c00n Candace Owen got fired by the daily wire

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I’ll go easy because you said you just started listening to her so you’re just misinformed and taken in by the act. So here is what I previously wrote on her. If you still keep the same attitude you’re willfully ignorant or worse an enabler.

Candace Owens won a lawsuit, supported by the NAACP, regarding being harassed by racist white boys. She then went on to start a liberal channel. Realizing that there's more money to be made being a token conservative black, she switched it up and then claimed racism doesn't exist. She was in a goddamn video downplaying slavery. Friends with "slavery was a choice, I loooove Hitler" Kanye West. She also was served an eviction notice for failure to pay rent, but you can bet she'd refer to anyone else who falls behind on rent as "deadbeats" that deserve to be kicked out. She's said vile things about black victims of police violence, and you'll notice that she will levy criticisms against black people all say long but never a word against the very clear and blatant misdeeds of conservative white people, ESPECIALLY racism. She didn't say one word against Charlie Kirk (who she worked with at Turning Point USA) regarding his vile comments on black pilots. She doesn't care about helping black people, only being that black person racist whites can point to and say "see she's black and she's saying it". I've actually experienced this from a white person in real life, now magnify that by millions of white people who think just like that. She offers no solutions and was originally propped up by a conservative think tank, who like all of them, are only concerned with not having to pay more taxes. They will use racism, misinformation, anything possible to suit that goal. Any black person finding value in anything she says is as pathetic as she is.

Lets add some more, since that poster clearly ignored what had already been posted here.

Calls Black men "the most murderous group in America" and uses a random killing to deflect from White Supremacy.

Her only response to the Buffalo shooting was to immediately deflect from White Supremacy and start complaining about Black murderers.

Called Ahmaud Arbery a criminal and said his killing had nothing to do with race.

Downplayed lynching, said Arbery wasn't lynched and that lynching was never a big deal anyway, not even during Jim Crow.

Said George Floyd was a criminal and Derek Chauvin did nothing wrong and shouldn't have been convicted.

Testified before Congress in a hearing about White Supremacy to claim that White Supremacy was not a serious problem. Claimed the Southern Strategy never happened and that Republicans had never tried to appeal to racists.

Said that racism has never been a problem in America until the Democrats made it a problem, and said she had not experienced racism (despite suing her school for racism in 2008 and claiming that it had destroyed her life).

Repeatedly defended Trump and claimed he hadn't said anything offensive about Black people (he has dozens of offensive statements towards Black people):

Said that White Nationalism and hate crimes are just boogeymen created by liberals to scare Black folk.

Video in link:

Falsely claimed that the NRA was a civil rights group created to protect black people from the KKK (none of that is even remotely true)

Said that Caribbeans are successful and African-Americans aren't because AA's are focused on meaningless shyt like Juneteenth

Pushes the claim that Black Lives Matter is all a lie

In that documentary she promoted police union head Lt. Bob Kroll in her movie. In real life, Bob Kroll wore a White Power patch, made numerous racist remarks, and discriminated against Black officers

We could go on. She has constantly associated herself with a string of right-wing figureheads known for racist material (Charlie Kirk, Dennis Praeger, Ben Shapiro, Donald Trump). She is literally the opps.

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Lets add some more, since that poster clearly ignored what had already been posted here.

Calls Black men "the most murderous group in America" and uses a random killing to deflect from White Supremacy.

Her only response to the Buffalo shooting was to immediately deflect from White Supremacy and start complaining about Black murderers.

Called Ahmaud Arbery a criminal and said his killing had nothing to do with race.

Downplayed lynching, said Arbery wasn't lynched and that lynching was never a big deal anyway, not even during Jim Crow.

Said George Floyd was a criminal and Derek Chauvin did nothing wrong and shouldn't have been convicted.

Testified before Congress in a hearing about White Supremacy to claim that White Supremacy was not a serious problem. Claimed the Southern Strategy never happened and that Republicans had never tried to appeal to racists.

Said that racism has never been a problem in America until the Democrats made it a problem, and said she had not experienced racism (despite suing her school for racism in 2008 and claiming that it had destroyed her life).

Repeatedly defended Trump and claimed he hadn't said anything offensive about Black people (he has dozens of offensive statements towards Black people):

Said that White Nationalism and hate crimes are just boogeymen created by liberals to scare Black folk.

