Buzzfeed: families say male friends, family radicalized by misogynist, anti LGBT Andrew Tate, Kevin Samuels, Fresh Fit podcast

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
and the Tumblrites being released to twitter.

And then people took woke and made it mean tumblr politics instead of how Black people actually use it

Now we have Tumblr-Twitter scripts in everything

Tumblr shoulda never got rid of porn.. then so much of this woulda been contained. Not 100%.. but a whole lotta of it :wow:


Sep 11, 2015
This may sting, but until we start getting marriages back as our main number one goal, no politicians, Presidents, will ever take black people seriously. This may be a reach but fukk it, Ima say it and open up another thing that folks can think about it, in my opinion and just studying "family structures" we as black people got more done when we were married at an 80-85% rate before 1965 than what we are getting done now. I believe in my heart, the reason we got things to move back in the day was because we moved as a unit, and we moved as a unit because many if dayum not all of us were in a marriage.

You can't get shyt done when your women are married at a 26% rate. Folks screaming reparations and I'm all for it, but let's be real, I wouldn't give shyt to a group of people who can't get along with one another, with that kind of marriage rate. Yes we are owed this, I know this, Marriages may be a far cry from being tied to folks respecting us as a group, but I do know when we were married at that high rate, I felt that we as a race got shyt done more.

If one's to study the people who received any kind of reparation from governments, I would like to ask, at the time or receiving payouts, what was that group's marriage rate. Was it as low as where we are now?
You can't get shyt done when you don't have families is what I stand on. Again, this is just my opinion and outlook.

Now that we are all divided, one group will not budge, we will not get shyt. Women need to put down the mantel and get on programmed, their way isn't working. The old method is and has been working for generations, up until the 1980s and now so.

Let's get back to what has been working. Women, BW have to get on our program and get with men who are programmed with a program.
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Roid Jones

May 1, 2012
Kevin Samuels never advocated violence against women.

I'll tell you what the problem is. Dry dikk simps and feminists. Any little criticism deems you a woman incel hater. But what's crazy is them same simps will be GMB, laugh at single mothers, etc.
Exactly and it means honest conversation cannot be had


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
No. We’re talking about teen boys parroting what they hear grown ass men saying.
And teen girls are parroting what grown ass women are saying
This the shyt I’m talking about
Women on this board be with the fugazi, obtuse shyt and it’s tiring
You come into an all male space and try to little boy/son grown ass men
Give the most horrendous advice
Gaslight and belittle men as a whole
Never try to see it from a male perspective
Any push back you get, you start typing in circles/whataboutisms
You have a female poster(and I’m not using that in a derogatory way) come in here and derailed the whole thread
Injecting her bias and hate for black men
When the fukking article ain’t even about BLACK MEN
Per usual, sister code and weak nikkas come out the wood work instead of calling her out on her shyt
You can’t love or be attracted to black men, if you can’t even check women that stay with the tomfoolery
And don’t say
Well men need to call men out more
nikkas stay doing that on this board and in real life
But when men call out other men in a stern, masculine way
The same women say that’s too much, don’t talk to my son like that
So which one is it
This is why this conversation is bogus because women are not being honest nor practicing good faith arguments
You will navigate and circle around an issue like a dolphin
Screeching to the high heavens about everything but the crux of the issue
Women of this society are not genuine and just want men of all colors to shut up and dribble
That’s way more dangerous than you think
And a main reason a lot of black men are dying now at ages 40-60

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
This makes men look like lost sheep who can be easily influenced.

Funny thing is I noticed similar things on this site. Male posters who had always seemed okay and rational, had began changing into incellike-weirdos after being posted up in that large KS thread, day after day last year. I kept pointing it out because they seemed so angry and it was just weird. Keep in mind some of them were married and in relationships and still hating other women or wanting them to be held accountable, while they have a whole wife and children at home.

It was very clear they had become radicalized and what no one picked up on is that it didn’t even positively change the behaviors of women for men. Or make things better overall.

Even worse is that since manosphere has become popular, we’ve seen that many men still don’t know how to talk to women, are still dry dikk, and are not faring any better in the dating landscape or in other areas since taking their advice.

It doesn’t translate well offline. It’s simply a huge echo chamber. women and feminism are blamed for everything.

These podcasters and gurus are in it for money, so they don’t care if they’re leading their followers to nowhere fast. It’s up to their followers to recognize that and to not absorb everything they hear.

sadly instead many worship and listen to these men like they are godfathers and don’t see how it’s done nothing to produce tangible results in the areas where these gurus shell out advice in the first place.

As another poster said, it might be a response to extreme feminism. Men get punished with the hammer quick for saying hateful things about women. Feminist thrive on all of social media.

If a guy becomes bitter watching Kevin Samuels that's 100% on him. Kevin Samuels wasn't preaching anti woman, but constructive criticism.

A lot of men and women will die alone and bitter. If they want to date out and race mix, that's good too. Let dudes get their white women and black women get their white man. All for the better. :yeshrug: The black community doesn't need easily influenced and mentally damaged people in the gene pool.

Kurt off them percs

With Booker T wife
Sep 24, 2012
Men who lack direction often go off of the experiences of others.

These men are easy to manipulate and control. They don't want women to do it, so the rather have other men do it.

These dudes be like "I don't pay for these females drinks and food but I'll buy merchandise and pay money every month on a gofund/patreon for other men".

shyt is weird


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
Just wanted to address one thing someone mentioned about welfare removing men from the home.

That only last from 1964 to 1968 and was overturned when a BW took it to the Supreme court to have it over turned.


Anyways, good day.
Except they kept the income limits, you retard.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Men who lack direction often go off of the experiences of others.

These men are easy to manipulate and control. They don't want women to do it, so the rather have other men do it.

These dudes be like "I don't pay for these females drinks and food but I'll buy merchandise and pay money every month on a gofund/patreon for other men".

shyt is weird

This will only get worse because children in America don't have well defined paths to adulthood. Boys and girls both need rites of passage and until such a system exists, we will continue to have children growing into adult bodies but still very much childlike.
