*Briahna Joy Gray* looking mad grifterish


May 23, 2012
Bernie's plans did not have pay-for's.

That was the infamous critique of warren's that Bernie bros were spreading.

This article alone kills your argument:

Warren sought to rebut these concerns, arguing her plan would allow the government to negotiate lower prices from drug and hospital companies, reduce overhead from insurers, and provide relief to families worried about rising medical costs.

This is the only reference to pay-fors and every one of them is cribbed directly from M4A 2016 :mjlol:

Again, you lack substance and make up for it with opinion articles and tweets.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
This is the only reference to pay-fors and every one of them is cribbed directly from M4A 2016 :mjlol:

Again, you lack substance and make up for it with opinion articles and tweets.

She can't copy what doesn't exist.

So why did Sanders supporters attack warren for having a more detailed (arguably serious and realistic) plan?

Again, Bernie did not have pay fors. He literally was not telling people how he would fund his plan.

Warren does it. They attack Warren.

You got caught lying.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Since shorty came on whatever scene this is in 2019/2020, she has shown herself to be only an ideologue. She is consistent with this. I believe that she is genuine, but she is also very happy speaking only to people who praise her.
which is why she's doing Greenwald and Russell Brand appearances


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
I think some folk did. Some just kind of tried to brush it aside as unimportant.

I am interested in hearing Bernie's perspective on why he chose her to be his spokesperson and his additional thoughts around that in a q and a type format.

Won't happen, but people ask why folks bring Bernie into it is because his top 2 people on his 2020 campaign are accelerationist and it's clear why his movement torpedoed after his 2016 gains.

The question is, does he support that view?
The Netflix documentary on the rise and fall of his campaign will be first day status. The part where they talk about how black southerners saw through his charade will be :whew:


May 23, 2012

She can't copy what doesn't exist.

So why did Sanders supporters attack warren for having a more detailed (arguably serious and realistic) plan?

Again, Bernie did not have pay fors. He literally was not telling people how he would fund his plan.

Warren does it. They attack Warren.

You got caught lying.
Lower administrative costs and prescription price negotiations have ALWAYS been the key to reducing single-payer costs. That's been since 2016 (and prior with every other single-payer system as proof), and he literally always included a bulleted list of potential pay-fors, just never tied any specifics down. You'd know this, if you bothered to read the article I posted when we began this back and forth.

Sanders’s office released a paper that included this bullet-point list of possible options:

  • Creating a 4 percent income-based premium paid by employees, exempting the first $29,000 in income for a family of four
  • Imposing a 7.5 percent income-based premium paid by employers, exempting the first $2 million in payroll
  • Eliminating health tax expenditures
  • Making the federal income tax more progressive, including a marginal tax rate of up to 70 percent on those making above $10 million
  • Making the estate tax more progressive, including a 77 percent top rate on an inheritance above $1 billion
  • Establishing a tax on extreme wealth
  • Closing a tax-loophole that allows self-employed people to avoid paying certain taxes by creating an S corporation
  • Imposing a fee on large financial institution
  • Repealing corporate accounting gimmicks
The items on this list could no doubt be used to finance a national health care system. But eventually, someone is going to have to pick which items on this list become law — and that’s where things get tough.

I know that your goofy ass will try to rationalize this as not counting, but let's be real. You just didn't read the article, and kept talking out your ass THIS MUCH without stopping to give it a pass-through. The bolded are the same things Warren proposed.
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Nov 19, 2016
The Netflix documentary on the rise and fall of his campaign will be first day status. The part where they talk about how black southerners saw through his charade will be :whew:
It’s wild because I think he had a legitimate chance at winning if he just stayed focused on Medicare for all l, increased min wage, and stronger worker rights.

Then taking those three pillars and bringing it to southern black voters who would eat that shyt up because all of those areas really affect black voters, especially the older ones.

I’d love to see whose political calculation it was to go left on every position as much as possible as a better alternative.

Now I already know HL allstars will say, well that’s because it’s philosophical and not electoral, but that man was running for President :sas1:


Nov 19, 2016
Lower administrative costs and prescription price negotiations have ALWAYS been the key to reducing single-payer costs. That's been since 2016 (and prior with every other single-payer system as proof), and he literally always included a bulleted list of potential pay-fors, just never tied any specifics down. You'd know this, if you bothered to read the article I posted when we began this back and forth.

I know that your goofy ass will try to rationalize this as not counting, but let's be real. You just didn't read the article, and kept talking out your ass THIS MUCH without stopping to give it a pass-through. The bolded are the same things Warren proposed.
It’s weird take because there is no way he wasn’t involved in the Warren vs sanders approaches to paying for universal healthcare.

He might be trolling.


May 23, 2012
It’s weird take because there is no way he wasn’t involved in the Warren vs sanders approaches to paying for universal healthcare.