Video in link:

Falsely claimed that the NRA was a civil rights group created to protect black people from the KKK (none of that is even remotely true)

Said that Caribbeans are successful and African-Americans aren't because AA's are focused on meaningless shyt like Juneteenth

Pushes the claim that Black Lives Matter is all a lie

In that documentary she promoted police union head Lt. Bob Kroll in her movie. In real life, Bob Kroll wore a White Power patch, made numerous racist remarks, and discriminated against Black officers

We could go on. She has constantly associated herself with a string of right-wing figureheads known for racist material (Charlie Kirk, Dennis Praeger, Ben Shapiro, Donald Trump). She is literally the opps.

An even more thorough breakdown than my own. Kudos. Anyone black supporting her on some “respecting differences of opinions” bullshyt is an outright race traitor Period. And I respect intellectual diversity of thought. But this is not that. Straight up white supremacy in black face.

President Sakora

Aug 30, 2015
Eat a dikk, fakkit. Don't quote me no more.
Oh BIlly, Billy, BIlly ain't ya momma teach you about talking to yo play uncle like this?

Next time I come over ya mommas imma whip yo ass till it's the colour of love

After that I'll suddenly give ya momma that syncopation she been looking for, when I grow tired of it she gone get on top and get Calypso crazy on my dikk.

Then while you're done recovering from that ass whuppin you got, imma break yo door down (what i tell you about locked doors in this house boi?) aand there ain't nothing you can do to Stop me from the next lashing i'm finna lay on you goofy ass fakkit boi.

Imma beat yo face till it look like a chocolate Bittersweet Rose hoe azz.

:pachaha: do yo homework on using your song titles to cook yo dumbass

Billy Ocean

Divine Universal Black Man Representin'
May 9, 2012
Oh BIlly, Billy, BIlly ain't ya momma teach you about talking to yo play uncle like this?

Next time I come over ya mommas imma whip yo ass till it's the colour of love

After that I'll suddenly give ya momma that syncopation she been looking for, when I grow tired of it she gone get on top and get Calypso crazy on my dikk.

Then while you're done recovering from that ass whuppin you got, imma break yo door down (what i tell you about locked doors in this house boi?) aand there ain't nothing you can do to Stop me from the next lashing i'm finna lay on you goofy ass fakkit boi.

Imma beat yo face till it look like a chocolate Bittersweet Rose hoe azz.

:pachaha: do yo homework on using your song titles to cook yo dumbass

Imagine me reading this novel from this bytch ass c00n :russ:


Mar 24, 2014

Candace Owens is attempting to rebrand herself, and Black people shouldn’t fall for it​

Monique Judge
Mon, April 1, 2024 at 11:35 AM EDT·6 min read

Candace Owens is photographed on the set of her show, Candace, in Nashville, Tennessee. (Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images)

Candace Owens is photographed on the set of her show, "Candace," in Nashville, Tennessee. (Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images)

OPINION: After losing her standing as the Black voice of anti-Blackness for conservative media, Candace Owens is now trying to win over Black people.
Editor’s note: The following article is an op-ed, and the views expressed are the author’s own. Read more opinions on theGrio.

I don’t like Candace Owens.
I feel like it’s important for me to say that before I type out the rest of this column because I want to be honest and upfront about my skepticism where she is concerned.
I have always viewed Candace Owens as someone who is very dangerous for Black people. Much like Jason Whitlock, she is willingly putting a Black face in front of all the anti-Black rhetoric (some) white people wish they could spew without catching flack for it.
Candace Owens is anti-Black, and what makes it so egregious is she wasn’t always like this. She, like Whitlock, seemingly realized there was money to be made in being the Black spokesperson for white people’s anti-Blackness, so she jumped on the train and started parroting the white supremacist rhetoric of those signing her checks.

She gained a lot of popularity behind it. There is nothing (some) white people love more than a Black person they can point to and tell the rest of us, “She agrees with us!”
There was a time when Candace Owens was actually very critical of Republicans, conservatives and especially Donald Trump. Up until 2016, she ran a website called Degree180, which bashed Trump during his 2016 run for president and even had an article questioning and mocking his penis size.
While she has up until recently been making her living denying the existence of institutionalized, systemic and individual racism in America, Degree180 wrote about these topics quite frequently, calling out people like Ted Cruz for being transphobic.

