By Popular Demand: True Coliwood Stories - College Athletics


May 2, 2012
You know Walt although this doesn't benefit us short term you should let some of these stories marinate. Take your time, make a draft, recall missing facts, but dont rush. Good material like this is worth some extra time to invest.

Yeah, some of them are marinating in my mind already. I haven't thought about some of these in a long time. But I don't want to sit down and write first drafts and then edit and shyt. I want it to flow naturally and organic, so I basically sit down when I have a free block of time and bust it out right then. I'll go back and edit the post if I notice some typos here and there. I'm about to sit down to fukk with the next episode right now, actually.

:damn: I can't believe that nikka Alvin still drank out the tanqueray bottle after it was goin up in that sluts p*ssy :scusthov:

He was one of the coolest cats ever... but son really loved his gin that much.

Great Story :laugh:

Any RBX/ Chronic reference is appreciated by the way.. Top 5 album of all time :ohlawd:

If I was a producer RBX is the type of dude I'd get for a thematic album, like one of those Prince Paul joints where mad different rappers contribute to an overall narrative. Dude had one of the dopest voices and flows ever.


May 2, 2012
If anyone has photoshop skills and wants to help me post photos from this time, get at me. I want to post photos, but change some of the faces up, maybe put Coli smilies on top of the bodies or some shyt.


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
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May 2, 2012

There was a story today on Grantland about my homie Ibby Jaaber

I went to penn around this time. He graduated a year before me. This is a great story man....He's did a complete 180 (although he was always muslim).....he used to smash ALOT of chicks breh. He's got more into his religion and decided to leave the game of basketball behind.

What could make former UPenn star Ibby Jaaber return $300,000 to his professional basketball team in midseason? - Grantland

Will definitely check this when I get back from the gym. Episode V dropping in a minute.
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May 2, 2012
Against His Religion

I've never told this entire story to anyone until now. I can't figure out how to tell the one part of the story about college without telling the whole story, because they seem inextricably intertwined. It's going to run a little bit long; bear with me.

There are periods of time when a person's heart can go dark. All of this happened years ago, but even with the distance I have from it, I can still feel how empty and tragic the world seemed to me at the time. In a previous episode I mentioned my uncle Kenyon trying to sell an open snapple to his nephews on a street corner to get money for crack. What I remember most vividly about that incident was the bleakness in his eyes. During the period of time this story covers, the entire world seemed bathed in that sort of bleakness.

Back then I moved with my girl to a city in the Midwest for a job. A year before that I ended a long-term relationship with a woman I loved more than I'll ever love any woman again in my life - I'm certain of that - and started another relationship shortly after with a new woman who loved me a lot more than I loved her, which is never a healthy dynamic for a relationship.

It was summer. As we drove into town we could see the modest skyline from the highway, and my girl was like "this city looks so cute. It's like a big city with training wheels." I remember the lake was shimmering like sequins under the sunlight when we drove into town, and I thought okay, okay, this shyt is kind of nice, it might just work out. I didn't know at the time that decades ago one of my favorite singers had died in that very lake. Talk about a fukking omen.

The city was really a glorified college town, and it seemed like a patchwork quilt; many of the "locals" I met were like fabric left over from other projects, other lives that didn't quite turn out as they had hoped. Some had been lured by employment, others by spouses' careers, still others by graduate programs that converted them to permanent residency. We quickly became attuned to the volumes of the place: there was the resigned and even pleasant quiet of family life, which existed in an unholy marriage with the awful caterwaul of the undergraduate culture in a football town. There didn't seem to be room for much other noise between the two.

We rented a house with enough space for us not to drive each other crazy. Like a lot of medium-sized Midwest cities, the one we were in wanted to be one thing, but also another, and as a result it ended up being a mush of confused nothingness. It sort of had a restaurant scene, but not really; it pretended to have an arts scene, but it didn't; the nightlife was just sad. Neither one of us thought we could settle down there. It was hard to get a foothold in the place.

I could be projecting. When I got with my new girl, I was at the end of a 5 year relationship in which I was running up against the sort of obstacles often bred by intense familiarity. Maybe I was seeing in the city what I felt but couldn't articulate in my own life. But I don&#8217;t think it was that. I'll say this - my previous lady lost a child, and our relationship never recovered from that. I was trying to trick myself into moving on from it all by finding a new person to rock with.

