Can Islam Solve All of Africas Issues?


Jun 4, 2012
nope but you most definitely are, we as black people are really blind concerning religion.

that's what cacs do :umad:, also im black. quite naturally im going to claim black civilization,history and culture fukktard.

shut the fukk up

when the fukk did i say African civilizations/peoples were weak?

and you actually did debunk yourself, i claimed that religion (i didn't say a specific one, you assumed) only causes problems and has not helped the world in any way. you just said "Does that mean that Christian groups and a few other random groups didn't rape the land, culture, etc before Islam even existed?" implying that not only Islam had a devastating effect towards ancient society (hell even modern society)
black people usually are lost when it comes to religion... but that's not religions fault retard.

our greatest black people (actually nearly 100% of them) have been spiritual and religious...

The reasons black people get lost in religion are the same reasons we are lost in general.... black americas have mental affects from oppression of 1500's - 1970's ...
black africans are just now feeling the real affects of colonization.

We put it all on religion because we are scared to face the real factors, ignorance, and social economic issues we need to face. If we don't put it on religion we put it on some other shyt.... when in reality... we were not unified. We allowed the translantic slave trade to get out of control and that caused a genocide that was physical and mental. You can diss islam if you want, I can understand your anger at arabs n all that.
But 1) some of the greatest black african kingdoms were Islamic.. and the nikkas that took over Europe were Muslim
2) some of the revolutionaries and leaders in the 30- 1960's were Muslim... I mean, I don't think Malcom X and people like him were c00ns.

we attack each others political, religious, social views, different black ethnicity and even skin tones because we are trained and programmed for division.

Notice that most of the people spitting all this hate... are exactly the ones not doing anything for the community. For all you know you could be dissing black muslim posters that have done more for our people than you ever will in life. For all you know there are young black muslims in America that have raise over 7 million dollars for programs that affect inner city black kids.. black muslims are black first.. everything else second... it's not like black muslims only help black muslims.

Im Kemet Rocky & I like penis

googling gay porn :ahh:
Oct 28, 2013

Immature to a fault
grow up and see the light
you too can be born again
check this out breh
it helped me find the truth and get my life in order

you lack common sense and a basic morality by trusting your own intuition? you fukkin hidden serial killer.


Nov 26, 2013
you lack common sense and a basic morality by trusting your own intuition? you fukkin hidden serial killer.
admitting you are wrong does not make you any less of a man breh
and cursing at people does not make you any more of man breh
had you gone to church you would have learned manners and not to talk that way to people who are dropping science on you


May 4, 2012
I still diagree with your premise of these kingdoms being great because of Islam. To me, that sounds like you're linking African greatness to the greatness of an idea from a foreign people. I believe that those Africans created great kingdoms because of who they were and not because they happened to take on the religious ideas of a philosopher from a foreign land who found reprieve in Africa. They could have created those kingdoms and been Christian or Hindu or following their own traditional African religion.

So, are you saying that as African Americans we should only be proud of West African accomplishment? Surely, you jest. I am African American...I am black. Black people originate from all corners of that continent as that is our original home. I celebrate Africa as a whole...not just the part that my ancestors may have come from.

Now, if you want to say that Africa can use Islam as a tool to rally people around ideals that relate to anti-colonialism, controlling their natural resources, controlling their financial markets, producing the resources its people needs and harvesting power among black people across the continent, then I'm all for that idea. If you want to say that Islam can be used as a tool to highlight African traditions and create an Africanized Islam that does not subconsciously worship at the feet of the very people who used it to subjugate them, then I'm all for that idea. If you want to say that Africans should use Islam as a political tool for themselves instead of being caught up in the "pie in the sky" rhetoric, then I'm all for that.

I'm all for separating Islam from Arabism and using its ideals for the betterment of African people who decide to follow that religious ideal. But most don't separate the meat from the bone.


