Buzzfeed: families say male friends, family radicalized by misogynist, anti LGBT Andrew Tate, Kevin Samuels, Fresh Fit podcast


Mar 11, 2022

It’s one thing for grown men who have had legitimate dating/marital woes discussing their perspectives, but this shyt is actually affecting kids. Boys in HS/college-aged dudes shouldn’t be this jaded and trying to pressure girls. I don’t know how society is going to rein this in, but parents who are smart are going to separate their kids/families from the families that are producing boys who are being turned out by this stuff.

Schools are going to start singling these kids out and put them on a list or something.

I saw a study talking about young people feeling pressure to live "perfect" lives, free of mistakes. Everythings on twitter and tiktok, everything recorded and saved forever. They want to always make the right moves, so they don't take the time to make mistakes and learn from them. They're probably self-insulating themselves, which is the exact sort of thing that leads to internet echochambers. No life experience then instilled with feelings of entitlement ie. "these women should be chasing after me! Why aren't they? Damn this feminism getting their egos inflated" etc. etc.


New Bee
May 2, 2012
Queen City
I guess this is Buzzfeeds way of trying to stay relevant after becoming far left and failing to hold on to their ADD Audience even with GIF's every paragraph.

At this point, I'm not even against Fresh & Fits platform moving up as much as I dislike them. They get knocked out of the paint like they did Andrew Tate and they'll come for more reasonable channels like The Lead Attorney, Coach Greg Adams, BGS IBMOR, even T Hasan Johnson. I've seen this too many times, the mainstream does not want everyone to have an equal voice, they want the left to have a higher voice and for feminist-minded women to do their bidding and mute opposition at their will. All of a sudden even people like Ericka Williams (who is in the financial space) has a problem with only men doing podcasts despite society shifting online to get their voice out, even seen her sneak dissing Kevin Samuels.

No point in trying to float a solution, the mainstream doesn't want one and would rather be absolved of accountability. People made Cynthia G famous reacting to her shock-jock talking points and shes a total hypocrite. There was the whole Pookie & Ray Ray Debate that went on for years, people like her said black men were just jealous of them. Then turn around and use those same criminals/deadbeats as the scapegoat for why the black community is in shambles. Crazy how these women can come up with a complete psychological profile of a man based on some social science classes they took in college, a mans astrological sign, and whether he follows certain manosphere creators, but still screwing up and having sex with the wrong men after 1-4 dates.

I guess in some ways, this means the SYSBM, MGTOW, Volcel/Monk Mode movements are still growing despite my disagreements with them. You are simply not going to erase a mans mindset just because you erase the information from the internet.


Jan 26, 2017
Can anyone here explain in clear terms how the Black community is a matriarchy while also explaining how the white community is not?
The woman are raising their kids by themselves or their mama is raising the grand kid for their daughter

Today, 37% of black children are living in a home headed by their own two biological parents, 48% are living in a home headed by a single parent and 4% are living in a stepfamily with one biological parent and one non-biological parent

A vast majority of Asian children (85%) today live with two married parents, as is the case for most white children (74%) and Hispanic children (61%). Only 36% of black children live with married parents.

Black children are at least twice as likely as children of other racial and ethnic groups to be under the care of a grandparent. Some 8% of black children fall into this category. Among Latino children, the share is 4%. Some 3% of white children are cared for primarily by a grandparent.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
I saw a study talking about young people feeling pressure to live "perfect" lives, free of mistakes. Everythings on twitter and tiktok, everything recorded and saved forever. They want to always make the right moves, so they don't take the time to make mistakes and learn from them. They're probably self-insulating themselves, which is the exact sort of thing that leads to internet echochambers. No life experience then instilled with feelings of entitlement ie. "these women should be chasing after me! Why aren't they? Damn this feminism getting their egos inflated" etc. etc.

This is a great take, a lot of people aren't taking the time to factor in social media's role in what we're seeing today. I personally believe no one under age 18 should be allowed on any of these platforms.


Mar 11, 2022
I’m a lifelong winner and nah the manosphere stuff is needed, a lot of you women are damaged, prostitutes, and predators now in this modern age.

Like a lot of women turn evil after getting dogged out enough, and more women getting dogged out than ever before right now.

I said this 5 years ago, we’re in the ugly phase

Like I respect it, women are one hundred percent better finessers than men, evolution made y’all that way. God warned us, but a lot of dudes don’t listen.
Soooooooo you acknowledge that a lot of women are/were being mistreated.

Who is doing the mistreating?
And why?

And how would you expect people to respond to being continuously mistreated by different people (men)?

It sounds like you’re saying it’s ok for men to deal with women a certain way in a response to women’s behavior, without acknowledging that women are behaving a certain way in response to how they’ve been treated by men.