I really fukked with Andre's verse on T.I.'s "Sorry" when he said "I'd probably do it differently if second the chance/only if some cool ass older man woulda let me know in advance..." When you're growing up, no one tells you the truth about relationships. No one tells you that sex can get stale and complicated, even with someone you care about; that, as Killa Cam so succinctly put it when the Dips were in that SUV out in London, "past a certain age, bills is in effect;" that when you narrow your universe down to a two-person population, it puts a lot of pressure on the inhabitants to keep things fresh and fluid; that the human heart has a tendency to yearn for more no matter how much it has, that when we get used to something - no matter how good it is - we start wanting something else to justify our existence; that love isn't always enough to keep two people together. Love isn't always enough. My aunt had once said that to me when I asked her why, if she loved her son, she wasn't visiting him in jail. That's a whole 'nother story though.

I guess what I'm saying is relationships are uniquely complex entities. At best you open yourself up, make yourself vulnerable, say "what may come, will come." At worst you are deeply private while ostensibly sharing yourself; paranoid, protective to the point of diminishing the presence and significance of the person you're with; and ultimately manipulative. I still don't know what to make of relationships from one day to the next, and I've been in my fair share.

This new relationship got rocky faster than I could've anticipated. Shorty stopped fukking me for like two months, at the end of summer and the start of fall. I was going out to bars a few times a week, reminding myself that if I wanted, I could fukk a different woman on any night I wanted to, and wondering what was going on at home. Tensions were high. After a particularly awful argument in September, my lady and I decided to do something that would bring us together, be fun, serve to heal whatever fukked up rift had opened between us. We decided to do a tour of Midwest landmarks. We drove through different parts of Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin. We saw The House on the Rock; The Mustard Museum; a couple of Sculpture Gardens; a haunted corn maze; a famous haunted house; and a few other depressingly boring places. These were not legitimate tourist attractions. I mean, the Mustard Museum was basically a fukking gift shop. I ain't even gonna waste your time with details of that corn maze, man. shyt. Just like the city we lived in, a lot of the Midwest is pretending one thing is another thing. For instance, we kept getting invited to the beach by some friends when they meant the lake. A lake ain't a fukkin' beach; a gift shop ain't a fukkin' museum. When words become meaningless in any culture, you know you're in trouble.

We took our very last trip in early October to an old school soda fountain my girl had seen profiled on one of those travel/food television shows. The trips had become more frustrating to me than my relationship, so I ain't want to go. Shorty tried to convince me by reading the online reviews out loud to me across the dining room. I remember one of them said, simply: &#8220;They serve happiness there.&#8221;

The drive out was phenomenal. There are parts of the Midwest that have the bluest, most endless skies I&#8217;ve ever seen. It's like being in one of those old arcade driving games where the scenery is still and picturesque. The soda fountain itself was like a piece of memorabilia brought to life. It was hard to believe it wasn&#8217;t a propaganda piece of some sort, meant to remind us of an America that never existed anywhere but in whitewashed lore about "real America" and the "good ol' days." We walked around in the midst of heavy winds and bright sunshine. The leaves on the trees were a strikingly rich autumn red, and when my girl walked under one small and frail tree the wind blew through it and rained the leaves down on her. When she smiled that wide ass, pretty smile of hers and stepped out from under the tree, it looked like she was emerging from a beautiful fire. I like to remember her that way: vibrant, colorful, lovely, happy.

I like to remember her that way especially because it was my last good memory of her, and the last time either one of us was happy in the other's presence. When we sat down to split an old school ice cream soda, she let me know why we hadn't had sex for two months. I went numb. Word? Nah. Word? Nah. Should I hug this bytch or smack the shyt out of her? She said it was a freak accident, she must've missed a day with the pill. She was worried it would've fukked things up. She said she was scared and nervous. She said she thought the timing wasn't right and that she didn't want to burden me. Well why the fukk are you telling me now, then? You out your motherfukking mind? The ride home was a few hours, but it felt like it took at least 12. I knew in my heart then that we were done, it was just a matter of getting through the lease. The next two months were mad uncomfortable. We were both mad as shyt with each other and with ourselves. We were barely communicating. I started going out more to drink, she would lose herself in netflix after work. It got so bad I couldn't deal with being around her at all - a nikka set up permanent shop in the guest room.

shyt got completely unbearable for me around Christmas. Her mom was coming to visit, and she wanted me to spend Christmas with them. I told her I had already booked a ticket back to NYC to see my fam. On December 23 I packed a bag, hopped in the car, and drove to the airport. Except, I didn't. Because I hadn't booked a ticket. I hadn't planned to head back to NYC. I just didn't want to be around my girl and her mom. So I got in that car and randomly drove to Milwaukee. Took me a couple hours to get there. I had no idea what the fukk I was doing, just knew I had to go somewhere.