Arabia was in a worst condition then Africa, when Islam was introduced to it. Then it started the golden age of islam in arabia, until the fall of Baghdad in 1258. So if Islam can bring Arabia out of disarray, chaos and the dark ages. Why could it not bring the African tribes to prosperity and the largest muslim empires in history. After 1258, the Arabs never controlled themselves, they were controlled by Mongols, Turks or European powers. So there was no Arabs armies bringing Arabic traditions or culture into western Africa. My argument is that islam has unified African people in the past, to forge there own destiny, they controlled their natural resources and financial markets. Mansa Musa and the Mali empire was giving gold to poor arab countries. What African or black nation is giving out foreign aid today? I am around western African muslims all the time. They are 100% African in the mosque in there tradition and culture. The only thing that is Arabic is the prayer. But the mosque and society environment has an African feel, they do not worship or look to any arab saints and they do highlight African Traditions and the Islam is completely Africanized, completely different from a southern baptist black church. If you go to any society that has Muslims and Christians outside of Arabia. The Muslim group has a more indigenous feel to it, not arabic. The Christian population you just know that these people where control by European colonial powers. Because merchants brought islam into the region, Arab armies never got a chance to bring Arabic culture. For example Indonesia, India and throughout Africa.

Im Kemet Rocky & I like penis

googling gay porn :ahh:
Oct 28, 2013
black people usually are lost when it comes to religion... but that's not religions fault retard.

our greatest black people (actually nearly 100% of them) have been spiritual and religious...

The reasons black people get lost in religion are the same reasons we are lost in general.... black americas have mental affects from oppression of 1500's - 1970's ...
black africans are just now feeling the real affects of colonization.

We put it all on religion because we are scared to face the real factors, ignorance, and social economic issues we need to face. If we don't put it on religion we put it on some other shyt.... when in reality... we were not unified. We allowed the translantic slave trade to get out of control and that caused a genocide that was physical and mental. You can diss islam if you want, I can understand your anger at arabs n all that.
But 1) some of the greatest black african kingdoms were Islamic.. and the nikkas that took over Europe were Muslim
2) some of the revolutionaries and leaders in the 30- 1960's were Muslim... I mean, I don't think Malcom X and people like him were c00ns.

we attack each others political, religious, social views, different black ethnicity and even skin tones because we are trained and programmed for division.

Notice that most of the people spitting all this hate... are exactly the ones not doing anything for the community. For all you know you could be dissing black muslim posters that have done more for our people than you ever will in life. For all you know there are young black muslims in America that have raise over 7 million dollars for programs that affect inner city black kids.. black muslims are black first.. everything else second... it's not like black muslims only help black muslims.
really its not religions fault? were gonna act like religion doesnt cause war,racism,sexism,violence,etc.?

no nikka, because religion isn't helping anyone succeed (especially human achievements). for every good deed done by some religious person, there's 20x a religious extremists that will get mad at you and sometimes even verbally attack for no reason just because your not religious.

so basically you think just like the "white man", all black civilizations are here do to influence of another s culture, we have no indigenous civilizations that are considered great.....dumbass.

and i salute them on donating, im dissing the religion not the ideal person. and that's what im getting at we don't need religion to teach us morality, and generosity. they would be better off as atheist.

Im Kemet Rocky & I like penis

googling gay porn :ahh:
Oct 28, 2013
admitting you are wrong does not make you any less of a man breh
and cursing at people does not make you any more of man breh
had you gone to church you would have learned manners and not to talk that way to people who are dropping science on you
im done with you,.
Last edited by a moderator:


May 4, 2012
because they're forced to?
and what does the quran say the penalty is for leaving islam?

because they're forced to What adult American women, with no prior connection to muslim males is being forced into converting to islam? If you have proof of this information you should contact the authorities asap.

what does the quran say the penalty is for leaving islam There is no mention in the quran about any worldly punishment for people that leave islam or aposates.


May 4, 2012
the treatment of women in islamist countries is appalling


Fact #1: Over 22 million women in the United States have been raped in their lifetime. (National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010)

Fact #2: 18.3% of women in the United States have survived a completed or attempted rape. (National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010)

Fact #3: Of the 18.3% of women who have survived rape or attempted rape, 12.3% were younger than age 12 when they were first raped, and 29.9% were between the ages of 11 and 17. (National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010)

Fact #4: Every two minutes, somewhere in America, someone is sexually assaulted. (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) calculation based on 2000 National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice)

Fact #5: One out of every five American women has been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. (The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010)Fact #6: Approximately 1,270,000 women are raped each year. Another 6,646,000 are victims of other sexual crime, including sexual coercion, unwanted sexual contact, or unwanted sexual experiences. (Department of Justice 2010).

