Buzzfeed: families say male friends, family radicalized by misogynist, anti LGBT Andrew Tate, Kevin Samuels, Fresh Fit podcast


Mar 11, 2022
That’s his fault though. You can’t marry someone who is a certain way and then expect them to change years down the road because you suddenly realize they should look better than they do. That’s dumb as hell. If you want a slim woman, get with one who cares about her weight from the getgo.

Life isn’t fair. It’s hard for me to feel empathy for men for just now recognizing this but it wanting it to be different lol.

Most people end up settling for whoever is the best they can get… if the best you got ain’t what you really want, then you got be better than what you are to get a better match. What I see is a lot of entitlement—wanting certain women, no matter how unattractive you are or the mediocre/average wages you earn.

Just like women are delusional for thinking they are entitled to a type of men who in reality don’t want them, hence why they struggle to attract those men in the first place—it seems like the manosphere got a lot of y’all thinking you too big for your britches. Which is why when the podcast comes off, some men are being confronted with a harsh reality that women aren’t going to bend over backwards for him because he isn’t the hot shyt he thinks he is. And so off to the basement, where the bottle of jergens and the laptop with pornhub awaits him.
:russ: This shyt is funny because we get a DIRECT EXACT example of what @Scustin Bieburr (just wanted to quote because it really deserve its own thread it was well written) just stated earlier in same exact thread. If a man gets put in a position and is trying to get better understanding, for all its warts and misgivings those men spaces seem to be the only ones available that even try to give some type of solutions, have seen some videos on youtube even mention the same when they do take downs of "manosphere" content that they have no alternative to point men to.

Not calling you out @CarmelBarbie as I have full understanding that you cant relate or empathize and laugh at end at the plight of whatever a man might be going thru, just pointing it out for other brothers who might be reading thru this thread and tryna have simps shame them back on a plantation but the cracks of illusion are starting to show.
When most women are confronted with these questions they literally can't empathize with the men in those scenarios. Women don't know what it's like to get railroaded in family court. Most women don't know what it's like to be told all their good qualities and still be confusingly rejected by a person who they thought had interest in them. Most women won't know the humiliation of their awkwardness being branded as "creepy". Most women won't know what it's like to listen to a man complain about a certain type of woman but then continuously choose her even when given the exact thing they're looking for. Most women won't have the experience of being told everything they know about the opposite sex from their parent of the same sex only to watch how all of what they were taught resulted in them just being humiliated, overlooked, and preyed upon.

They don't live the life men do, and they're fed content continuously that demonizes men whilst also setting unrealistic and contradictory standards for what men should look like, sound like, and live like. The manosphere responds to these questions in a way that seems to make sense to these men.

In each instance the manosphere accepts a man's anger which is coming from a place of hurt, tells him he's justified for that anger, offers him a reason, then prescribes him a solution. Men's minds don't work like women where we want to talk about our feelings on the subject and that's enough. Men don't complain to vent or just be heard, they complain looking for solutions. Women are utterly unprepared to support these men who've failed to meet relationship goals despite being raised in feminized spaces. They've got nothing for these men beyond platitudes or encouraging greater sympathy and understanding for women. Even if the conclusions that manosphere gurus come to women aren't based on reliable science or objective facts, it sounds logical and realistic enough that men hearing these explanations feel satisfied. Women don't even have rational sounding explanations to answer these questions so they're in Juelz mode when men ask and at best they're unhelpful and at worst, men feel like their experience is being invalidated and the woman he's seeking support from is gaslighting him

And how could they have answers? They've never lived men's experiences and they've been told that 90%of men are trash anyway so what dialogue is there even to be had? Articles like this are exploitative because they're not actually interested in improving the wellbeing of men. Their goal is to sell ads and subscriptions. The very real pain some of these interviewees are going through is just another slice of content. They're being exploited under the guise of some kind of activism.
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Apr 30, 2012
Nope. Look up the definition of radicalized.
So umm telling men do concentrate on improving themselves, being self-confident/competent, and not simping is radical? We should encourage men to not behave like this. Can you actually show me what takes you have seen that were radical? I've viewed some of the content and I haven't noticed anything radical and they definitely aren't saying anything new.

rad·i·cal·ize | \ ˈra-di-kə-ˌlīz \
radicalized; radicalizing

Definition of radicalize

transitive verb
: to make radical especially in politics
Other Words from radicalizeExample SentencesLearn More About radicalize

Other Words from radicalize

radicalization \ ˌra-di-kə-lə-ˈzā-shən \ noun

Examples of radicalize in a Sentence​

The war has radicalized an entire generation of young people.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
With Kennedy-Ezra's brother, my immediate impression is that he grew up in a toxic environment. She asked where did she go wrong? I would not be surprised if years of being cowed down by his older sister and mum pushed him into the arms of people who "advocate" his position.

