Brehs, anyone ever experience "Retroactive Jealousy" with their girlfriend?


Nov 19, 2016
Only way his soul will be at peace is if he has parity with her. He gone have to either smash a ton on the low to boost his miserable self confidence or dip.

The hilarious thing though is that if he starts and gets caught she's hurt he'll be on Reddit months later talking about how much of a fool he was and how he lost a great thing

He dips now and his mind with flip back and forth from, damn I lost a good girl...nah she was a slut...rinse..repeat.

Bruh is fukked no matter what he does. Sounds like he needs therapy. Either way he should know women's peak SMV comes years before men's so if he's getting into long term relationships during what should be his prime years while she's already had her fun and is ready to settle down he has nobody to blame but himself. :yeshrug: AND I bet anytime she turns him down for sex or refuses to do some kinky shyt he probably thinks "shed never tell Chad no" :mjlol: yeah this guy needs to just dip and work on himself. Imagine having retroactive cuck fantasies playing in your mind on the daily.

King Poetic

A.K.A. Curve
Feb 15, 2013
Southern California
Dudes have to realize especially if u are over 30 the woman u are with believe it or not was getting fuked in high school, college if she went or even if she haven’t went to college by other dudes

never expect you with a 25 year old plus chick who got only 1 body to her name unless you two are some high school sweethearts

I know for damn sure chicks I been with been hit by other dudes

black men more than any other race have this huge thing about women body count

white girls and Asian girls been ran through a whole college football squad but by their senior year of college or after graduation they getting wife

now !!!never wife a chick who been doing porn shyt and videos all over the place or a chick who let everyone hit... there is some standards tho


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
Dudes have to realize especially if u are over 30 the woman u are with believe it or not was getting fuked in high school, college if she went or even if she haven’t went to college by other dudes

never expect you with a 25 year old plus chick who got only 1 body to her name unless you two are some high school sweethearts

I know for damn sure chicks I been with been hit by other dudes

black men more than any other race have this huge thing about women body count

white girls and Asian girls been ran through a whole college football squad but by their senior year of college or after graduation they getting wife

now !!!never wife a chick who been doing porn shyt and videos all over the place or a chick who let everyone hit... there is some standards tho
How the hell did you come to this conclusion
When the op posted a story about a cac dude:skip:
Y’all muthafukkas just be typing bullshyt:skip:
It’s very obvious you muthafukkas don’t be around other races/ethnicities :skip:
Cac men literally discard their women
If she had one black dikk in her past
That goes with a lot of these “poc” out here as well
But only black men care about numbers:mjlol:
Just be breaking character and telling on yourselves:mjpls:
May 3, 2012
St louis
sounds like junior is hugging the plate.
I aint ever cared about who a chick was
letting hit before me......but then i'm droppin
stoves and deep freezers off in these hoes.



Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
You have to get a similar number of bodies to knowingly be at peace with this. It'll fukk with you otherwise.
This is the only correct answer the issues is the average man will have fukked less women than his partner has fukked men. There's a reason why those who know say it won't work if you like her more than she likes you. She already has a ton of unspoken leverage, if you like her more/don't have more leverage on the emotional/mental front you're FOOD

If you don't at the least feel on equal footing in terms of experience it's a countdown to breaking up. Honestly I could say the same for if she doesn't get off with you consistently, and mad other shyt. Especially with how divorce law works, you can't be in it for the long haul with a woman you iffy about period, logical or not, justified or not if something is persistently bothering you about a woman leave.

Whether or not the man in the equation needs to work on self varies from case to case, in this case dude needs to get a square chick or fukk more women, because if he doesn't have confidence from his career, accomplishments, or innate self-esteem at this point, he won't grow it over night.

Of course things are going well NOW, they're late 20s if he was nerd, probably made good grades, and got a decent job/career. She's looking for the guy that'll provide her attention, companionship, financial, and emotional security forever and ever, (or at least until a lil after the marriage, then she can do whatever).

Truth be told if he met her in college she probably dubs him, but nerds/geeks/regular/nice guys are generally expected to just be pleased with female attention under any circumstance and believe it was them like BBD, as opposed to their situation+her situation+chance/luck

She btw could quell all of this by being freaky/giving mans a 3some, but she won't but I'm sure she would for someone with higher playing rank.

The game is the game, play at your own risk

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May 1, 2012
This is the only correct answer the issues is the average man will have fukked less women than his partner has fukked men. There's a reason why those who know say it won't work if you like her more than she likes you. She already has a ton of unspoken leverage, if you like her more/don't have more leverage on the emotional/mental front you're FOOD

If you don't at the least feel on equal footing in terms of experience it's a countdown to breaking up. Honestly I could say the same for if she doesn't get off with you consistently, and mad other shyt. Especially with how divorce law works, you can't be in it for the long haul with a woman you iffy about period, logical or not, justified or not if something is persistently bothering you about a woman leave.

Whether or not the man in the equation needs to work on self varies from case to case, in this case dude needs to get a square chick or fukk more women, because if he doesn't have confidence from his career, accomplishments, or innate self-esteem at this point, he won't grow it over night.

Of course things are going well NOW, they're late 20s if he was nerd, probably made good grades, and got a decent job/career. She's looking for the guy that'll provide her attention, companionship, financial, and emotional security forever and ever, (or at least until a lil after the marriage, then she can do whatever).

Truth be told if he met her in college she probably dubs him, but nerds/geeks/regular/nice guys are generally expected to just be pleased with female attention under any circumstance and believe it was them like BBD, as opposed to their situation+her situation+chance/luck

She btw could quell all of this by being freaky/giving mans a 3some, but she won't but I'm sure she would for someone with higher playing rank.

The game is the game, play at your own risk

Brutal :wow:


Feb 4, 2015
The Godverse
If he has similar sexual experience, as long as she's letting you smash and not being a prude, it shouldn't matter, but if not this shyt is gonna slowly eat him. He needs to dip and get his body count and sexual experience up. If a chick is moderately attractive chances are she had her hoe phase during college and her early 20s, it is what is.:yeshrug: I think 18-22 the average woman has more bodies than the average man, then it starts to reverse in the mid 20s when men start leveling up. 18-22 are women's prime years in terms of sexual value. That's why men should spend their 20s bossing up and smashing women then maybe start settling down no earlier than their early 30s. Women want to take advantage of their sexual value in their prime years so men should do the same in their prime years.
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Life is absurd. Lean into it.
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
It doesn’t help or matter. That’s from me personally.

It's not a catch-all, but some people can be at peace if they caught a bunch of bodies and indulged in debauchery themselves for a period of time.

And to echo @GodinDaFlesh above me, a lot of dudes are late bloomers. I didn't start putting up numbers until I was pushing 30.