Fact #7: 15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12; 29% are age 12-17; 44% are under age 18; 80% are under age 30; ages 12-34 are the highest risk years. (Department of Justice 2010)

Fact #8: Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. (Department of Justice 2010)

Fact #9: Most female victims are raped before the age of 25, and almost half of female victims are under the age of 18. (National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010). Fact #10: Females ages 12 to 24 are at the greatest risk for experiencing a rape or sexual assault. (Department of Justice 2001).

Fact #11: In 2006, 78,000 children were sexually abused. (Child Maltreatment 2006.) Because majority of cases are not reported, it is estimated that the real number could be anywhere from 260,000-650,000 a year. (Finklehor 2008). Fact #12: Almost two-thirds of all rapes are committed by someone who is known to the victim. 73% of sexual assaults were perpetrated by a non-stranger (— 48% of perpetrators were a friend or acquaintance of the victim, 17% were an intimate and 8% were another relative.) (National Crime Victimization Survey 2010)

Fact #13: 63.84% of women who reported being raped, physically assaulted, and/or stalked since age 18 were victimized by a current or former husband, cohabiting partner, boyfriend, or date. (National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010)

Fact #14: Of female rape or sexual assault victims in 2010, 25 percent were assaulted by a stranger, 48 percent by friends or acquaintances, and 17 percent were intimate partners. (National Crime Victimization Survey 2010) Fact #15: Almost 10% of high school students are victims of dating violence each year. (Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance 2009).

Fact #16: According to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS), a national survey of high school students, 7.4% of students had been forced to have sexual intercourse when they did not want to. Female students (10.5%) were significantly more likely than male students (4.5%) to have been forced to have sexual intercourse. Overall, black students (12%) were significantly more likely than white students (10%) to have been forced to have sexual intercourse (CDC 2010).

Fact #17: A study reported in the New York Times suggests that one in five adolescent girls become the victims of physical or sexual violence, or both, in a dating relationship. (New York Times 8/01/01)

Fact #18: 93% of juvenile sexual assault victims know their attacker. 34.2% of attackers were family members and 58.7 were acquaintances. (U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement 2000.)

Fact #19: The National College Women Sexual Victimization Study estimated that between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 college women experience completed or attempted rape during their college years (Fisher 2000).

Fact #20: Somewhere in America a woman is battered, usually by her intimate partner, every 15 seconds. (UN Study On The Status of Women, Year 2000)

Fact #21: About one-third of female murder victims ages 12 or older are killed by an intimate partner. (Department of Justice 2007)

Fact #22: A University of Pennsylvania research study found that domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to low-income, inner-city Philadelphia women between the ages of 15 to 44 - more common than automobile accidents, mugging and rapes combined. In this study domestic violence included injuries caused by street crime.

Fact #23: The FBI estimates that only 46% of rapes and sexual assaults are reported to the police. U.S. Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all rapes or attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.

Fact #24: Less than half of domestic violence incidents are reported to police. African-American women are more likely than others to report their victimization to police Lawrence A. Greenfeld et al. (1998). (Violence by Intimates: Analysis of Data on Crimes by Current or Former Spouses, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends. Bureau of Justice Statistics Factbook. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Justice. NCJ #167237. Available from National Criminal Justice Reference Service.)

Fact #25: Sexual violence and gender based violence is associated with a host of short- and long-term problems, including physical injury and illness, psychological symptoms, economic costs, and death (Lifetime Prevalence of Gender-Based Violence in Women and the Relationship with Mental Disorders and Psychosocial Function, Journal of American Medical Association 2011).

Fact #26: Rape victims often experience anxiety, guilt, nervousness, phobias, substance abuse, sleep disturbances, depression, alienation, sexual dysfunction, and aggression. They often distrust others and replay the assault in their minds, and they are at increased risk of future victimization (DeLahunta 1997).

Fact #27: Victims of sexual assault are 3 times more likely to suffer from depression, 6 times more likley to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, 14 times more likely to abuse alcohol, 26 times more likely to abuse drugs, and 4 times more likely to contemplate suicide. (World Health Organization 2003)

Fact #28: Sexual violence victims exhibit a variety of psychological symptoms that are similar to those of victims of other types of trauma, such as war and natural disaster (National Research Council 1996). A number of long-lasting symptoms and illnesses have been associated with sexual victimization including chronic pelvic pain; premenstrual syndrome; gastrointestinal disorders; and a variety of chronic pain disorders, including headache, back pain, and facial pain (Koss 1992).Between 4% and 30% of rape victims contract sexually transmitted diseases as a result of the victimization (Resnick 1997).