I parked in a garage downtown and walked around. It was freezing, snow had started falling kind of heavy. The muscles in my face were pulled tight from the blood slowing in the cold, and I could see in a store window that my face was bloated from two straight months of drinking. I was angry as fukk that I still didn't have the slightest clue as to how to communicate with my girl about what she had done, nor any real inclination to do so at that point. All I had inclination for was whiskey and the comfort of a bar.

After popping in and out of a few spots, I ended up at this bar that was way up on like the 30th floor of a hotel. Some local who was kickin' it with me about sports at this one spot recommended it. "Can't beat the view." Aight, cool. He was right about that shyt, it turned out. The place was all windows, and you could sit there and watch planes coming right at you, then banking sharply to land at the airport. You could see the empty freeways crisscrossing, and the people-less streets of downtown, and it felt like Milwaukee was a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

A woman sitting at the bar told me Milwaukee was always like this; everyone worked downtown, then fled to the suburbs at 5. It was her birthday, she had just turned 30. She was from a little town of 6,500, grew up on a dairy farm, and had lived in Milwaukee for 5 years. Within a few minutes of conversation I could see she had made the decision that she could do worse with her 30th birthday than fukk me. She was, despite the sweatpants she was sporting and her tired eyes, attractive. We had dirty vodka martinis and toasted to her birthday, then went to her room. I don't think I was excited to bang her out as much as I was happy I wasn't going to have to try to find my own hotel, or sleep in my car.

She had this little cute terrier in her room, the same kind as the one in the movie The Thin Man. The dog was named Josephine, she was a sweetheart, never barked once, mad affectionate. The shorty's name was Bree. I banged her out up against the desk by the television, and then again doggy style over the edge of her bed. shyt was mad hard and passionate but without meaningful emotion, like pounding a stake into a vampire's heart.

Woke up the next morning and Bree gave me her story over some wack room service breakfast: she got married young to please her family, was in her 7th year of a loveless marriage, her husband had recently found out about an affair she'd had by hacking into her email, and they agreed to take some time apart to reflect on shyt and try to repair the marriage. She decided to take a road trip alone, and I caught her in the middle of it. She unfolded a big ass map on her bed and asked me to help her choose where to go next. I remember she seemed like a little kid, tracing different routes on the map with her finger, grinning and saying "You look at a map and it's like the whole world opens up - there's so many roads you can take."

I'd love to tell you about the next 5 days I spent with her, but a lot of the details are lost in a dense fog of alcohol, marijuana, and sex. I was suddenly and improbably on yet another journey throughout the Midwest. I remember shorty rolled mean ass joints, and we would smoke in her car. I remember one night shorty passed out on the floor in a motel, and I slept cuddled up with Josephine the terrier - it was the closest thing I felt to love in months. I remember fukking Bree in the bathroom of a Minneapolis bar called The CC Club. I remember watching shorty do blow at a table inside a strip club in Fargo, North Dakota. I remember thinking I lost my license, rifling through my wallet, and finding a handwritten note my grandmother gave me from when I got a scholarship to go off to private school. She passed a short time later, and I had gotten it laminated, and always carried it with me. It said, simply, keep us proud. I remember not sleeping that night

We drove back to Milwaukee on December 29th. I got my homegirl who worked for this airline to hook me up a last minute ticket to NYC, got my car out of the garage, and drove it to long term parking at the Milwaukee airport. Bree drove back home to her husband.


May 2, 2012
Against His Religion (continued)

If you've read this far you've got to be wondering, what in the fukk does this have to do with college sports? Well, I got to NYC, spent a day with fam, and ended up spending New Year's with one of my old school homeboys at a Domincan bar in the Bronx that he liked. I ran into this woman I knew from college there, a chick named Tanisha I had been mad cool with and thought about dating, but it never worked out. She had moved to the city after law school, and was at the bar with her roommate, this pretty Dominican shorty.

Tanisha told me she initially had been living in Brooklyn with another chick who went to college with us, you remember Stacey? Hell fukkin' yes, lightskinned broad with the fattest ass on campus. She was dating that one dude who made the NFL, right? He just got paid out the ass, right? Hope she stuck around long enough to collect. Tanisha got quiet for a second. "Yeah, they're still together. That's why we don't live together anymore. I couldn't watch what she was doing to herself." Wait... say what? Shorty on drugs? Cheating on him? What happened? "Last time I spoke to her, she'd had her 5th abortion." :merchant: 5 abortions? What the fukk? Did they ever think about birth control? "She wanted to go on it, but he said it was against his religion."

