Good lord.
The Savoire Faire sample pack arrived and good lord look at this.
Soul Cafe- First off I already spun the block and bought a full bottle of this after sampling for 20 minutes. This is just too damn good. Tobacco, bergamot, and blood orange in the opening and then the coffee kicks in about 10 minutes later and then just goes straight boozy. This is blended masterfully and should be priced higher. Never smelled anything like it.
Lovesuede-This is straight leather/suede and citrus and definitely a fall scent but can be pulled off in the early spring. Reminds me of rich, Corinthian leather in a luxury car. Great quality once again. Probably
Sin, Santo, and muthafukkin-Sage- This was my favorite out of the sample. b/c it's unique as hell and doesn't smell like anything I've ever smelled before. Yes I already bought a 50mL as well. An earthy almost old world, old cedar tree, sage, and palo santo frag. Hard to explain and truthfully still can't describe it. A real emotional fragrance for me. I had to sit with this yesterday evening and was just enamored with it. Spray my pillow last night and this thing is stuck in my head. Soul Cafe is excellent but this one is soooo different it stayed on my mind to the point I brought it to work today. Still sniffing it.