Brooklyn We back On The Map ..Official 2019 Brooklyn Nets Off Season thread

Mr. Jack Napier

May 1, 2012
The Empire State
I've been on Twitter, and the consensus is that DLo gone brehs, smh. He has meetings set with Minny & LAL, and I know Devin Booker been pushing for him to come to PHX.


Trust in Sean Marks
May 2, 2012
The LI
What a day this was brehs, a lot to think about

1. This is the biggest moment of the BKN era. 5 years ago we were dead and buried after the Celtics trade brought us 1 playoff series win, and what looked like a long spell in the basement. Think about this shyt: we are about to sign Kyrie Irving, and we are a legit player for Kevin Durant. That is a ridiculous achievement by Sean Marks and crew

2. While Kyrie is great, as its been said in here its all about who the 2nd max player is (if there is one). If its KD, this is a no brainer. But if we miss out, Kyrie has a lot of doubters to prove wrong. But we've trusted Marks so far and he's delivered, so lets see it play out.

3. DLo, shyt. This hurts, it was the highlight of the season to see him turn into an emerging star. He embraced the city and turned all of us into believers. Nothing but love and good luck to him going forward, he's gonna get a heros welcome when he's back in BK next season.

4. I'm ultimately ok with the swap, yes there's a chance DLo just continues to grow and Kyrie never hits those heights of 2016 again. But there's also a chance Kyrie is rejuvenated being back home, and is 1st/2nd All NBA player for the next 4 years, while DLo never hits the heights of 2018-19 again and becomes a solid but not elite PG. Had DLo had the season he did in say Charlotte, would we still feel the same way if we had to pick between the 2? I'd guess not, but its understandable that since he did it for us we feel that connection to him. I still feel Kyrie's peak is higher than DLo's (and it appears so does Marks), so I'm fine with them taking the chance and putting a star in Brooklyn for the first time.