Damn bruh, you really were in the south if you were fukkin with Raheem the Dream.
Unless you already announced the school for some reason im thinking NC State.
Thank you for this Walt.
I still remember when you used to tell me about myself on SOHH. Felt like I was being told how I disappointed my pops or older brother at times.
I live a few blocks away from the CC Club.
I'm gonna go put a sign in the bathroom that says @Walt boned here and leave a link to your stories.
to the writing and story telling. You waste more hours of my work than any other writer
Can do it, pm me.
@Walt, you were Trilly D on that joint?
When the next episode
More ratchet stories pls
I've been trying to think of an original way to compliment you on this thread, but I can't so I will just sit back and appreciate the greatness.
And here I thought General was the God Story teller around here, but you sir are on a whole other level. Hats off
Stories is fire @Walt.
Of the podcast where he described the white dude standing in his kitchen sink in an attempted robbery? I was in tears.
Yo, word up, the other day I talked to the shorty who witnessed the dude jump off my porch and run for his life after I whooped his ass. We were dying. It wasn't funny at the time to her though, she was mad shook to see me lose my temper.
Yo, word up, the other day I talked to the shorty who witnessed the dude jump off my porch and run for his life after I whooped his ass. We were dying. It wasn't funny at the time to her though, she was mad shook to see me lose my temper.
I really fukked with Andre's verse on T.I.'s "Sorry" when he said "I'd probably do it differently if second the chance/only if some cool ass older man woulda let me know in advance..." When you're growing up, no one tells you the truth about relationships. No one tells you that sex can get stale and complicated, even with someone you care about; that, as Killa Cam so succinctly put it when the Dips were in that SUV out in London, "past a certain age, bills is in effect;" that when you narrow your universe down to a two-person population, it puts a lot of pressure on the inhabitants to keep things fresh and fluid; that the human heart has a tendency to yearn for more no matter how much it has, that when we get used to something - no matter how good it is - we start wanting something else to justify our existence; that love isn't always enough to keep two people together. Love isn't always enough. My aunt had once said that to me when I asked her why, if she loved her son, she wasn't visiting him in jail. That's a whole 'nother story though.
I guess what I'm saying is relationships are uniquely complex entities. At best you open yourself up, make yourself vulnerable, say "what may come, will come." At worst you are deeply private while ostensibly sharing yourself; paranoid, protective to the point of diminishing the presence and significance of the person you're with; and ultimately manipulative. I still don't know what to make of relationships from one day to the next, and I've been in my fair share.
you didn't know that was him?
@I.V. is Nick
and Rick used to post on here. he prob lurks from time to time.