California grants UFC's Conor McGregor a boxing license


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
This not Boxer vs Couch Potato.

This is Boxer vs MMA Fighter. My opinion is MMA Fighter wins.

Boxers are severely limited. Watching Ward vs Kovalev is proof in the pudding. How many times did Ward clinch Kovalev? :mjlol:

If you know BJJ and wrestling and you clinch a boxer, they are COOKED.:russ:

I respect boxers the same way I respect pool players. It is a skill that takes years of dedication, but you can compare it to real fighting like MMA.

Even Muay Thai and Kickboxers will beat the sh@t out of a boxer. A boxer will get a kick in the face. Why are boxers in DENIAL about this?:mindblown:

How does a MMA fighter beat one of the greatest Boxers EVER in a Boxing match?:martin:


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
By turning it into an MMA fight without all the other strikes.

How come you guys are straight ignoring the Ward vs Kovalev example I keep bringing up? And yet you call yourself "boxing heads":russ:

Are you guys denying that Ward partly won because he clinched and tackled Kovalev all over that ring, are you guys saying that strategy was not significant in the fight?:russ:

That's is how Conor can beat Mayweather. By making Mayweather scared that he might get kicked in the face if he stands to close. By clinching Mayweather and ragdolling him around the ring.

By making it a messy fight. Fight MMA but limit the strikes to punches. If you think this is not going to work, then you need to rewatch Ward versus Kovalev

You guys are nagging me and acting like what I stating stupid, because you are COMPLETELY ignoring the psychology of fighting. Like I keep saying, if Conor makes Mayweather believe that he is crazy enough to throw a spinning kick to Mayweather's head during a boxing match, that will affect how Mayweather fights.

Mayweather is a smart guy. He started that Mayweather versus McGregor to promote himself (I know he didn't start the back and forth, but he is the one who made it seem like it could be something more than sh@t talk), but he knows that is fight that is TOO RISKY even for a potential $100M+ night.

Dana White is alluding a little bit to what I am trying to get through to your thick skulls, in this video @04'00":russ:All Conor has to be is make Mayweather feel like he is not safe in that ring, and we have a completely different fighter.

Man...this shyt was so stupid, it almost blew my high:snoop:

@patscorpio Please put this guy on a 1 week timeout for low quality posting:why:
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"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
Dude, stop being a drama queen. Low quality posting compared to what?

Every single post in this thread was filled with a heavy dose of ignorance of The Sweet Science. Low quality post after low quality post after low quality post:scust:

I say Conor may have a chance if he fights similar to the way Ward fought Kovalev. Your response is "I have a headache" and I am the one making low quality posts?:russ:

McGregor couldn't compete with a D-level Boxer...his clinching didnt work vs Van Heerdan and it wouldn't work in a Boxing match vs Floyd Mayweather. See Floyd vs Marcos Maidana 2 to see why what you're saying is ridiculous:snoop:

I see why humans WILL NEVER get along. People just want to sit on their high horses and act like nobody is smart enough to have a different opinion.

My argument isn't even that Conor will beat Mayweather, my argument is that he has a good chance. Especially if that left hand connects.

And people want to respond with hyperbole dramatization.:mjlol:

Oh really?:jbhmm:

This not Boxer vs Couch Potato.

This is Boxer vs MMA Fighter. My opinion is MMA Fighter wins.

Like I said...low quality posting:ufdup:


Jun 1, 2016

Sometimes if I catch a UFC I see how those guys punch and what kind of punches they got hit with.

No disrespect to them cause I get that they are kind of a jack of all trades nota master of one but no real good boxer would get hit with those kind of punches that often maybe a few timnes accidentally. Plus they would punch back a lot more precisely

And nobody will have success in boxing solely based on clinching, stop it :heh:

McGregor would be dog food for any top 10 welter in a boxing fight


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012

Sometimes if I catch a UFC I see how those guys punch and what kind of punches they got hit with.

No disrespect to them cause I get that they are kind of a jack of all trades nota master of one but no real good boxer would get hit with those kind of punches that often maybe a few timnes accidentally. Plus they would punch back a lot more precisely

And nobody will have success in boxing solely based on clinching, stop it :heh:

McGregor would be dog food for any top 10 welter in a boxing fight

Dude was food for Van Heerdan....even Steve Upsher Chambers mops the floor with McGregor.

I mean honestly, this dude is literally arguing that fukking Conor McGregor can beat Floyd:mjlol:

Low quality posting:forreal:


All Star
Jul 7, 2015
You guys are nagging me and acting like what I stating stupid, because you are COMPLETELY ignoring the psychology of fighting. Like I keep saying, if Conor makes Mayweather believe that he is crazy enough to throw a spinning kick to Mayweather's head during a boxing match, that will affect how Mayweather fights.
you can't be serious.

I say Conor may have a chance if he fights similar to the way Ward fought Kovalev.
:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol: Yeah Conor just has to box like the largely considered top P4P boxer currently active


Aug 13, 2012
If Conor puts his left hand on any boxer in his weight class, they are going to sleep. At this point, it is ridiculous to doubt that left hand.

Any trained boxer would see that left coming from a mile away. Conor has good MMA boxing skills, but he would get demolished by even an average journeyman boxer.
Sep 17, 2014
#RIP Kobe
This the denial I am referring to.

Do you want to get hit with this spinning attack thinking this is a boxing GAME with big ass gloves and nothing but punches? Do you want to get smashed into the mat using that USELESS boxing stance that doesn't work when you fight a real fighter?

Are you folk just ignorant on purpose? Comparing boxing to MMA in terms of fighting is like comparing Netball to Basketball. If you don't know what Netball is, look it up.

This is what will happen to you if you think you can box an MMA fighter. Try to slip this.:mjlol:

you either a cac or a square with no hands and no fades under yo belt

MMA fighters "striking" is subpar to an amateur boxer.... and dont let the boxer use them small ass gloves...

nobodys talking about boxers tepping into the octagon , thats not fair . but a mma fighter in the ring IS fair....


Jun 1, 2016
UFC Prez Makes it Clear That NO Approval For McGregor Boxing! - Boxing News

I'm not a lawyer but I doN't get this.
How his contract can block him from competing in an OTHER SPORT?
UFC contracts don't influence other sports and their fighters relationship with other sport do they?
An other sport is like it would ne another country with other rules. American rules don't apply in Iran and vica versa. Hell even some American states' rules doN't apply in other states. So how does a UFC contract applies in boxing?
Organizations like UFC can control their fighters move INSIDE the sport itself which is MMA in this case but not their moves OUT of the sport art as far as I know. That would be surprising and also silly.
So how they gonna tell their fighter that they have a contract with him and he can't go boxing? How their contract has any effect on the sport of boxing? Sure if that guy one day would be "I go to Bellator" then they could tell him to fukk off cause Bellator is their rival inside the sport MMA and the contract can logically include that inside his sport he can only compete in UFC not elswhere, but with boxing I imagine it's different. Two different worlds with different rules, the rules of one doesn't affect the other.

By the way I can still find it hard to believe that this guy tries boxing, I doubt that he will but hypothetically I think any UFC fighter including him could do it cause I don't believe that UFC contracts can affect their fighters' moves outside of the sport itself. Except if they really included in his contract that he can't go to an other sport and I really doubt that happened. Same for boxing, I think if Loma, Crawford or Pac would wake up next day with the thought that they must try themselves out in UFC then Arum couldn't do shyt about that whatever that he has a contract with them cause he has a contract with them to boxing and not to all fighting sports.

How they gonna ban him from competeing ion another sport? What UFC has to do with pro boxing? :yeshrug: