Jump Up and Kiss Me Hedonistic by Clive Christian - I did not think I could love a cherry fragrance but I do. This is so good and well rounded. Insanely overpriced however. A 50ml bottle of this is apparently retailing for $580. Decants of 5ml seem to go for around $80. If the right sale came along, say 20% off, that puts 5ml at around $65, which is a lot of money for a decant but I could swing that because I'd use this fragrance for nice occasions. I don't know why on Fragrantica it appears to list TWO different Hedonistic fragrances but the correct one here is the one listed as "2021" even though to my knowledge this came out in 2017.
Who is workshopping some of this?

Good Lord @ the retail tho smh. You can grab TF Lost Cherry cheaper than that (even though it wasn't my fav cherry fragrance & I'm looking for something else).
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