They said it seemed to start after the strap matchRandom thought I had while reading through the thread but I'm wondering if that's the main reason they gave the dark order such a huge push after Brodie arrived was because they tried so hard to have some big moments for him cause they knew about his health problems
Like when he stood tall at the end of dynamite after the huge beat down of the nightmare family and him winning the title
This is what hurts the most.One of my fav wrestlers in the modern age. What in the fukk. I'm about to go take a walk and smoke a blunt. fukk 2020 fukk
Heartbreak Harp
Holy shyt!!!!!
Man that’s crazy
Quite a few of y’all need to right now go back and edit and delete a lot of them post trashing AEWs handling of him or him cuz this shyt is not gonna age favorably.
Man this is terrible, RIP to him and condolences out to his family