Yes, there are a lot of toxic women playing around with men, but there are plenty of toxic men who broke those women long before.

Feels like we are stuck in a bad cycle at this point.

Both sexes need to do better.


Jul 6, 2018
I dont listen to those guys or know who Andrew Tate is.

I think part of the reason they are so popular is that men have always been shamed for asking for help or advice with dating and relationships. Or the advice they get from women and mainstream is not what they actually see working in their life. The women love bad boys nice guys finish last stuff will drive guys towards the manosphere.
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YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
The woman are raising their kids by themselves or their mama is raising the grand kid for their daughter

Today, 37% of black children are living in a home headed by their own two biological parents, 48% are living in a home headed by a single parent and 4% are living in a stepfamily with one biological parent and one non-biological parent

A vast majority of Asian children (85%) today live with two married parents, as is the case for most white children (74%) and Hispanic children (61%). Only 36% of black children live with married parents.

Black children are at least twice as likely as children of other racial and ethnic groups to be under the care of a grandparent. Some 8% of black children fall into this category. Among Latino children, the share is 4%. Some 3% of white children are cared for primarily by a grandparent.

What's missing in this post is the gender breakdown of which single parent is raising these children. That data is central to the question.
Apr 30, 2012
Comparing the conditions that affect black people to a woman's freedom to speak?

When I laugh at women getting triggered over some man saying they are high value, am I referring to women in the western world with the luxury to use dating applications, or am I referring to oppressed women in developing countries?

You're comparing apples to oranges you inbred donkey.
It's not about comparing them, it's using a lens to show you that the same principle carries over.

You seem to think that from whatever period in which women have had a voice, that somehow, the inequality they faced prior magically disappears, and all becomes right once they have the "freedom to speak". Not realizing them speaking doesn't mean that men are going to listen, let alone, change anything, and least of all, mean that woman as a collective, everywhere, are suddenly all different.

You're getting too caught up in the verbiage and cherry-picking what you believe to be the most privileged women, and not seeing the picture as a whole.


All Star
May 24, 2022

It’s one thing for grown men who have had legitimate dating/marital woes discussing their perspectives, but this shyt is actually affecting kids. Boys in HS/college-aged dudes shouldn’t be this jaded and trying to pressure girls. I don’t know how society is going to rein this in, but parents who are smart are going to separate their kids/families from the families that are producing boys who are being turned out by this stuff.

Schools are going to start singling these kids out and put them on a list or something.

Same can be said for music, television, and other forms of media. Kids need critical thinking skills.


Mar 11, 2022
Umm so what is the issue you are seeing that will cause people to stop sending their children to school because of the manosphere?
I didn’t say stop sending kids to school lol

You have educators talking about this stuff influencing HS boys and HS girls receiving these talking points/treatment when they literally are too young to even possibly be problematic.

Yea, schools/admin point these problematic boys out and if girls’ parents know about this or have daughters receiving insane treatment from boys in their school, it will eventually be a problem that gets addressed.

There’s a reason they got Tate out of the paint. He was influencing WHITE boys.
Mainstream shut him down with a quickness because they don’t want that negativity influencing their kids/youth culture.


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
We've had 2+ decades of corporate interest playing up lazy being demonized with women being treated like they can do no wrong.

You have a generation of boys & men who are expected to be men when it serves women's interests (e.g., being providers, protectors) but who are demonized if they have any expectations of women. You still need to be 6', 6-figures, 6-pack while women can be fat, alcoholic messes and still get coddled.

Seeing what happens when women run the dating market unchecked makes me understand why patriarchy is a thing. Having women in their early-to-mid-20s responsible for mate pairing is just a social disaster. I'm not sure how anyone can say otherwise.

Men (on the whole) need counterparts and having a huge chunk of women all thinking and acting like they deserve the top 5-10% of men just for having a vagina destabilizes all of society in a huge way. As does having the same women whore themselves out for those same men. 8 women having the same baby daddy is the extreme of what happens when women are allowed to run the market unfettered.

If you don't pull a good woman early (which is hard to do anyway) it's a wrap. You might have dating success or success w/ casual sex, but in terms of settling down with a woman with anything approaching a traditional past & skillset, it's basically over.

My boy almost got seriously involved with a woman who was a Sugar Baby (basically, an escort). Found out a few months in that ole girl had an account on a Sugar Baby site. He put me on game...advised getting an anonymous profile on Seeking Arrangement to screen who you're talking to. I've seen multiple women I've matched with on the dating apps on there. Brehs are about to wife literal whores out here.

It's bad, and I think society's not going to course-correct away from lazy feminism soon enough to not have women's accountability be a trojan horse for right-wing politics.
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