Sandy, I didn't even need to read that he had a messy divorce to know that was the cause. In 20 years, that will be @Piff Perkins . What he hates when he sees effeminate men is the version of himself that got hurt.

Also :skip: at women getting triggered over "I'm a high value man". It is cringe worthy (the results should speak for themselves) but no different to the "I'm an independent woman""I'm a boss bytch" talk we have to endure.

It makes me chuckle in a way that brings tears to my eyes. They're getting a taste of their money. Can't even say the talk is coming from incels :sas2:

Much of the women are complaining about their boyfriend and exes

It was hilarious.


Story 1: Only cares be cause “I’m in advocacy” and she’s Queer.
So only now is her brother a concern because he isn’t on the same scrip.
”Where did I go wrong?”, like she was his parent or something.
Sisters don’t be giving a chit about their brothers like that (source: I have 3 older sisters).

Story 2: Only cares because her brother is Queer.
Buzzfeed got love for that.
She wants to tell Dad she loves him…doesn’t though

Story 3: “I am a feminist“, and is a 33-year-old single woman who’s major beef
is the idea of The Danger Zone because she’s in The Danger Zone. Yawn

Story 4: She dated a much older “high value man” and liked having ”debates”
with him. Only so long was that gonna last.

Story 5: Attracted to a “competitive“ (ambitious?) man who works hard (does the work?)
and even enfluenced her for the better…but she doesn’t like those qualities all the time.
She’s still with him, btw

Story 6: “Drama Teacher” (Queer)

Light work


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
A lot more women are resisting than those who are not, if we’re keeping it buck. So then what? Lol. it’s like talking to a wall. If you can’t get the other side to do what you want, then what? Either it’s you find the women who will, take what you can get, because if you can’t attract the woman you want most of you are going to take exactly what you can get (lol) or you sit in front of your computer with lotion on your hands and jack off to porn. (The latter is what many have done)
That's exactly my point. It takes time. We're in a transitional period. Some pairings that should have/would have happened were it not for the lazy feminist movement are just not going to happen. Part of the manosphere is illuminating how miserable life can be with the wrong woman...that being alone and investing in yourself >>> being with an ungrateful, unfit, and/or promiscuous woman. If women aren't ready to deliver on an arrangement that works for men, then there's no point in men in pursuing that arrangement.

It's like a giant negotiation between men and women- women have spent the last few decades coming up with a new, gyno-centric terms sheet. Anyone who's done a negotiation can understand how protracted they can be in part due to just teasing out where the other side is firm vs. soft in their terms. The manosphere is like legal advice for brehs. With their consultation & illumination, you quickly say "no deal" and women are about to find out that men really mean that shyt once we understand what life looks like under gyno-centric terms. Especially in a capitalist grinder.

That’s his fault though. You can’t marry someone who is a certain way and then expect them to change years down the road because you suddenly realize they should look better than they do. That’s dumb as hell. If you want a slim woman, get with one who cares about her weight from the getgo.

Life isn’t fair. It’s hard for me to feel empathy for men for just now recognizing this but it wanting it to be different lol.

I never said it wasn't his fault. I'm just saying this is what's happening. Same shyt as when women from traditional environments started head nodding to feminist points and changing their tune w/ their men. It happens. "If you want a man who doesn't talk over you, disrespect you, get one from the get-go." See? That can go both ways.

Most people end up settling for whoever is the best they can get… if the best you got ain’t what you really want, then you got be better than what you are to get a better match. What I see is a lot of entitlement—wanting certain women, no matter how unattractive you are or the mediocre/average wages you earn.

Just like women are delusional for thinking they are entitled to a type of men who in reality don’t want them, hence why they struggle to attract those men in the first place—it seems like the manosphere got a lot of y’all thinking you too big for your britches. Which is why when the podcast comes off, some men are being confronted with a harsh reality that women aren’t going to bend over backwards for him because he isn’t the hot shyt he thinks he is. And so off to the basement, where the bottle of jergens and the laptop with pornhub awaits him.

"Entitlement" is relative. Standards levied against men have changed - expanded, rather. Standards for women really haven't. I think if you're intellectually honest, you can recognize that "the public square" is much more favorable to women expressing their standards vs. men these days. Do you not think that imbalance results in an imbalance of entitlement?

If I want an in shape, no kids-having woman who doesn't have 15+ bodies as a 6', 12% body fat, $200K+ dude who has no difficulty smashing women casually (i.e., not being unattractive), am I entitled for not settling for an overweight single mom or a run-through woman deciding to settle down at 30+?

