The Tape Crusader
Obviously people on thecoli and tlr republicans don’t know that, because they spend all day every day bemoaning how society is going to end due to being overrun by gay women immigrants wearing Kamala Harris t-shirts.we know this, we don't need white ppl to explain that creh.
goto to WS internet strongholds and tell them they're pieces of sh*t. Post proof when you've done this
people cape for trump constantly. Mf’ers clearly don’t gaf about white supremacy and neo-nazis like they do random Mexican immigrants. All those conversations are put through a lens of supporting white supremacy, but the actual white supremacists go unchecked. I do post anti-racist shyt in white supremacist strongholds, namely tlr, since 2016 it's been upholding white supremacy more than fukkin reddit.
the post above me is literally talking shyt about 'funny style immigrants'... like