All Star
Am I the only one who hates Atlas Superstore? In theory, running around a supermarket sounds great, a departure from the usual. Unfortunately, this map is just an unpleasant experience that has seen me suddenly rage quit, something I haven’t done in ages. There are just too many angles from which to be shot, making it a camper’s paradise. Their flaws notwithstanding, most of the other maps are still manageable once you’ve acquainted yourself with their layouts and gained enough experience playing them. With this, there’s no amount of time you’ll spend that will help you avoid how unbearably porous the design of the map is. I always make sure to have one of my flanks protected and my back to a wall or an area I know the enemy hasn’t entered, such as a spawn point. It’s impossible to do that in this map, every area but the farthest margins (and even those aren’t that safe) exposed. Maybe it’s better during objective-based modes, but the map is for TDM.
I hate that damn map. Feels like I'm in Costco