Fact #29: The costs of intimate partner violence against women exceed an estimated $5.8 billion. These costs include nearly $4.1 billion in the direct costs of medical care and mental health care and nearly $1.8 billion in the indirect costs of lost productivity and present value of lifetime earnings. (Costs of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the United States, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2003).

Fact #30: It is estimated that domestic violence occurs in approximately 25-33% of same-sex relationships. (NYC Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, October 1996.) However, other studies have indicated that anywhere between 17% and 52% of same-sex relationships are abusive. (Relationship Violence in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Communities 2005).

Fact #31: About 67.9% of rape victims are white; 11.9% are black; 14% are hispanic and 6% are of other races. (National Crime Victimization Survey, Department of Justice 2010).

Fact #32: About half of all rape victims are in the lowest third of income distribution; half are in the upper two-thirds. (Violence against Women, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994.)

Fact #33: An estimated 17,500 women and children are trafficked into the United States annually for sexual exploitation or forced labor. (U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report 2012).

Fact #34: Offenders have been reported to be armed with a gun, knife or other weapon in 11 percent of rape or sexual assault victimizations. (Criminal Victimization, Bureau of Justice, 2010)

Fact #35: Factoring in unreported rapes, about 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail. 15 out of 16 will walk free. (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) calculation based on US Department of Justice 2010 Statistics)

Fact #36: Boys who witness their fathers' violence are 10 times more likely to engage in spouse abuse in later adulthood than boys from non-violent homes. (Family Violence Interventions for the Justice System, 1993)

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
because they're forced to What adult American women, with no prior connection to muslim males is being forced into converting to islam? If you have proof of this information you should contact the authorities asap.

what does the quran say the penalty is for leaving islam There is no mention in the quran about any worldly punishment for people that leave islam or aposates.

that crime is punsihed, though. let me know the next timetheres an honor killing in the US :childplease:


May 1, 2012
I'm sorry...I must have missed your point. Is your statement somehow trying to say that Egyptian accomplishment does not count in African history because they had tribalistic beef with Nubians? Well, then are you going to discount other African accomplishments because they may have not seen other tribes as their "brothers"? Are you saying that African accomplishments only account as long as they didn't have tribalistic issues with other Africans? Or are you just pulling a rabbit out of your hat to prove a void argument?

Europe has had internal beefs for centuries but does that make you discount the accomplishments tied to that part of the world? Asia has had internal beefs for centuries but does that make you discount the accomplishments tied to that part of the world? Do the accomplishments of Spain fall away because they had beef with Portugal? Do the accomplishments of Great Britain not count because "they wasn't f#cking" with France during the Seven Years War?

Do you hold non-African accomplishment to the same "love your neighbor as yourself or it doesn't count" ideal? Something tells me you don't, but please give me another rabbit out the hat argument....they're so enlightening.


Yeah apparently you did miss my point because nowhere in my post did I say that Egyptian accomplishments shouldn't be counted as African history.

Nothing you just said here makes sense. You have a problem with Africans adopting Islam because you see it as foreign, the point I'm making is that the ancient Egyptian belief systems you and a lot of other people love to put on a pedestal is just as alien to many African peoples as Islam is. The difference is the ancient Egyptian way of life was xenophobic by nature, not to mention it is a dead religion with no chance of revival. Egypt was on top for all that time in ancient days and yet their way of life was pretty much isolated to their part of the map. Islam on the other hand spread like wildfire, in many cases just off the strength of its ideas and compatibility with existing cultures.

