By Popular Demand: True Coliwood Stories - College Athletics

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DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
This is the 2nd thread I've seen you posting this dumb ass, presumptuous shyt in and in real life if you accused me of glorifying rape I'd smack the fukking shyt out of you on GP.

To everyone else:

Of the 16 episodes, most are absurd, some are funny, all are true. This first episode, though, is the saddest one by far. So if you're looking for laughs, this really ain't the one for you.
If you're looking for trues stories about just how fukked up and crazy the social climate around big time college athletes is, and how fukking foul some of them are, and how incoherent and depressing their actions and the actions of those who want to be down with them are... Well, you'll definitely get plenty of that here.

Mostly I want these stories - all of which are true, none of which will be exaggerated - to reflect what I've thought about since those years: that the public is so painfully and often willfully ignorant of just what's going on in the warped world of college athletics, from sex to scandal to academic fraud. This first episode is the heaviest, because it's the one that came to mind when I read the thread about the Vanderbilt player allegedly letting his teammates rape his girlfriend.

I promise you, just about every other episode will contain mad fukkery and comedy. This one though... this one is different. This will also most likely be the longest episode, because I'm going to be giving you some background I won't have to cover again in future episodes.

And so it begins...
First off, lets the this 100% clear. You wouldn't do a muthafukkin thing. Off of GP, I would stomp on your fukking neck just cuz you like kingpin for this rape shyt :ufdup: You bytch ass nikka, over here trying to fake like this thread is really more than what it really is? fukk OUTTA HERE :smh:
The first time I said it, was the thread where a bunch of loners was like "Yeah Walt, go head and tell us doggy :noah:"

Just cuz your fakkit ass put a fancy name to this thread doesn't change the origin of the content. And if you tryna act like its not about some RAPE shyt you trying to glorify? Cuz lets not act like you here to report a news story. Lets see what popped this thread off, maybe I saw it wrong. Let me give you that benefit of the doubt while I take another gander at the other thread...

Ok, I'm back.... Here's how this thread originated
Here's the post that got everyone asking to make THIS thread...
Fam, this shyt happens often. The girls rarely reports it though. I should make a thread about the deviant sex shyt I witnessed back when I was hanging with D-1 football and basketball players. And that's not even to mention the frat nikkas. But seriously, banging out a broad and then accidentally leaving the door open or asking "can my friends live?" is not all that uncommon.
So lets be 100% clear here, you got RAPE stories you want to glamourize :scusthov:
You wanna talk around it?
Trust me, the girls were rarely if ever "okay with it." Like Rekka said:
What did Rekka say?
QFT. Alotta broads do that shyt "willingly" out of being scared.

shyt is fukked up forreal.
Maybe you wasn't informed while in moral upbringing class but that is RAPE no matter how the fukk you trying to cut it now fakkit

Then you had a bunch of other posters go "Make it" and here we are. Now you wanna to tell me its not... And off of G.P. you should do this/that :stopitslime:
bytch, if you can't see what you doing in this thread? Please come see me. Name the time, place as long as its local. You deserve a bullet imo :manny:


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012

Makes sense though if this early-mid 90's. Didnt they used to call :shaq: "Shaq Daddy"

You know what, you right. But man 'Toine is already gay then you add -daddy to the end of it. Aint no way i could call a man that and still have my dignity.


May 24, 2012
Why is anyone feeling sorry for that broad on Walts first story? lol there is nothing naive or innocent about a girl "practice" fukking some dude while dating another.

She may have been a bit scared but she definitely wanted to get ran through by the football team. It wasn't until they crushed her cervix that she regretted it. That post-nut clarity. When a broad is really turned on and submissive to you she will do anything you want sexually. I know 'cause my boys ran a train on a French broad who started regretting it the next day. While she was getting fukked she was in heaven though (I could hear it).
May 3, 2012
Why? "I was scared. I was scared they would do it even if I said no. When I said yes it felt like I at least had some say in it." I feel sick in my heart even remembering this shyt right now.

