So you think all our actors just some nikkas they pulled off a street corner, dusted them off and threw them in a couple movies, huh?
Didn’t say that at all.
I myself went to a very good arts high school for drama and studied at a Theatre conservatory for college.
I said “BY AND LARGE” meaning on average. The culture there values the ART more and trains students seriously at a much younger age.
Most actors there won’t be taken seriously for TV/film roles unless they have cut their teeth in the theatre( and they have the best theatre schools).
whereas here so many people just up and move to Hollywood because they “want to be famous or a star” and many get casted off looks and not acting ability.
I’m not saying we don’t have qualified actors here but CULTURE is important.
you can take any field/craft and see the same thing IE :
the countries with the best soccer academies and infrastructure produce some of the best soccer players and World Cup teams.
The countries that take science/tech/ STEM most seriously produce the most viable Candidates in those fields ratio wise.
acting isn’t any different.