He was over, but I agree that had had no impact because they used him about as poorly as they possibly could. They literally had the dude coming off the biggest, most buzzworthy event in wrestling history up to that point, the true WWF Champion who never really lost, and they really had him going after the TV title. That was the first title he got a shot at in WCW. And it was 6 months into his run.
It was the most buzz-worthy event in the WWF. not in the WCW, which had a different audience and was bigger.
tryna tell yall, WCW fans generally didn't care about that chit like that. sting was about to wrestle hulk Hogan in one of the biggest dream matches ever. you think they care about a couple of souped up midcard name-value wrestlers in another promotion like that?
if the screw-job was so monumental, then certainly the crowd would've went ape-chit when bret hart appeared in WCW. but instead their reaction to him was just aiird.
and I remember main eventers who were more over than bret, fighting over the TV title. it might look funny in hindsight of by WWF standards, but in real-time, WCW was THAT stacked.