The logic that goes behind a women saying that always blows my mind. It's just crazy that women get in a situation like that and that is their only way out in their mind. :wow:

I try to be an empathetic individual, but the thought of this is almost too much to bear, kind of puts some shyt in perspective for me.

edit: just read the second story, took me out of the funk the first one put me in:whew: funny shyt b :pachaha:


Duck Season
May 2, 2012
Los Scandalous
:wow: i have stories like that first jawn...but from highschool. thats when i made my decision not to fukk wit football nikkas or bytches who fukkwit football nikkas, the chance of rape is too high. i stuck wit my basketball brehs. but i will cosign that hockey white dudes are :scusthov:

i ended up going to an HBCU for my first yr of college, and more of the same.. even got a story where a nikka stole some shyt from a dude on the football team and the head of the dorm allowed him to get the breaks beaten off him by the whole team, then kicked him out the school.


May 1, 2012
Maybe you wasn't informed while in moral upbringing class but that is RAPE no matter how the fukk you trying to cut it now fakkit

Then you had a bunch of other posters go "Make it" and here we are. Now you wanna to tell me its not... And off of G.P. you should do this/that :stopitslime:
bytch, if you can't see what you doing in this thread? Please come see me. Name the time, place as long as its local. You deserve a bullet imo :manny:

No shyt that is rape :comeon:. And no, I haven't been anywhere close to those type of situations....but I see you wont' stop reaching...Anyone with a brain understands what I meant, but I know you flunked advanced remedial reading comprehension 4 times.... :yeshrug:

Let's see anyone type "courtdog mattress" into google and see the results....

you know..that I know...that you know....let's just keep that between all the :hamster: bruhs and the rest of the world..... :youngsabo:

Carry on....




May 2, 2012
Last edited by a moderator:

hood b. goode

Oct 22, 2012
ProSports: NOLA. College: UMich. Europe: Arsenal
After 10 minutes of Devil being dead silent and pretending he wasn't in the room, the nikka finally started saying shyt back to shorty through the door. Just mad quick, childish, infuriating jabs. "Shut up you bum bytch!" and "Your p*ssy stink!" and "Wash your ass, ho." Every once in a while he would just laugh mad sinisterly. That shyt fed homegirl's fire until she was in the fukking zone. She was blacking the fukk out, banging on his door and screaming and spitting and shyt. I'm watching through my peephole the whole time, taking it in.

Suddenly... the nikka opened the door mad quick - I'm talking like 1/3 of a second - and threw a pitcher of red kool aid in her face. I don't know if I can do justice to that moment, man. I had to back away from the peephole and put my face in a pillow so she wouldn't hear me laughing. Shorty went berserk! Here she was an older chick thinking she was on some brand new modern sophisticated shyt, and Devil was fukking mad average white broads behind her back and threw kool aid in her face. Her fury, b! Her indignation!



May 2, 2012
The Married CAC JUCO Slut

I was sitting on a bed in a hotel room in Sweden when my cousin asked me if I still believed in people. You mean, that they exist? He paused for a long moment and I could hear him sorting through his thoughts on the other end, searching for what he actually meant. "Nah, nah... I guess I mean do you still have faith in motherfukkers?"

We were both on vacation then, in different ways, and encountering things foreign to our lives up to that point. It was late evening where I was, late afternoon where he was back in America. I don't remember where my girlfriend was at the time, but we'd had a long, weird 48 hours: flew into Finland, immediately hopped on a big ass boat to Sweden for 16 hours, dropped our bags at the hotel, explored the city of Stockholm. It was the first vacation I ever took, first time I'd been out of my own country.

My cousin had just left home - Brooklyn - for the first time 9 months before that. He was playing baseball at a JUCO. He was in the deep south, and his team was full of white dudes. The common term that comes to mind is culture shock. He was homesick, culturally disoriented, all that jazz. No one spoke the way he spoke, no one listened to the music he listened to, and the landscape was so alien to him it might as well had been another planet. He hung out with the basketball team because they were all black and at least seemed familiar if only in a superficial way.