He might be trolling.
Yeah, it's not a controversial claim. They had the closest platforms to each other which is why people pushed for her to dropout and endorse him before Super Tuesday. Obviously, that pressure from Bernie's side of things backfired badly, but the idea behind it came from their similarities.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Lower administrative costs and prescription price negotiations have ALWAYS been the key to reducing single-payer costs. That's been since 2016 (and prior with every other single-payer system as proof), and he literally always included a bulleted list of potential pay-fors, just never tied any specifics down. You'd know this, if you bothered to read the article I posted when we began this back and forth.
You can't be this shameless.

This is not a pay-for. This is just some generic list of intentions. A "wealth tax" and "fees on financial institutions" is not a plan. it's generic shyt. Warren literally did the do the dollar and cent calculation and had the actual legislative plans to do so. This is what bernie did not say.

Thats like you saying "why don't we tax the rich to pay for [insert pet issue] when that alone is not how you actually fund things and allocate how bureaucracy will be handled".

You can to this hand waving shyt with other people but I actually know what and how this shyt works and thats why everyone knew Bernie was full of shyt and why they hated on Warren.

EVERYONE saw this in real time. Now you're trying to lie about obvious history.

I know that your goofy ass will try to rationalize this as not counting, but let's be real. You just didn't read the article, and kept talking out your ass THIS MUCH without stopping to give it a pass-through. The bolded are the same things Warren proposed.

Warren was held to a double standard when she did more work than Bernie. EVERYONE SAID THIS.


Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a lot of plans—to regulate Wall Street, to expand affordable child care, to eliminate student debt; the list goes on. But when it comes to health care, she took a different tack. Rather than develop her own proposal, she supported Sen. Bernie Sanders’ single-payer plan. “I’m with Bernie on Medicare,” Warren said at the first Democratic debate. Yet, while both presidential candidates embrace Medicare for All, it is only Warren who faced intense pressure—both from the media and her fellow primary contenders—to detail how she would pay for it, and finally released a detailed financing proposal.

You might disagree with the contents but this was a serious piece of work, developed with the assistance of top economists and policy experts. Meanwhile, Sanders, the architect and longtime defender of Medicare for All has, to date, released a mere menu of financing options. And yet it is Warren who has faced the most criticism on this issue, first for not explaining how she would pay for Bernie’s idea, and then for her explanation.


The 2020 Democratic race shifted dramatically from my previous trip to Iowa last fall. Warren was at the front of the pack. She led national polls, was rolling in money, and was ahead in Iowa as well. Her success also meant she was coming under attack, the most potent being for the vagueness of her proposals around health care. On the morning of the Iowa Democrats’ big party dinner in Des Moines, she answered those criticisms with a new health care plan and details on how she would pay for it. From that point on, she began dropping in polls and never fully regained her footing. Voters and party leaders in Iowa would point to that moment as the beginning of the end for her, suggesting the new plan put her at odds with both progressives and moderates. But I see other forces at play here.

We are comfortable with women as leaders in abstract, but when they get close to gaining real power—as Warren did when she rose in the polls—we get uneasy and start questioning them and their motivations in a different way than we do male candidates. Bernie Sanders does not have a good answer on how he would pay for his health care policies, but questions about his plan do not hinder and plague him the way they hurt Warren.


Then, in November, after months of positioning herself as the candidate of plans, Warren faced pressure to release a plan for how to pay for Medicare for All. “There was a pummeling from the left and center on Medicare For All, like ‘you’re the one who has plans, so what’s your plan for this?’” says Katz. “She was attacked for longer and more consistently in that period in the fall than any other candidate has been. At that point it was from all sides.”

When she finally released her Medicare for All plan, which included a “transition period” to “full Medicare for All,” nobody was satisfied. Hardcore progressives attacked the plan as insufficiently radical; moderates attacked it as unrealistic and expensive.

“To the Bernie base, anything that hints of compromise, incrementalism, is verboten,” says Axelrod. “They didn’t want to hear about Elizabeth’s transitional plan. I think that was the beginning of an unraveling, and Bernie doubled down.”

I was a warren supporter. We saw this bullshyt in real time. Bernie was out here talking about superficial ponies. Warren had the actual fukking plan.


@Reflected @skylove4 @Kyle C. Barker @Neo The Resurrected ONE @ColdSlither @wire28 @ezrathegreat @Jello Biafra @Dameon Farrow @Piff Perkins @Pressure [@Armchair Militant @Tres Leches @ADevilYouKhow @dtownreppin214 @Red Shield @987654321


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
It’s wild because I think he had a legitimate chance at winning if he just stayed focused on Medicare for all l, increased min wage, and stronger worker rights.

