They felt threw saint kevin in there. His shyt was legit. But craziness edge lord shyt like tate and not fresh not fit
But that is how modern journalism works. Take the most extreme elements of a group whether it's rainbow hair colored Fred Flintstone looking women talking about you're anti LGBTQ because you've voiced discomfort at pre-pubescent children being exposed to sexual content of any kind, or whether it's men justifying domestic violence. You take those elements, imply that represents the entire group and then wait for rebuttals that you can respond to with more examples of extremists. The goal is to use the extremists to represent the group. This is how you get clicks and advertising dollars now.These individuals have mental health issues. I didn't have violent urges after listening to the black manosphere.
It's not a scapegoat it's a reality that is coming for the Black Manosphere but their too busy blaming BW for everything wrong that ever existed.
Tate's treatment should be a huge red flag. If you don't think the FEDs are watching you are fool. Why did they cancel Tate but are letting the BM rock? It's literally the exact same message.
What happens when you play apply principles in different situations without regard for the differencesIt's not about comparing them, it's using a lens to show you that the same principle carries over.
You seem to think that from whatever period in which women have had a voice, that somehow, the inequality they faced prior magically disappears, and all becomes right once they have the "freedom to speak". Not realizing them speaking doesn't mean that men are going to listen, let alone, change anything, and least of all, mean that woman as a collective, everywhere, are suddenly all different.
You're getting too caught up in the verbiage and cherry-picking what you believe to be the most privileged women, and not seeing the picture as a whole.
Kevin had white boys paying homage to him as well. He was world wide and had a lot of different backgrounds in his comments and was the most watched dude. Let’s not forget a good part of his numbers were Hate watchers. Plenty of white girls, Asian women, Latinas called in and plenty of them and their male counterparts in the comments. Even Jon Zherka respected him more than he does Tate. Had Kevin never died he would’ve blew up even more from TikTok just like Tate and Sneako and Sneako doesn’t even have TikTok. All you need is a fanbase to chop up and edit it for you and he had one. Tate would’ve had to share the scrutiny. Also Kevin was breaking in Hollywood and was the face of the “High Value Man” debate. Now that he’s gone Tate always drops that High Value Man shyt and he became the face of it. When Kevin died, that’s when Tate popped up even more, before he you could only really see him on Fresh and Fit and obscure interviews no one cared about. Trying to fight the Paul brothers and they didn’t even give a shyt about him.Kevin's audience was damn near exclusively black, meanwhile Tate mostly appeals to white men/teens.
Samuels popularity was miniscule compared to Tate.
But that is how modern journalism works. Take the most extreme elements of a group whether it's rainbow hair colored Fred Flintstone looking women talking about you're anti LGBTQ because you've voiced discomfort at pre-pubescent children being exposed to sexual content of any kind, or whether it's men justifying domestic violence. You take those elements, imply that represents the entire group and then wait for rebuttals that you can respond to with more examples of extremists. The goal is to use the extremists to represent the group. This is how you get clicks and advertising dollars now.
The article won't talk about how men end up in these spaces because of female caused trauma. They won't ask the men "what happened to you ?" Because that will complicate the narrative they're trying to sell.
When a man is cheated on, he seeks emotional relief and answers.
When a man is rejected time and time again, each time like clockwork being given vague, demonstrably false or no reasoning he seeks emotional relief and answers.
When a woman files for divorce from her husband without any attempts to resolve things with him, and destroys his finances and takes away his children. He seeks emotional relief and answers.
These men come to the manosphere seeking answers to what are age old questions at this point
"Why does the woman I'm talking to simultaneously complain about how boorish and frustrating her man is yet continues to stay with him?
"Why is it that I was told to be an active listener, empathetic and responsive to women's needs but a guy who is the total opposite is getting attention from women but I'm not?"
"Why do women say they want X features in a man but continue to choose men that don't have those features"
"Why did she cheat on me?"
"Why am I invisible to women and can't get any dates?"
"Why did she ghost me?"
When most women are confronted with these questions they literally can't empathize with the men in those scenarios. Women don't know what it's like to get railroaded in family court. Most women don't know what it's like to be told all their good qualities and still be confusingly rejected by a person who they thought had interest in them. Most women won't know the humiliation of their awkwardness being branded as "creepy". Most women won't know what it's like to listen to a man complain about a certain type of woman but then continuously choose her even when given the exact thing they're looking for. Most women won't have the experience of being told everything they know about the opposite sex from their parent of the same sex only to watch how all of what they were taught resulted in them just being humiliated, overlooked, and preyed upon.
They don't live the life men do, and they're fed content continuously that demonizes men whilst also setting unrealistic and contradictory standards for what men should look like, sound like, and live like. The manosphere responds to these questions in a way that seems to make sense to these men.