It wasn't the happiest New Year's eve, but lord knows I was eager to put the past year behind me. My phone was blowing up with calls and texts after midnight, as per custom. Family, friends wishing happy new year. My girl called, but I just let it ring. Around 2 a.m. Bree called. Me and my homie had ended up in Sin City, getting lap dances among the petty drug crews who used to (and probably still do) set up shop there. I stepped outside to call her back, and when she picked up her voice was mad shaky. Shorty had come home after going to a New Year's party and found her husband dead in their bed. He'd shot himself. The police were on their way. She kept asking me "what am I supposed to do now?" fukk if I had an answer.

How many years ago was all of that? Does it matter? Time is an irrelevant concept when we talk about tragedy, suffering, and loss. We carry our loss and suffering into bars, down cold streets, along highways, and most significantly into the deepest corners of our hearts and minds. Loss never quite leaves us, even when we think we've put it out of our minds. You always know when you meet someone who is carrying a profound and unspeakable loss inside, it's in the eyes, the occasional hesitation in speech, the barely detectable reactions to certain songs, certain situations. We rarely articulate it, because there aren't really words to make sense of that sort of thing. Even now, in typing this out, I was thinking by the time I reached the end there would be some connection I could make, some thread that would tie it all together and deliver an ultimate insight. But all I have is this: a woman who lost a child and couldn't recover; a woman who ruined a relationship when she thought she was saving it; a woman who decided being with a professional football player was worth abortion after abortion after abortion; a man whose religious belief didn't permit birth control, but was fine with terminating pregnancies.

Trying to figure out how to distill meaning from that winter, I keep coming back to two things. I think about Josephine the terrier being the only being I encountered that winter who seemed to know how to provide love without any weird, fukked up contingencies. And I can see Bree standing over the hotel bed, studying the map she'd laid out. She thought the world was wide open, when really it was closing down on her. I think about how quickly one single road out of many can become the singular road you take; how abruptly one way a life might turn out can become the entire life. I think about how to run away is just as dangerous as to stop moving altogether. I think about all that death, all that loss, and how fortunate it is that I'm one of the people from that winter who got back on the road and carved out a brand new journey; how lucky I am to still be going strong.


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
Is That a Gin Bottle?

I'm sitting at my homegirl's living room table right now, sipping Bombay Sapphire and tonic. I figured if I was going to tell a story about gin, I might as well drink some. Also, shorty was telling me earlier that it's the perfect summer drink. For some reason when people talk about gin and tonics in the summer it makes me picture rich goofball white dudes in seersucker suits or plaid shorts, the same way I can't drink mint juleps because the drink conjures images of slave masters sitting on a porch and cooling off with a pitcher of that shyt, watching slaves toil in the hot ass sun all day. Odd how the mind works.

Anyway, gin never tastes right to me. It's not the botanical flavor or anything, because I can drink shyt like Chartreuse and Ouzo all night. I guess I've always been wary of gin. I suspected my grandmother compromised some aspect of her virtue over gin - her saying was "gin is nature's drink." She'd say that shyt with a weird tone in her voice and fix you with an intense stare, like she had just delivered a grave warning. She drank a lot of different things - her favorite twist was Peach Schnapps - but never gin.

So I never so much as tasted gin until my homie Alvin got me fukked up off that shyt in college. Him, my nikka Rome and I were kickin' it in Alvin's room, swapping stories about life. We were all between 18 and 19, so inevitably the conversation shifted to women, and we traded war stories. Among other things, I was telling them about the time I saw this Puerto Rican chick suck my cousin off in a project staircase in exchange for a loosey. We were 14, on our way to play ball in the park, ran into the chick at the corner store, and my cousin Skoob brokered the deal with her. Rome had a couple wild stories from high school he shared. When it was Alvin's turn, he took a swig from the bottle, grinned, and was like "y'all boys ain't seen no wild shyt." He told us a few stories that had us like :sayword: Then he was like "you know what, I could show you some wild shyt tonight. They doing this thing for the recruits at this nikka E's. Y'all wit it?"

I wish I could upload an MP3 of my memory of Alvin's voice and let you hear how that dude sounded when he said "Y'all wit it?" Son's accent was possibly one of the 5 most offensive things to a nikka's auditory system, ever. He was Jamaican, but grew up in Mississippi. I can't do justice to how fukked up the combo of his Jamaican and country inflections were. It took me a couple months before I could understand more than 50% of any sentence he uttered.

The only accent I heard that was worse was at Thanksgiving dinner that same year. The break wasn't all that long and the ticket home wasn't all that cheap, so I linked up with one of my cousins who was stationed at a military base an hour-and-a-half away. My cousin was living on the base with the mother of his two kids, a half-white, half-Vietnamese broad. Her fam was visiting for Thanksgiving too: her pops was an old vet from West Virginia who carried a pistol everywhere he went, walked with a cane, and continually had his lower lip bulging with chewing tobacco; her mother was a Vietnamese lady who the pops had scooped during the war and flown back to America. Let me assure you that you have never heard an uglier sound than this woman's accent, which was an unholy hybrid of Vietnamese and West Virginian backwoods. She also had the foulest mouth I think I've ever heard on a woman. It was an unusual Thanksgiving to say the least.