I called him that night because I was bugging out off Sweden and wanted to tell him about it. One of the first things you realize when you finally leave America is that our country is young as shyt, and our culture is relatively immature. Everywhere I went in Scandanavia - shyt, most of Europe - felt like it had a depth and authenticity that only comes with a long and rich history. And it was pleasant as fukk - the streets were clean, the people didn't stare at me and make me feel weird (which happened to me all the time in different American cities), there was hardly a noticeable police presence, no homeless people on the streets, and the fukking subway was completely clean and ran on time. I can't stress enough how that last detail blew my mind: there was a little clock on the platform that told you the train was going to arrive in 3 minutes, and in 3 minutes the train came. For a nikka who grew up taking the 4,6, C, and E on a daily basis, that shyt was revolutionary.

I had called my cousin because he was my nikka, he had grown up like I had in fukked up circumstances with limited means, without exposure to culture and diversity of experience, and the world can start to seem small and terrible and claustrophobic when you grow up that way. I wanted to tell that nikka to keep grinding, remember that he was an ill dude with a unique personality and that the world was a big place and he owed it to himself to expand his horizons and really engage that shyt. I wanted to remind him of the time our uncle Kenyon, out of his mind from his crack addiction, tried to sell us a half-drunk snapple on a street corner, unaware of who we were. (I flashed back to that recently, and tried to imagine how it can be that a person can come so unglued from the world. He took to selling his own mothers' possessions at one point - bedding, dishes, photographs of her children and grandchildren. I'm as bemused now as I was back then, trying to imagine the thought process of the person who purchased the photo of my then 11-year-old cousin swinging a baseball bat). I wanted to tell him that yeah, the world was a horrible, horrible place but there's much more to it than we grew up experiencing and it's a beautiful place too, and you only find that out by getting out of your comfort zone.

But when he picked up the phone I got weirdly choked up and felt awkward about being emotional with my nikka, so I just stammered Yo... son... the train out here comes on time.

That's when he asked me if I believed in people. A week earlier he had been chilling in the apartment complex where the JUCO housed the basketball team, when one cat knocked on the apartment he was in and was like, hurry up, come to Lonnie's room, Leann is back! The cat my cousin was chilling with got excited and was like, come on nikka, let's go. The two dudes rushed out of the apartment and down a little ways to another joint in the complex, my cousin following behind. When he got into the apartment there was a dirty, bare mattress on the floor with an older white broad spread out, getting dikked down by one nikka while sucking another nikka off, and 7 other dudes stood on the periphery watching, waiting for their turn. My cuzzo was not that type of dude at all. He had his own code, some class. He was mad disgusted - partially because the older white broad was busted, partially because all these nikkas were standing around watching each other fukk her out on a dirty, bare mattress in the living room of a little apartment, partially because of the weird racial dynamic to the situation, and partially because everyone was going raw and dropping nut in her. He walked out.

Later on he talked to one of the cats on the team about it, and found out Leann had been swinging by the apartment complex for like 5 years, every 3-6 months - it was like some kind of team tradition, passed on year after year to the new nikkas. She was in her mid-30s. She really liked fukking basketball nikkas. She liked getting banged out by several at a time. She liked it when they nutted in and on her. Then she would take a shower, get her clothes on, and break out.

That was fukked up enough, but the shyt that really threw my cuzzo's shyt off was that the day before I called him he was in Kmart looking for a new box fan and saw Leann walking in one of the aisles, holding hands with her husband while their two little kids walked beside them. :ohhh: This funky bytch was married and had kids!

So after he told me all that shyt, and asked me if I still had faith in people, I flashed back to some shyt that this black professor had said to me once: "Our culture is sex-obsessed but it hates love; our culture is obsessed with the concept of youth but doesn't care about children." I told my cousin that my answer was complicated, and some days the answer was simultaneously yes and no.

We got off the phone and I thought about our uncle Kenyon some more. He lost his struggle with addiction and eventually died of AIDS. I remember my aunt Pearl sitting by his hospital bed for hours, bathing her little brother when even the nurses didn’t want to come near him. This was back in the day when AIDS was still some wild, mysterious shyt that people didn't quite understand the risks and details of.

