In order to run for office, you need money. So a number of people need to be in a position to not only afford to run, but have the discipline, and passion to make real changes while in office, not just get caught up all the financial connections you make as politicians. A lot of politicians keep certain policies in place because people pay them, and donate to their campaign. So it's easy to forget about the best interests of your community, when a few rich donors are linkng your pockets.
As far as economics, there is a lot of opportunity to creat our own thriving, or at least functioning communities, but most people are not thinking about creating businesses that keep the average community running. If a kid goes to college or learns a trade, their first mission is to get a job. They aren't thinking about average community businesses
Car wash
Gas station
Convenience store
Dry cleaners
Home builders
Auto dealorship
Limo company
Printing company
Sign company
Cleaning company
Towing company
Cigar shop
Grocery store
Nail shop
Those bouncing places people take their kids
Movie theater
Even opening franchises
But even with funding, that entrepreneur mentality is not encouraged in black communitiies. Every other group of people maintained their communities because they had to. But we were soooooo focused on being included in the white community, that we didn't focus on improving our own. Now, we're quite possibly facing the end of affirmative action with this administration. Once white people get the chance to not hire us in decent, self supporting positions that allow us to meet the cost of living, we'll not only have more unemployed black people, but still continue to give the white owned companies our money, because we didn't create our own.
How many decades have black people been out of work, and we were called lazy, and not trying hard enough? Now, all the focus is on the white people in the midwest and rust belt, because they can't find work. Why isn't the government calling them lazy for not getting new skills, or moving to where the jobs are?