What clears a market can change. The same home that could get sold in 2 days at a $700K price months ago might struggle to move off market at $600K months later. Are you "entitled" for not being willing to pay $700K? Or do you just have a reasonable expectation of what the future value of the house will be?


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
So umm telling men do concentrate on improving themselves, being self-confident/competent, and not simping is radical? We should encourage men to not behave like this. Can you actually show me what takes you have seen that were radical? I've viewed some of the content and I haven't noticed anything radical and they definitely aren't saying anything new.

rad·i·cal·ize | \ ˈra-di-kə-ˌlīz \
radicalized; radicalizing

Definition of radicalize

transitive verb
: to make radical especially in politics
Other Words from radicalizeExample SentencesLearn More About radicalize

Other Words from radicalize

radicalization \ ˌra-di-kə-lə-ˈzā-shən \ noun

Examples of radicalize in a Sentence​

The war has radicalized an entire generation of young people.
Nvm. Because I just want cookies.
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Sep 11, 2015
Some women want soft men. They don't want strong men like their grandfathers.

Tyler Perry and Housewives have these women fuked up out here.

Grandfathers told their grandsons the same thing KS were saying in a way.

I say in a way because the women of their day did not move like the modern fun girl woman of today.


Apr 30, 2012
Some women want soft men. They don't want strong men like their grandfathers.

Tyler Perry and Housewives have these women fuked up out here.

Grandfathers told their grandsons the same thing KS were saying in a way.

I say in a way because the women of their day did not move like the modern fun girl woman of today.

exactly I have not heard anything from any of these folks that my pops, uncles, older brothers said.

Knuckles Red

Jun 22, 2015
Imagine being a member of this website, witnessing what happens on this site on an almost daily basis, and denying that there is an issue with black men being radicalized against black women. It would be just a flat out denial of reality. We, as a black male collective, have to do better. We have to start treating black women better. We have to start treating each other better. We have to start treating ourselves better.


Sep 11, 2015
I'll say this: What KS and the black grandfathers that he's taken his talking points from along with Sharazada Ali have all stood on, that information and how things that they spewed on how we as black men and women should be, that method work. Black people were married more than any other group of race before 1965. This method taught you have to value family. You have in-laws etc

I'll add also, the things that's being spewed out today from the modern women (feminist or strong women) are not working. We are dead last I believe, with our women being married at at 26% rate vs at a 80-85% rate before 1965.

Black women and Black men should view both methods and see which one works, I would vote and many other who have common sense would say that the method that KS, Sharazada ALI and old grandfathers stood on would be the overall winner.

Let's dive deeper, with the 80-85% marriage, the method that KS, our older grandfathers and Sharazada Ali all subscribed to, there were less "single mothers" being created before 1965. The majority of single mothers back then, were due to the husband being murdered, (lynching, gun down by the police, KKK and other white groups etc, locked up by the police or being a causality in wars). The boys that came from these marriages, when they became of age, followed suit and mimicked the steps that their dad or grandfathers did, so did the daughters that came out of this group. The men were strong, direct, stand up men.
The gov't had to do something about this, and they used the help of the BW to help execute their plan.

Let's look at the modern-day method, that has marriages for black women at a 24%-26% rate and see, that there are MORE single mothers, the sons that come from these single parent mothers, tend to be emotional (and now women that date these men have issues with them, use words like unintelligent emotional) which that phrase was never ever used in Method 1. The sons are more violent, more sassy, more reckless. The daughters are more sassy, more selfish (because the mama is selfish) more attitude, don't value family.
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Sep 11, 2015
exactly I have not heard anything from any of these folks that my pops, uncles, older brothers said.

If you were raised around men, strong men, your dad, your uncles, brothers, cousins and your grandfather, you heard "strong talk" also, as I stated in my other post, the women of your grandfather day and your dad day were not like the women we are dealing with, doing their days, they spoke freely like this.
Your grandfather, spoke his mind, there were songs back in their day that told them how to deal with relationships by male blues singers, R&B singers.

The late 80s, 90s, that's when you started to hear more women voice their concerns, in the black sector, that's when things started to really crank up about what the men of the 60s and on back stood on. Those older men principles that they stood on since the beginning of time which made the black community the highest group of people, that were married in this country and had the strongest unit of family values in this country were being attacked from everybody.

That family structured that black folk had in this country before 1965 was something every group of people in this country wanted. We used to do MORE with LESS, while other families had MORE and did less with it.

Black families always had that "it" energy that every other group of races of people wanted. If they couldn't get it, they had to destroy it.