You ask "why was I cheated on?" The manosphere responds: your mannerisms were too meek, you weren't dominant enough and your girl ran into the arms of an alpha male. Here's how you can stop that
You ask "why can't I get dates? My female relatives and friends tell me I'm such a great guy and any woman would be lucky to be with me, so why don't any women want to?" The manosphere responds : you're too short, fat, and frankly you're ugly. They just don't want to tell you that, because you're a soft beta male and they want to spare your feelings. Here's what you need to do...
You ask "why did she ghost me?" The manosphere responds: a better looking, wealthier and frankly more interesting man showed up. These women are never satisfied with one man, they always need to trade up. You need to spin plates. What does that mean? I'll explain...
"Why did she divorce me?" You ask
"Because family court prioritizes women and children so there's a financial benefit to be earned by divorcing a man. Here's what you can do to avoid that next time" says the manosphere.
In each instance the manosphere accepts a man's anger which is coming from a place of hurt, tells him he's justified for that anger, offers him a reason, then prescribes him a solution. Men's minds don't work like women where we want to talk about our feelings on the subject and that's enough. Men don't complain to vent or just be heard, they complain looking for solutions. Women are utterly unprepared to support these men who've failed to meet relationship goals despite being raised in feminized spaces. They've got nothing for these men beyond platitudes or encouraging greater sympathy and understanding for women. Even if the conclusions that manosphere gurus come to women aren't based on reliable science or objective facts, it sounds logical and realistic enough that men hearing these explanations feel satisfied. Women don't even have rational sounding explanations to answer these questions so they're in Juelz mode when men ask and at best they're unhelpful and at worst, men feel like their experience is being invalidated and the woman he's seeking support from is gaslighting him
And how could they have answers? They've never lived men's experiences and they've been told that 90%of men are trash anyway so what dialogue is there even to be had? Articles like this are exploitative because they're not actually interested in improving the wellbeing of men. Their goal is to sell ads and subscriptions. The very real pain some of these interviewees are going through is just another slice of content. They're being exploited under the guise of some kind of activism.
It also helps really explore the root of misogyny:Men without value trying to feel valuable and using women as both scape goats and test dummies for validation, that's all the manosphere is. Their insufferableness will draw everyone out their lives, and clearly that's what's happening.
I'm glad Andrew tate happened, if anything he showed teenage girls and young women misogyny very much exists, is real, is promoted and encouraged, and gave young women the rule book on men to completely avoid.
Kevin's audience was damn near exclusively black, meanwhile Tate mostly appeals to white men/teens.
Samuels popularity was miniscule compared to Tate.
People have valid complaints, but know that making change is hard and difficult, so they latch onto movements that absolve them of any responsibility and blame it solely on other peopleThis thread isfrom both sides at times.
Black men need black women, and black women need black men. There is no other way around it.
This is like the plug complaining about the socket and vice versa. Until we work together, ain't shyt happening.
Black women empowerment talk oft-times borders on misandristic - not all of it, but women have IN GENERAL eaten it up wholesale at the black communities detriment. On the flipside, this emerging force that is the manosphere (corny!) is the male empowerment version that also sometimes borders on misogynistic, not all of it but more men are beginning to run with the hot takes that cause more harm than good.
The problem is our ability to discern prudent messaging from the fringe, this lies within the individuals level of accountability. If a person has little to no means of holding themselves accountable, they will gravitate towards the fringe messaging of blaming/attacking the opposite gender instead of finding flaws within their character to improve to better their results in the dating pool.
An insecurity that develops into a ever growing chasm of loneliness due to the inability to think in a nuanced manner regarding the opposite sex, instead painting with negative broad strokes that justify their poor choices and impotence (men and women) in the dating world.
Both sides have work to do taming the extraneous bullshyt that is circulating into impressionable minds. There IS a middle ground where both genders can maintain respect for themselves and others - but the allure for total control/power is too much for some influencers to ignore.
Which Black men are they letting rock, ma’am? Kevin Samuels has passed and Crispy is irrelevant, friend.It's not a scapegoat it's a reality that is coming for the Black Manosphere but their too busy blaming BW for everything wrong that ever existed.
Tate's treatment should be a huge red flag. If you don't think the FEDs are watching you are fool. Why did they cancel Tate but are letting the BM rock? It's literally the exact same message.
Of course they do. But those skills aren’t developed to the point that they can see through this stuff and parse out the helpful from bad.Same can be said for music, television, and other forms of media. Kids need critical thinking skills.
"Toxic feminism" is only a follow on. It is not the rebounding cause.
The energy all started once women got a seat at the table, and men realized they couldn't control them anymore.
Once women realized they could become independent, speak for themselves, have governance over their own bodies and have their own ideology, it put men in a tailspin. That created the spectrum now where we have at one end, a group [women] who've been made to be kept quiet for so long, their natural response is to rebel, and at the other end where a group [men] who've been in control for so long, no longer are, and their natural response is to demand back what they believe is rightfully theirs, which is having all the seats at the table.