As many fukked up dudes as there were on the football team, there were also some real cool cats, and Alvin was definitely at the top of that list. Son had a good heart, stayed in his own zone for the most part, listened to mad reggae and R&B, sat in a chair on the balcony in his wifebeater smoking weed on the regular. Real laid back dude. This nikka's closet was essentially 30 white wifebeaters. shyt was hilarious. Dude knew what he liked and stuck with it.

Oh yeah, and Alvin looked like a model, b. Son had the He-Man action figure body; dude was so cut that it looked like he had been constructed in a lab. He was mad dark - talk about being darkskinned... my nikka Alvin was coffin black. He rocked a baldy. The nikka had like 700 bytches following him around. I hate when nikkas get on that corny ass sucker shyt like "I don't know if another nikka looks good, I would be gay if I did." fukk outta here with that bullshyt. I always noticed the same nikkas who claimed that shyt would magically know which dudes not to bring their girls around. Alvin was a nikka not to bring your girl around. He had bytches wide open: white, black, hoood, uppity, all of them.

Son was also a case study in Blackleticism. When I think about Blackleticism, I actually don't think about dudes like LeBron. I think about those random nikkas from around the way who never went to the gym, never played organized athletics, ate pork rinds and lemonheads all week, had dope fiend parents so they were only eating dinner like 4 out of 7 nights, and even then it was just an order of chicken wings and french fries, but they could casually throw a perfect spiral 70 yards. I got dunked on by a nikka like that once, he was in Timbs, no front teeth, no draws, asscrack hanging out his jean shorts. Sometimes you gotta hit life with the :manny: take your L and charge it to the game.

Alvin was a natural athlete that way. I remember I asked his roommate, who was a defensive end, whether Alvin was taking supplements or some shyt. His roommate died laughing. "Al? That nikka barely be in the weightroom. Coaches be on his ass about how lazy he is." Dude was born to be a college linebacker. Genetics are wild.

I usually ain't get invited to insider shyt. I mean, I hung with individual foootball dudes,would go to parties with them, kick it with them and drink, etc. but I wasn't in the inner circle like that. So this shyt sounded like a rare opportunity. We hopped in Rome's truck and Alvin gave us directions to this two-story condo that a former player owned about 20 minutes from campus. Dude spent a couple seasons with the Jets, I think. I don't remember his name at all. To be honest, I don't think I ever heard anyone call him anything other than E. I do remember the nikka ain't look like a professional athlete in the slightest - dude had a short, squat build with the Gucci Mane get money gut. Maybe that's why he was out the league after just two seasons.

The vibe was :demonic: from the moment we stepped in the spot. Compton's Most Wanted was blaring, like 25 nikkas was up in there, mad weed smoke in the air, empty MD 20/20 and Boone's Farm bottles on the floor. The homie's crib was fly though, I'll give him that. The south opened my eyes to just how shytty the standard of living was in NYC. nikkas had condos and big ass apartments for less than some of my family was paying for their cramped spaces in shytty neighborhoods. E's place had mad rooms, wall-to-wall carpeting, he even had a pool. Homie actually didn't want to let us in, but Alvin vouched for us heavy and I cracked a couple jokes that endeared him to me. He was dissing the shyt out of Rome though, because my dude was carrying a pack of Zimas, which was the only thing that cat would ever drink. E was like "I don't know how I feel about a nikka drinkin' Zimas in my house." He was dead serious. Alvin had cracked a brand new Tanqueray bottle open during the ride over, so we were sipping that.

We kicked it in the living room and kitchen area for like an hour, everyone getting high and drunk and talking shyt, and then E switched the cd to The Chronic, and announced that all the recruits needed to head upstairs, take a right, and walk to the back bedroom. Alvin motioned for us to follow him and the three of us walked upstairs behind the recruits.

When we got to that back room... :whoo:

There were condoms laid out in a row on a dresser, and two white chicks were on the bed with their titties hanging out, skirts hiked up to their waists, no panties on. bytches had pure lust in their eyes. :wow:

E stepped in the room, shrugged at the recruits and was like "who finna get this poppin first?" And just like that, it was on. I backed the fukk out the room with the quickness - I just do not like watching other dudes have sex, man.