The flip-flop for Candace seemed to come along sometime in 2017; she was hired by Turning Point USA in November of that year to be their director of “urban engagement,” which is code for “we need somebody dark to talk to these darkies.”
In 2019, she famously stood on the CPAC stage and denied the existence of racism.

“Stop selling us our own oppression,” Owens said. “Stop taking away our self-confidence by telling us that we can’t because of racism, because of slavery. I’ve never been a slave in this country.”
I could go into a long and lengthy explanation of how what she said was ignorant and ignored the residue left behind by the institution of slavery and the enslavement of Black people in America. I could explain how that particular system directly led to a lot of the systems still in place that have an impact on the daily lives of Black people right this moment.
I could tell you that her statement revealed an incredible amount of ignorance on the part of Candace Owens, but instead, I will remind you that she made these statements 11 years after winning a lawsuit against her former school board — and said lawsuit was rooted in an accusation of racism she made against several of her high school classmates.

I will tell you that even in early 2016, Candace still believed in racism, and she still believed that she was suffering from the trauma of the racism she says she experienced as a high school senior in Stamford, Connecticut — so much so, that she wrote a letter to the local newspaper and talked about it.
In the letter, she details what she went through after receiving alarming phone calls from her classmates — calls in which not only was she threatened with physical harm, but she was called racist slurs and had racist things said to her.
Owens says she stayed out of school for six weeks because she did not feel safe; she waited until formal charges were pressed against those who had participated in the phone calls.
I stayed out of school for six weeks before formal charges were filed, and in that time the gossip escalated. It wasn’t limited to the students. Parents, teachers and you, the general public, felt inclined to state your opinions about me online.
I perused those words quietly, a stranger to the girl that the unsympathetic portion of you were depicting.
I was a liar.
I just wanted money.
I was ugly.
I was desperate for attention, another black girl taking advantage of a situation.

Somewhere deep inside, Candace Owens is still that traumatized teenage girl. She is still trying to find her place and figure out where she fits in, and I say that not to make people feel sorry for her, but to help people understand that this is just the latest ploy by a woman who has felt like an outsider her entire life.

She knows she doesn’t belong with them, but she can’t figure out if she really belongs with us either.
I watched her interview on “The Breakfast Club,” and I really wished she had chosen to go on a platform that would challenge her and the things she said.
It’s not that she said anything different than she has already been saying, but this time she framed it in such a way to make it seem as though she’s really on our side and really wants what’s best for Black people.
As I watched it, I couldn’t figure out what her angle was and why she was trying to win over Black people, but that became clear the next day when news broke that she had been fired from her role at the Daily Wire.
Candace Owens knows her time of grifting with white people on white platforms is likely over. They will let you get on their platform and talk a lot of nonsense, but don’t you dare say anything about any group of white people, and she made that fateful mistake.
Still, don’t fall for her latest jigaboo switcheroo.
Candace Owens doesn’t care about Black people. Candace Owens cares about Candace Owens, and her tour of Black platforms hosted by Black men is intentional. Notice she didn’t try to sit down with Gayle King or Oprah Winfrey or Tamron Hall or any other Black woman who potentially would call her out on her bullshyt.

Nope. She aimed straight for Black men — specifically Black men like Charlamagne and Joe Budden who are prime targets for Owens’ rebrand campaign — a campaign she knew she couldn’t launch with a Black woman journalist or any journalist to be real.
When you are used to performing for the white gaze, you will find platforms that pander in the same kind of mess that you do; water seeks its own level.
Candace Owens is attempting to rebrand herself, and Black people shouldn’t fall for it.
Besides, they said “God is good,” to that goofy heffa, and she did not know the proper response is “all the time.” She actually asked, “Where did that come from?”
She also didn’t know what year Cash Money Records was taking over; she couldn’t say how many times Will Smith got in a fight before his mama sent him to live with his auntie and uncle in Bel Air; she didn’t know the name of Maya Angelou’s first and most famous book; and she didn’t know Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name. She didn’t even know the lyrics of the theme song of “Good Times.”
You can’t trust Black people like that.

Billy Ocean

Divine Universal Black Man Representin'
May 9, 2012
Any Black person who falls for this grifting c00n's attempt to ingratiate herself to Black people needs to get the dogshyt slapped out of them. She has been an enemy to Black folk and a bastion of white supremacy for years and shouldn't be embraced. And fukk anybody helping her attempt to rebrand, like Charlamagne and Killer Mike.