africans were not influenced by outside forces.
Nobody let's Islam off the hook. ... some people put Islam ON the hook for literally everything in history including Snow Storms that might happen in the year 2085...... AT MOST people correct ignorant and factually incorrect attacks on Islam that really are either based on hate of the religion... or listening to too many ignorant people.Blame is a strong word, I would say I don't absolve or let Islam off the hook like we often do. Plus lets just stop right there, Islam came to Africa thanks to the Christian Negus(Emperor) Armah of Axum and made its way down the African East Coast. Muhammad even went so far as to advise Muslims not to make war with Christian Ethiopia for giving the Muslim pilgrams in Al Nagash(northern Ethiopia) but of course the insatiable thirst for conquest is too much and in the end Islam isolated Ethiopia and helped to make it the underdeveloped nation it is today, Muslims wiped out the old Nubian Christian culture and devastated the Egyptian community. Furthermore, when Christian nations like Ethiopia barred trading slaves that were non-pagan the slave trade in East Africa became 100% Muslim dominated, but let me stop I don't want to ruin your benevolent Muslim narrative.
I never said African had no golden age prior to the Moors. I'm saying some of the main Islamic groups that accomplished great things were the same AFrican groups that already accomplished shyt... .saying these groups were already advanced... saying these groups traded cultures and ideas freely... and saying that they aren't the backward, bumbelling fools that Yall are in here trying to paint them out to be. Yall act like some of the greatest African kingdoms were completely defenseless against the Arabs... and historians do not agree.. and I do not agree.Also, I take great issue with you suggesting that somehow Africa had no golden age prior to the Moors or the Islamic age which is unequivocally false. As if a HUGE portion of the knowledge Arabs boasted didn't come from African works. It's funny, you accused me of making Africans look weak for acknowledging how savagely and relentlessly they were attacked and yet you believe Islam somehow was the only thing to give these Africans a golden age. What's even more funny is even the moments in which you can credit the Islamic age, you still have jihadists that were bent on destroying those things. Timbuktu was destroyed not only by the Portuguese by making the desert routes irrelevant, but by the non-stop invasions of non-African peoples. Songhai fell to Morrocans with guns. The destruction of Africa was a collaborated effort whether you care to admit it or not. That doesn't mean we can't also acknowledge the good things that came from the Islamic ages, just call a spade a spade.
First off, I can tell none of you actually read books.... but let just pretend that you do... you would know that We would know Almost nothing of the Great Ghanian empire if it were not for............ The boogyman, lol aka Islam. The nikkas that converted wrote about the shyt and that is what we base nearly ALL of our info and historical research on.As for the Ghana Empire:
http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/the-ghana-empire <----Great timeline which also discusses how the Islamic invasion was pivitol in the decline of the Ghana Empire.
Lastly, that's not attributable to my argument. First off, Africa was never universally united to begin with so you can't blame Islam for that. But Islam added something new to be divided by, Islam went through great lengths to have the riches of Africa much like Europe did. This doesn't mean there weren't times of mutual cooperation because the Islamic empire couldn't of succeeded had that not been so. However Muslims took slaves at a high rate which helped to depopulate and ways of life and community were altered by Islam. Many empires suffered and ultimately yes whether you want to admit it or not again, Islam IS culpable in these things.