I went back downstairs, talked to Alvin a little bit about whether this kind of shyt was a regular occurrence, and listened to some of the details he had about his recruitment visits. I was super fukked up off the gin, but I wanted to drink more so I asked him where he put the bottle. Alvin was like it was right over on top of the fridge. We couldn't find that shyt. All them dudes in there, someone probably drank the shyt. I was heated, because there had been half a bottle left in it. Alvin was like fukk it, let's leave. That's when we noticed Rome wasn't downstairs with us.

We went back upstairs to look for dude. Figured he was passed out in a bathroom from all the Zimas he drank. Opened the bathroom door and :huhldup: this nikka E was on the toilet getting domed by a lightskinned broad named Crystal I recognized from her job at the food court. E looked at me like :mjpls: and I quickly shut the door. It smelled foul as hell in there too - dude had really taken a shyt then got some head right after.

That's when I heard Alvin call to me, "Ay boy, I found Rome." He was standing in front of the back bedroom when he said that. I was thinking, nah, no way. Rushed down the hall, looked in the room, and :merchant:

A recruit was beasting out one of the hos, and Rome was standing next to him, leaning over the bed, thrusting something in and out of the other one's coochie with the :takedat: face.

I tapped my nikka Alvin's shoulder like, hold up... is that a gin bottle? Rome was so drunk he was up in the spot trying to Tanqueray that bytch to an orgasm. Shorty had a confused look on her face too, her eyes were locked on the top of that bottle going in and out of her stankbox as if it was a science experiment happening to someone else, and she was just as curious as all of us as to what might happen next.

This was another moment that ruined a song for me: I can vividly remember that while Rome was fiendishly thrusting that Tanqueray bottle up in shorty's p*ssy, Rage was in the background talkin' bout "come come come again, come come come again, get with the wickedness..." Alvin was laughing too hard to go get the dude, so I stepped in and grabbed Rome, pulled him out of the room, and I remember hearing RBX rapping "I have no remorse 'cause I'm the fukkin' murderer..." while we walked down the stairs.

We hopped in the truck, but Rome was too drunk to drive. Being from NYC, I had no idea how to operate a car. Alvin's license was suspended or some shyt, but he drove us home anyway. And yes, the bottle was still half full. And yes, Alvin still drank from that motherfukker while he was driving. And yes, I saw Crystal again at the foodcourt 3 days later, and many times after that. Sometimes she worked the register, sometimes she worked with the food at Chik-fil-A. I wanted to stop eating there, knowing how nasty she was. But those Chik-fil-A sandwiches... :ohlawd: So I had no choice but to let ol' doodoo mouth hook my food up.

And that's yet another reason I almost always pass on drinking gin to this day. shyt, I already switched back to my Makers while I was typing this shyt.

dope read

:heh: at that cat Rome

knew cats like Alvin too growing up, some of the best athletes i've ever seen, could literally do everything. Couldn't stay out of the streets though.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
If you've read this far you've got to be wondering, what in the fukk does this have to do with college sports?

I won't lie - I sure thought this, LOL.

I think about how quickly one single road out of many can become the singular road you take; how abruptly one way a life might turn out can become the entire life.

This is real game...some folk think they're gonna take a quick rest stop and stay there forever.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
If anyone has photoshop skills and wants to help me post photos from this time, get at me. I want to post photos, but change some of the faces up, maybe put Coli smilies on top of the bodies or some shyt.

im a fool with that microsoft paint :wow:


Stark till I die
Apr 30, 2012
Against His Religion

I've never told this entire story to anyone until now. I can't figure out how to tell the one part of the story about college without telling the whole story, because they seem inextricably intertwined. It's going to run a little bit long; bear with me.

There are periods of time when a person's heart can go dark. All of this happened years ago, but even with the distance I have from it, I can still feel how empty and tragic the world seemed to me at the time. In a previous episode I mentioned my uncle Kenyon trying to sell an open snapple to his nephews on a street corner to get money for crack. What I remember most vividly about that incident was the bleakness in his eyes. During the period of time this story covers, the entire world seemed bathed in that sort of bleakness.

Back then I moved with my girl to a city in the Midwest for a job. A year before that I ended a long-term relationship with a woman I loved more than I'll ever love any woman again in my life - I'm certain of that - and started another relationship shortly after with a new woman who loved me a lot more than I loved her, which is never a healthy dynamic for a relationship.

It was summer. As we drove into town we could see the modest skyline from the highway, and my girl was like "this city looks so cute. It's like a big city with training wheels." I remember the lake was shimmering like sequins under the sunlight when we drove into town, and I thought okay, okay, this shyt is kind of nice, it might just work out. I didn't know at the time that decades ago one of my favorite singers had died in that very lake. Talk about a fukking omen.