I play that moment back in my mind all the time, and I always wonder if I have the capacity for that sort of kindness, that sort of love. If I could go back to that conversation with my cuzzo I would remind him of Pearl making sure her baby brother maintained some semblance of dignity, even at his lowest moments. I would tell the nikka that the capacity to love keeps us human. And that as foul and repellent as individuals seem, sometimes staying human in the face of it all is a legitimate triumph.

I would tell my nikka that no matter what you do and no matter where you go, the ugliness of the world always finds you. That the contradictions within the human heart that make so many people do vile things don't make me lose faith, it sustains my faith in the complexity of the human condition. I would remind him that there are places where the trains come on time, and women who genuinely love their husbands, and sex that doesn't serve as punishment, degradation, racist fetishism. And I would ask him: was that ass fat, and were them titties big? Because I never did ask him that.



Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
First off, I've been hitting you off here and there, so you don't feel weird about this? Second, I don't want to be having "practice" sex with a woman I'm not all that attracted to, just to get her prepped for the next nikka, like I'm some kind of vagina sous chef. Third, this is a preposterous ass scenario. So nah, I gotta pass.

After we fukked a handful of times ( ), Cindy decided she was ready to have sex with O

The only shyt that saved me was a little cornerback on the team (who ended up in the NFL) somehow defusing the shyt because we were mad cool at the time.

I can honestly say all of the shyt I witnessed at that particular college and especially the shyt with Cindy changed the way I dealt with women overall, because I could see that the way a man treats women is essentially a reflection of his estimation of himself; for those nikkas to do shorty that foul meant they had such a warped sense of who they were and who they could be in the world that it was chilling to contemplate.

sadly, i knew what that first story was about as soon as cindy was mentioned :to:

and i didnt even go to a big school :damn: just living 15 mins from one my whole life was enough to perceive where that one was going

going to that school

I can tell you that this happened, and not just with football players.


May 1, 2012

After 10 minutes of Devil being dead silent and pretending he wasn't in the room, the nikka finally started saying shyt back to shorty through the door. Just mad quick, childish, infuriating jabs. "Shut up you bum bytch!" and "Your p*ssy stink!" and "Wash your ass, ho." Every once in a while he would just laugh mad sinisterly. That shyt fed homegirl's fire until she was in the fukking zone. She was blacking the fukk out, banging on his door and screaming and spitting and shyt. I'm watching through my peephole the whole time, taking it in.

yo.. im absolutely dying at this part for some reason , because i can hear it like i was sitting right there when it went down.

bruh is being verbally berated and all his mind can come up with is 'your p*ssy stank' 'wash yo ass ho'. :lolbron:


Jul 3, 2012
So after he told me all that shyt, and asked me if I still had faith in people, I flashed back to some shyt that this black professor had said to me once: "Our culture is sex-obsessed but it hates love; our culture is obsessed with the concept of youth but doesn't care about children." I told my cousin that my answer was complicated, and some days the answer was simultaneously yes and no.

We got off the phone and I thought about our uncle Kenyon some more. He lost his struggle with addiction and eventually died of AIDS. I remember my aunt Pearl sitting by his hospital bed for hours, bathing her little brother when even the nurses didn’t want to come near him. This was back in the day when AIDS was still some wild, mysterious shyt that people didn't quite understand the risks and details of.

I play that moment back in my mind all the time, and I always wonder if I have the capacity for that sort of kindness, that sort of love. If I could go back to that conversation with my cuzzo I would remind him of Pearl making sure her baby brother maintained some semblance of dignity, even at his lowest moments. I would tell the nikka that the capacity to love keeps us human. And that as foul and repellent as individuals seem, sometimes staying human in the face of it all is a legitimate triumph.

I would tell my nikka that no matter what you do and no matter where you go, the ugliness of the world always finds you. That the contradictions within the human heart that make so many people do vile things don't make me lose faith, it sustains my faith in the complexity of the human condition. I would remind him that there are places where the trains come on time, and women who genuinely love their husbands, and sex that doesn't serve as punishment, degradation, racist fetishism. And I would ask him: was that ass fat, and were them titties big? Because I never did ask him that.


There is no smiley or gif that can accurately describe the greatness of this excerpt from your post.