For years I've been preaching the message of wifing single moms( if the guy doesn't want to be with the mother of his kids what doss that tell you about her), of wifing thots, of just wifing chicks because they look good. Of being unequally yoked.
Men need to stop expecting anything from a woman they are not related to by blood.
Not a text, not a phone call, not a date, not a kiss, not sex, not fidelity, not respect, not sacrifice, not her caring about you, not love not anything
Thus you will never be disappointed, frustrated, angry by her actions
If you get all that cool she has exceeded your expectations if not shrugs curlt your losses and move on
I'm not expecting a Christmas bonus this year but if I get one cool, if not shrugs I'm not going to be disappointed, sad, angry.
Take back the power