The city was really a glorified college town, and it seemed like a patchwork quilt; many of the "locals" I met were like fabric left over from other projects, other lives that didn't quite turn out as they had hoped. Some had been lured by employment, others by spouses' careers, still others by graduate programs that converted them to permanent residency. We quickly became attuned to the volumes of the place: there was the resigned and even pleasant quiet of family life, which existed in an unholy marriage with the awful caterwaul of the undergraduate culture in a football town. There didn't seem to be room for much other noise between the two.

We rented a house with enough space for us not to drive each other crazy. Like a lot of medium-sized Midwest cities, the one we were in wanted to be one thing, but also another, and as a result it ended up being a mush of confused nothingness. It sort of had a restaurant scene, but not really; it pretended to have an arts scene, but it didn't; the nightlife was just sad. Neither one of us thought we could settle down there. It was hard to get a foothold in the place.

I could be projecting. When I got with my new girl, I was at the end of a 5 year relationship in which I was running up against the sort of obstacles often bred by intense familiarity. Maybe I was seeing in the city what I felt but couldn't articulate in my own life. But I don’t think it was that. I'll say this - my previous lady lost a child, and our relationship never recovered from that. I was trying to trick myself into moving on from it all by finding a new person to rock with.

I really fukked with Andre's verse on T.I.'s "Sorry" when he said "I'd probably do it differently if second the chance/only if some cool ass older man woulda let me know in advance..." When you're growing up, no one tells you the truth about relationships. No one tells you that sex can get stale and complicated, even with someone you care about; that, as Killa Cam so succinctly put it when the Dips were in that SUV out in London, "past a certain age, bills is in effect;" that when you narrow your universe down to a two-person population, it puts a lot of pressure on the inhabitants to keep things fresh and fluid; that the human heart has a tendency to yearn for more no matter how much it has, that when we get used to something - no matter how good it is - we start wanting something else to justify our existence; that love isn't always enough to keep two people together. Love isn't always enough. My aunt had once said that to me when I asked her why, if she loved her son, she wasn't visiting him in jail. That's a whole 'nother story though.

I guess what I'm saying is relationships are uniquely complex entities. At best you open yourself up, make yourself vulnerable, say "what may come, will come." At worst you are deeply private while ostensibly sharing yourself; paranoid, protective to the point of diminishing the presence and significance of the person you're with; and ultimately manipulative. I still don't know what to make of relationships from one day to the next, and I've been in my fair share.

This new relationship got rocky faster than I could've anticipated. Shorty stopped fukking me for like two months, at the end of summer and the start of fall. I was going out to bars a few times a week, reminding myself that if I wanted, I could fukk a different woman on any night I wanted to, and wondering what was going on at home. Tensions were high. After a particularly awful argument in September, my lady and I decided to do something that would bring us together, be fun, serve to heal whatever fukked up rift had opened between us. We decided to do a tour of Midwest landmarks. We drove through different parts of Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin. We saw The House on the Rock; The Mustard Museum; a couple of Sculpture Gardens; a haunted corn maze; a famous haunted house; and a few other depressingly boring places. These were not legitimate tourist attractions. I mean, the Mustard Museum was basically a fukking gift shop. I ain't even gonna waste your time with details of that corn maze, man. shyt. Just like the city we lived in, a lot of the Midwest is pretending one thing is another thing. For instance, we kept getting invited to the beach by some friends when they meant the lake. A lake ain't a fukkin' beach; a gift shop ain't a fukkin' museum. When words become meaningless in any culture, you know you're in trouble.

We took our very last trip in early October to an old school soda fountain my girl had seen profiled on one of those travel/food television shows. The trips had become more frustrating to me than my relationship, so I ain't want to go. Shorty tried to convince me by reading the online reviews out loud to me across the dining room. I remember one of them said, simply: “They serve happiness there.”

The drive out was phenomenal. There are parts of the Midwest that have the bluest, most endless skies I’ve ever seen. It's like being in one of those old arcade driving games where the scenery is still and picturesque. The soda fountain itself was like a piece of memorabilia brought to life. It was hard to believe it wasn’t a propaganda piece of some sort, meant to remind us of an America that never existed anywhere but in whitewashed lore about "real America" and the "good ol' days." We walked around in the midst of heavy winds and bright sunshine. The leaves on the trees were a strikingly rich autumn red, and when my girl walked under one small and frail tree the wind blew through it and rained the leaves down on her. When she smiled that wide ass, pretty smile of hers and stepped out from under the tree, it looked like she was emerging from a beautiful fire. I like to remember her that way: vibrant, colorful, lovely, happy.