Then taking those three pillars and bringing it to southern black voters who would eat that shyt up because all of those areas really affect black voters, especially the older ones.

I’d love to see whose political calculation it was to go left on every position as much as possible as a better alternative.

Now I already know HL allstars will say, well that’s because it’s philosophical and not electoral, but that man was running for President :sas1:
Hillary was kissing black babies in the south for 30 years. Biden was the co-pilot for the realest black man at live at that time.

Bernie never stood a chance.

White leftists wanna talk all this fly shyt but cant even get a majority of white voters to support their boy :scust: :picard:



May 23, 2012
You can't be this shameless.

This is not a pay-for. This is just some generic list of intentions. A "wealth tax" and "fees on financial institutions" is not a plan. it's generic shyt. Warren literally did the do the dollar and cent calculation and had the actual legislative plans to do so. This is what bernie did not say.

Thats like you saying "why don't we tax the rich to pay for [insert pet issue] when that alone is not how you actually fund things and allocate how bureaucracy will be handled".

You can to this hand waving shyt with other people but I actually know what and how this shyt works and thats why everyone knew Bernie was full of shyt and why they hated on Warren.

EVERYONE saw this in real time. Now you're trying to lie about obvious history.
:mjlol: you're posting opinion papers and I'm pointing out that Bernie's pay-fors and Elizabeth Warren's pay-fors were the same. A "wealth tax" and "fees on financial institutions" are LITERALLY the Warren plan. Warren took Bernie's greatest hits, and you didn't realize it because for all the shyt you talk about him, you never bothered looking at anything he proposed.

Compare the list I posted from Bernie to this...

Ms. Warren would pay for the new federal spending, $20.5 trillion over 10 years, through a mix of sources, including:

  • Requiring employers to pay the government a similar amount to what they are currently spending on their employees’ health care, totaling $8.8 trillion over a decade.
  • Changing how investment gains are taxed for the top 1 percent of households, raising $2 trillion, and ramping up her signature wealth tax proposal to be steeper on billionaires, raising another $1 trillion.
Creating a tax on financial transactions like stock trades, bringing in $800 billion.

Beyond the $20.5 trillion total, she is also counting on states and local governments to contribute an additional $6.1 trillion to help pay for the system.

Tax employers; a wealth tax; and large stock trades which are only possible to large financial institutions.

  • Creating a 4 percent income-based premium paid by employees, exempting the first $29,000 in income for a family of four
  • Imposing a 7.5 percent income-based premium paid by employers, exempting the first $2 million in payroll
  • Eliminating health tax expenditures
  • Making the federal income tax more progressive, including a marginal tax rate of up to 70 percent on those making above $10 million
  • Making the estate tax more progressive, including a 77 percent top rate on an inheritance above $1 billion
  • Establishing a tax on extreme wealth
  • Closing a tax-loophole that allows self-employed people to avoid paying certain taxes by creating an S corporation
  • Imposing a fee on large financial institution
  • Repealing corporate accounting gimmicks
The bolded taxes employers, establishes a wealth tax; and taxes large financial institutions (though, it doesn't mention doing so via their trades).

You can find all the opinion pieces you'd like, Bernie's solutions and Warren's solutions were always extremely similar.


Rhyme Reason
May 11, 2012
got a call for three nines
Since shorty came on whatever scene this is in 2019/2020, she has shown herself to be only an ideologue. She is consistent with this. I believe that she is genuine, but she is also very happy speaking only to people who praise her.

Can you blame her?

Look at how unfair people are to her


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
:mjlol: you're posting opinion papers and I'm pointing out that Bernie's pay-fors and Elizabeth Warren's pay-fors were the same. A "wealth tax" and "fees on financial institutions" are LITERALLY the Warren plan. Warren took Bernie's greatest hits, and you didn't realize it because for all the shyt you talk about him, you never bothered looking at anything he proposed.

If they're the same why did bernie people attack her? They literally said warren exposed the numbers and made it unpopular and that being more vague would help them. Thats the same shyt they tried in appealing to white voters by ignoring black specific policies.

We see how that turned out :sas2:

Compare the list I posted from Bernie to this...







Tax employers; a wealth tax; and large stock trades which are only possible to large financial institutions.

The bolded taxes employers, establishes a wealth tax; and taxes large financial institutions (though, it doesn't mention doing so via their trades).

You can find all the opinion pieces you'd like, Bernie's solutions and Warren's solutions were always extremely similar.

They're so similar that Warren is the only one that did the actual math

Look how these online progressives attacked warren's plan in real-time 3 years ago:

Look at the comments on this TYT video. EVERYONE was attacking Warren for doing this plan compared to Bernie:

Look how Warren got attacked for this shyt in 2020 INCLUDING Bernie Sanders:

You are full of shyt. Period.
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