and anyway, Ancient Egypt had more in common with the near east in terms of culture and values than it did with other Africans. That didn't make them "less African," it made them unique in comparison to everyone else on the continent. They were always doing their own thing.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Arabia was in a worst condition then Africa, when Islam was introduced to it. Then it started the golden age of islam in arabia, until the fall of Baghdad in 1258. So if Islam can bring Arabia out of disarray, chaos and the dark ages. Why could it not bring the African tribes to prosperity and the largest muslim empires in history. After 1258, the Arabs never controlled themselves, they were controlled by Mongols, Turks or European powers. So there was no Arabs armies bringing Arabic traditions or culture into western Africa. My argument is that islam has unified African people in the past, to forge there own destiny, they controlled their natural resources and financial markets. Mansa Musa and the Mali empire was giving gold to poor arab countries. What African or black nation is giving out foreign aid today? I am around western African muslims all the time. They are 100% African in the mosque in there tradition and culture. The only thing that is Arabic is the prayer. But the mosque and society environment has an African feel, they do not worship or look to any arab saints and they do highlight African Traditions and the Islam is completely Africanized, completely different from a southern baptist black church. If you go to any society that has Muslims and Christians outside of Arabia. The Muslim group has a more indigenous feel to it, not arabic. The Christian population you just know that these people where control by European colonial powers. Because merchants brought islam into the region, Arab armies never got a chance to bring Arabic culture. For example Indonesia, India and throughout Africa.

I see you really like Mansa Musa. I do too. In fact, I wish there was more literature on this great African man who happened to be Muslim. He is an example of someone who used Islam as a tool and did not let it use him. So many stories of his pilgrimmage. One being where he wanted to re-do the Well of Zamzam, but the imams of the time in Mecca wouldn't let him for fear of beign sacrilegious. Or that he gave so much gold away that he literally plummeted the Egyptian economy. Or that one Arab journalist/historian of the time described Mansa with "He is Africa. There is no other."

My favorite story being where the Arab Islamic leaders wanted to make him a Caliph. Part of the ceremony was for him to kiss their feet, and he said that he would only kiss their feet if they bowed before him and kissed his as well. Nobody's feet got kissed that day. I really wish to learn more about this man...too bad there is so little out there. At the time, he was considered to be the richest man in the world if I'm not mistaken.

I would also like to learn more about Bilal. Funny how so many black muslims know so much about Muhammad yet so little about his black compatriate that gave so much to it. Without Bilal, there would be no Islam since Muhammad would've probably been persecuted and killed in his home country.

Let me ask you, would you be opposed to the prayers in your mosque being translated from Arabic to the native tongue of the Nigerians who run the mosque? Or must they stay in Arabic for them to be proper?



Nov 26, 2013
because they're forced to What adult American women, with no prior connection to muslim males is being forced into converting to islam? If you have proof of this information you should contact the authorities asap.

what does the quran say the penalty is for leaving islam There is no mention in the quran about any worldly punishment for people that leave islam or aposates.

:dwillhuh:...We should probably make a few phone calls



Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Yeah apparently you did miss my point because nowhere in my post did I say that Egyptian accomplishments shouldn't be counted as African history.

Nothing you just said here makes sense. You have a problem with Africans adopting Islam because you see it as foreign, the point I'm making is that the ancient Egyptian belief systems you and a lot of other people love to put on a pedestal is just as alien to many African peoples as Islam is. The difference is the ancient Egyptian way of life was xenophobic by nature, not to mention it is a dead religion with no chance of revival. Egypt was on top for all that time in ancient days and yet their way of life was pretty much isolated to their part of the map. Islam on the other hand spread like wildfire, in many cases just off the strength of its ideas and compatibility with existing cultures.

and anyway, Ancient Egypt had more in common with the near east in terms of culture and values than it did with other Africans. That didn't make them "less African," it made them unique in comparison to everyone else on the continent. They were always doing their own thing.

Dude, when did I make a post putting Ancient Egypt on a pedestal? By mentioning it needing to be counted as an African accomplishment? By saying that even if their culture was not the exact same their Nubian counterparts that it was still African in nature? Playa, you seem caught in your feelings.

And what religion are you referring to? I never referred to an Ancient Egyption religion. The poster and I were talking about accomplishments. He seems to believes African accomplishment is tied to religion where I feel African accomplishment is tied to African people irregardless of what religion they are or are not part of. I take issue with the idea that Africans NEED a relgion, especially a religion born in the mind of foreigners, in order to accomplish great things. To believe that says a lot about the person and how they view the capabilities of the African.

And you want to bring up xenophobia against an ancient African civilization yet seem to praise the inclusiveness of Islam? I'm not even going to rehash points from some of my earlier posts. Yea you right....Islam has a long history of being socially inclusive of everyone.

I always find it funny how people can't believe in the ideal of something while still calling out the bad application of it.