I like to remember her that way especially because it was my last good memory of her, and the last time either one of us was happy in the other's presence. When we sat down to split an old school ice cream soda, she let me know why we hadn't had sex for two months. I went numb. Word? Nah. Word? Nah. Should I hug this bytch or smack the shyt out of her? She said it was a freak accident, she must've missed a day with the pill. She was worried it would've fukked things up. She said she was scared and nervous. She said she thought the timing wasn't right and that she didn't want to burden me. Well why the fukk are you telling me now, then? You out your motherfukking mind? The ride home was a few hours, but it felt like it took at least 12. I knew in my heart then that we were done, it was just a matter of getting through the lease. The next two months were mad uncomfortable. We were both mad as shyt with each other and with ourselves. We were barely communicating. I started going out more to drink, she would lose herself in netflix after work. It got so bad I couldn't deal with being around her at all - a nikka set up permanent shop in the guest room.

shyt got completely unbearable for me around Christmas. Her mom was coming to visit, and she wanted me to spend Christmas with them. I told her I had already booked a ticket back to NYC to see my fam. On December 23 I packed a bag, hopped in the car, and drove to the airport. Except, I didn't. Because I hadn't booked a ticket. I hadn't planned to head back to NYC. I just didn't want to be around my girl and her mom. So I got in that car and randomly drove to Milwaukee. Took me a couple hours to get there. I had no idea what the fukk I was doing, just knew I had to go somewhere.

I parked in a garage downtown and walked around. It was freezing, snow had started falling kind of heavy. The muscles in my face were pulled tight from the blood slowing in the cold, and I could see in a store window that my face was bloated from two straight months of drinking. I was angry as fukk that I still didn't have the slightest clue as to how to communicate with my girl about what she had done, nor any real inclination to do so at that point. All I had inclination for was whiskey and the comfort of a bar.

After popping in and out of a few spots, I ended up at this bar that was way up on like the 30th floor of a hotel. Some local who was kickin' it with me about sports at this one spot recommended it. "Can't beat the view." Aight, cool. He was right about that shyt, it turned out. The place was all windows, and you could sit there and watch planes coming right at you, then banking sharply to land at the airport. You could see the empty freeways crisscrossing, and the people-less streets of downtown, and it felt like Milwaukee was a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

A woman sitting at the bar told me Milwaukee was always like this; everyone worked downtown, then fled to the suburbs at 5. It was her birthday, she had just turned 30. She was from a little town of 6,500, grew up on a dairy farm, and had lived in Milwaukee for 5 years. Within a few minutes of conversation I could see she had made the decision that she could do worse with her 30th birthday than fukk me. She was, despite the sweatpants she was sporting and her tired eyes, attractive. We had dirty vodka martinis and toasted to her birthday, then went to her room. I don't think I was excited to bang her out as much as I was happy I wasn't going to have to try to find my own hotel, or sleep in my car.

She had this little cute terrier in her room, the same kind as the one in the movie The Thin Man. The dog was named Josephine, she was a sweetheart, never barked once, mad affectionate. The shorty's name was Bree. I banged her out up against the desk by the television, and then again doggy style over the edge of her bed. shyt was mad hard and passionate but without meaningful emotion, like pounding a stake into a vampire's heart.

Woke up the next morning and Bree gave me her story over some wack room service breakfast: she got married young to please her family, was in her 7th year of a loveless marriage, her husband had recently found out about an affair she'd had by hacking into her email, and they agreed to take some time apart to reflect on shyt and try to repair the marriage. She decided to take a road trip alone, and I caught her in the middle of it. She unfolded a big ass map on her bed and asked me to help her choose where to go next. I remember she seemed like a little kid, tracing different routes on the map with her finger, grinning and saying "You look at a map and it's like the whole world opens up - there's so many roads you can take."

I'd love to tell you about the next 5 days I spent with her, but a lot of the details are lost in a dense fog of alcohol, marijuana, and sex. I was suddenly and improbably on yet another journey throughout the Midwest. I remember shorty rolled mean ass joints, and we would smoke in her car. I remember one night shorty passed out on the floor in a motel, and I slept cuddled up with Josephine the terrier - it was the closest thing I felt to love in months. I remember fukking Bree in the bathroom of a Minneapolis bar called The CC Club. I remember watching shorty do blow at a table inside a strip club in Fargo, North Dakota. I remember thinking I lost my license, rifling through my wallet, and finding a handwritten note my grandmother gave me from when I got a scholarship to go off to private school. She passed a short time later, and I had gotten it laminated, and always carried it with me. It said, simply, keep us proud. I remember not sleeping that night

We drove back to Milwaukee on December 29th. I got my homegirl who worked for this airline to hook me up a last minute ticket to NYC, got my car out of the garage, and drove it to long term parking at the Milwaukee airport. Bree drove back home to her husband.



