People being killed
God helped the people of Europe prevail
God made everything, don't you know anything?What does "god" have to do with a temperate climate and fertile soil?
I agree with the fact that you are dispelling some of the myths there are about Islam, which there are plenty. Thanks in large part to how many examples there are of Muslim abusing the context of certain scriptures for their own use. Before you respond, I acknowledge that every religion has examples of people like this.
But the only example of Islam being harmful in Africa is Boko Haram? Are you being serious or being facetious for the sake of satire? Since you seem to be versed in Islam and maybe some of its history, then I am sure you know of the years and years of slavery that was imposed on Africans by foreigners(people called Arabs) who used Islam as a political tool to justify their prejudice against "kafirs." And its so funny how these "kafirs" always seemed to be black with wooly hair. That must've been coincidence, right?
I have no problem with Islam as a religion, however, Islam was not simply a religion in Africa. It was, like Christianity, a political tool used by foreigners as a means to an end. That end being control and domination of African peoples in order to gain access to land and resources that they did not have in their native land. Or did not have in nearly as large a supply.
This dude @Napoleon gets too wound up over this shyt. I think this is what happens when you listen to too much Drake . My guy needs a couple weeks vacation, some mai tais, a massage, a few bong rips, and some peace of mind
You cannot compare the European slave trade with the Arab slave trade, they are like apple and oranges and equating them is completely false. Let's look at the legacy what they left behind, where are the ghettos, mental institutions and prisons with black men, the Arab slave trade left behind? Where are the economic power house companies that benefited from American slavery like J.P. Morgan, Aetna, Bank of America, New York Life, and Wells Fargo that the Arab trade left behind. Let me break down the below two things to you.
The Quran views on slavery
The Quran views on slavery, is that slaves are prisoners of war, what was similarly practiced throughout Africa. Every society has a group of people that are imprisoned by the other. Just like people imprisoned in the united states on bull shyt charges and the war on drugs. Throughout societies, when a city was captured, the captured people can be massacred. But the quran put restrictions on the treatment of these people. The quran said to feed the slaves the same food and clothe them with the same clothes as the master. And who ever kills a slave, should be killed. The quran also says that it is best to free the slave and find a way or time period to emancipate them. There is no where in the quran that says slaves are a specific race and they were not looked down upon as sub-human. Slaves in the Arab world were government officials and had high positions in society. This is completely different from the aristocrated American south and slaves eating pig intestines and guts.
Arabs treatment African slaves
Arab have been enslaving different groups of people throughout history, including other Arabs. Islam does not consider arabs the chosen people, they have faults like other people. At the beginning of the arab/muslim empire. The majority of slaves were arabs and white Europeans. They were enslaving greeks and whites from the balkan. The arab african slave trade did not really boom until the 19th century. Arabs slave traders did not use islam or imposed islam on the African people, to do this will go against there interest, since islam looks at enslavement as short term and the many restrictions on slavery. So these were not devout muslims or practicing muslims at all. African enslavement by Arabic was not this big economic power house, like in the western world that was part of there economy like a means to production, most of the slaves were women sent to be domestic house workers or placed in the haraam, just like european women slaves. To this day there is a large amount of African women DNA in Arabic people, look it up. The Arabs never used the resources in the African land or setup arab colonies in Africa.
I am not saying that Africans were never enslaved by arabs, but to compare it to the institutionalized and sub-human condition being treated like cattle that happened in the western world is completely false. The first converts to islam in Africa were African kings, who built great cities, mosques and libraries, and traded gold and ivory with the Arab world for centuries. So the notion that the guns followed the missionaries is completely false.
I don't believe you about the Ghanian empire... because you make it seem very weak and clueless and defenseless..... AS most of you are doing with Ancient Africa as a whole.Thank you.
I still think you're missing the point though. The question isn't "Has Africa been united" its "Would Islam help to unite Africa"? to which as we can see would not be the case on the whole. Why didn't Christian Nubians, Egyptians, and Ethiopians not go on a rampage spreading the word of Christ? Their conversions were before Islam as we know, and yet nothing of the type happened? Arabs had a real need to expand and their nomadic lifestyle made it all the more easier not to mention Islam's portability in comparison to other religions, if those other groups you mentioned were too small or had adequate resources no reason to travel to other parts of the continent "to spread the word".
I'm also not under the belief that African kingdoms were united before Arabs, I'm of the belief that African kingdoms of those times practiced religions and cultures that were subsequently lost by the destructive force of Islam. You call it crushed the buildings, but it honestly was the systematic destruction of a way of life going back to their very beginnings. Not to say African tribes didn't war with each other or enslave each other, however in spite of different tribal customs these were still the original ways of African people not yet influenced by people or ideas outside of the continent. If anything, Islam hardly gets enough credit in the destruction of Africa but that's because it's involvement was more subtle and for a longer period of time.
Again, you're missing the point breh. It's not about whether or not Africans were conquering each other we know they did and still do that's why OP asked such a trollish question. In all of those instances, everything was carried out in an African way. Conquest, enslavement, societal norms, everything about those people's existence was African. However, if you put those Africans vs those Muslims that were highly motivated to get the legendary gold of the Western Sudan(Mali/Songhai) and these Muslims repeatedly wage jihad against these Africans they'll eventually conquer them which they did or they may coerce them into adopting their religion and customs in order to place the group under their rule. Not ALL customs were lost but many of them were and hence those old societies which were wholly African are now no longer so.
Slavery has been a part of Africa since the beginning, duly noted, however we can't sit here and say African slavery was at all the same as Arab slavery. Plus lets be reality, the trans saharan trade didn't boon until the Arabs involvement beginning in the 7th century. If anything, the few bits of benevolence displayed in the Arab model can be linked directly to the old African type. And buying your freedom was under certain circumstances and for the majority this did not happen, for every Malik Anbar there were millions of dikkless men and female sex slaves who wouldn't be buying their way outta shyt, oh and you do know many of these benevolent Muslim slave masters would stomp out the babies they created with those slave concubines as soon as they were born this is why there are scant traces of Africans remaining from that time period.
You don't have to believe me about Ghana, I'd deny it too if I were a black man defending Islam.
The question isn't "Has Africa been united"
someone gave you a source but I'm not... your being ignorant on purpose.I'm asking you again: do you have a source? Why keep deflecting if it is common knowledge?
Basically, somehow this thread turned into Africans are ignorant, hopeless, defenseless, and weak physically and mentally.... by nature.So you're saying Africans are naturally ignorant? I disagree with that.
someone gave you a source but I'm not... your being ignorant on purpose.
You're asking the equivalent of.... "How do you know that all the signers of the Constitution were White".. "Prove it, I think you're deflecting "