
May 1, 2012
how he a dummy tho ? id best my last dollar that girl who asked that question has never ran a route before a day in her life

I remember life very well before instagram, I dont recall many of my female friends into sports until social media blew up.

Married with Children and shows used to poke fun at female knowledge of sports in the 90s "did the quarterback hit a home run?" type shyt
Stop brah, just stop. :russ:


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
He is wrong tho and out of line. It is a sexist remark. I don't think it deserves the inevitable outrage it will get but what does being a female have to do with knowledge of routes?
The same thing as a straight man knowing about makeup and all the brands and shyt. Same shyt. It's something that you don't expect but you cats really acting brand new to cape


Feb 11, 2014
Can we at least admit it was a fairly condescending comment? It would've still been that way even if he removed the gender from it. Half of the muthafukkas in that room never ran a route before.

Cam wants to come off as this polished, highly marketable brand, but at the heart of it, he's a bamma from Atlanta. And ain't nothing wrong with it either.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
I disagree with this because this wasn't his first question, this isn't his de facto response to questions by women regarding football, and this was after numerous questions by men who didn't ask a football question. Also, the response you provide adds emphasis with "Just funny" adding complete emphasis on her being a female or complete emphasis as a black.

Try again.

You cant be fukkin serious with this response.

So you mean to tell me if Steven Mnuchin made that hypothetical comment to a black economics reporter, it would matter to you that a couple of white economics reporters asked him about unrelated topics beforehand, and the black reporter was one of the first to ask him a sound, economically-rooted question (I guess it would be lost on you that he would be insultingly feigning surprise that a black person was serious and focused)?

Your splitting hairs and spin job is comical. You seriously want me to believe you'd say that since Mnuchin doesnt have a "de facto" history of bitterly insulting blacks and black intelligence, we should give him a complete pass when he finally does so explicitly?

Im assuming you're a huge fan of Cam's. If your stanhood is interfering in your appraisal of his words today, and causing cognitive dissonance, then fine. But intellectual dishonesty is not much of a separation from outright stupidity.


Aug 8, 2017
lol...that was dumb. i thought that first clip was gonna be in context of him telling a story about talking to his mom, his girl, etc. but to respond to a reporter like that is dumb as hell. the overreaction is dumb too, but it's 2017 where you can't say anything without offending some special snowflake easily outraged group.
:jbhmm:A 2012 poster using conservative white supremacist terms like "snowflake" and claiming you can't say anything without offending some "easily outraged group".:mjpls:

Bold is sooo annoying. That's why I be on my PAC shyt getting green but seldom seen. Everybody a got damn victim nowadays and that stuff has me staying away from most people.
That video is the outrage??? Yeah nikkas just want to whine. It's not like he didn't answer the question right after that either. The world is filled with too many capes and insecure people. I guess since I don't get offended easily I look at most of the stuff cats get offended by like really
Exactly. It would be like a straight nikka all up makeup and shyt. Some people have nothing better to do with their lives than find reasons to be upset about dumb shyt.
:sas1:Another 2012 poster co-signing white supremacist code terms while putting on your best try hard act going out of your way to claim you're never offended trying to impress people as if you're so hardcore, that's textbook cac shyt along with you downplaying things that offend people who aren't straight white males saying they're finding reasons to be upset which is what every white supremacist says.:sas2:

This website is supposed to be about hip-hop, but for the last two years it's made the shift toward anti-feminist and "liberals" (aka SJW).

shyt's fukking pathetic.
The bolded is because all the cacs who have been pretending to be black started pushing their white supremacist agendas you can see some of them in this thread.:martin:

Nah victim you read it that way we didn't simple as that.
I just didn't take it as sexist but you victim ass nikkas see everything as problematic. Foh
You can type literally all day doesn't change how I feel about it. Y'all need to take off the capes because when men say this about men nobody says shyt. Now I'm supposed to feel a need to throw my cape on Foh. If he really disrespected her I'm there but this is some new age pc junk.
What about this sucker dudes co signing this stuff like our fav male feminist Bo lol.

Nowadays somebody would think it's racist but I wouldn't.
I'm probably the worse person to ask because stuff doesn't really phase me like it does a lot of others. Some cats be offended too often imo. I guess it's their choice but most of this stuff is junk to me
Now you using white supremacist code words yourself calling blacks "victims" the way you racist cacs always say blacks "play the victim", trotting out some MGTOW rants crying that "no one defends men so why should we defend women" which not only explains your hatred of women but is more proof you a cac everyone on here knows MGTOW and White Supremacists are closely linked.

And you even finished off with more tryhard talk of stuff not phasing you yet people pointing out sexism and racism sure does phase you seeing as how you're in here throwing a fit all enraged over this swinging haymakers at every poster speaking out against sexism.:umad:

I kinda feel sorry for Cam. Dude slipped up & is going to get destroyed for it. There was no real malice behind his words to generate this much outrage.

Everyone knows he's not the brightest so the backlash he's receiving is crazy.

She put her foot in her mouth on more than one occasion which is why she defending him even though she a racist cac, she instead is going after feminists and using the favorite word of conservative cacs "triggered".


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
:jbhmm:A 2012 poster using conservative white supremacist terms like "snowflake" and claiming you can't say anything without offending some "easily outraged group".:mjpls:

:sas1:Another 2012 poster co-signing white supremacist code terms while putting on your best try hard act going out of your way to claim you're never offended trying to impress people as if you're so hardcore, that's textbook cac shyt along with you downplaying things that offend people who aren't straight white males saying they're finding reasons to be upset which is what every white supremacist says.:sas2:

The bolded is because all the cacs who have been pretending to be black started pushing their white supremacist agendas you can see some of them in this thread.:martin:

Now you using white supremacist code words yourself calling blacks "victims" the way you racist cacs always say blacks "play the victim", trotting out some MGTOW rants crying that "no one defends men so why should we defend women" which not only explains your hatred of women but is more proof you a cac everyone on here knows MGTOW and White Supremacists are closely linked.

And you even finished off with more tryhard talk of stuff not phasing you yet people pointing out sexism and racism sure does phase you seeing as how you're in here throwing a fit all enraged over this swinging haymakers at every poster speaking out against sexism.:umad:

She put her foot in her mouth on more than one occasion which is why she defending him even though she a racist cac, she instead is going after feminists and using the favorite word of conservative cacs "triggered".
Blah blah blah bytch Foh using the coli buzzwords to label me. Do like your moms and suck a dikk clown